After a long, long time, Leng Yan saw Shui Ye's face that was about to be wanned, and then he reluctantly let go of Shui Ye, this kind of opportunity to bully his son is rare.

She hasn't even been addicted yet!

"Young Master, are you all right?"

Seeing this, Rita quickly fed Shui Ye a bottle of potion to replenish her physical strength, but she didn't expect that she almost fainted without paying attention to her young master for a while.

"I'm fine, but when you get home, you'll be fine."

Shui Ye said viciously.

"Could it be that the young master wants to punish this little maid of mine? What do I need to prepare this time? "

Rita licked the corners of her mouth and asked expectantly.


Leng Yan spewed out, and asked in disbelief, didn't he expect his son to be so open?

Seeing the eyes of other people as if they were looking at a pervert, Shui Ye's heart was very tired, although he did think a little much about WAN in his heart, but Duo'er resolutely disagreed, and by the way, he did not allow Rita to accompany him WAN .

"I didn't, don't get me wrong."

"Oh! We did not misunderstand. "

When the four girls saw Shui Ye's eyes, they quickly subconsciously took a few steps back, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

They are normal girls, not perverts.

"I really don't have a wan, Duo'er she won't let it."

In order to save his image, Shui Ye said loudly to himself.

"So you still want wan in your heart?"

"There is a little, but only a little, and besides, I am not going to let you accompany me, what are you afraid of."

Shui Ye suddenly reacted, he was originally a gentleman, what image did he want, of course, how cool and how to come.

Since the image has been lost, Shui Ye simply chose to let go of himself.

"This is the end of this, Rita, I'll teach you a good lesson when I get back."

Shui Yeqi hummed and said, the old mother can't take revenge anyway, since that's the case, then she can only spread her anger on this little maid who is standing by.

Rita stuck out her tongue, anyway, any punishment didn't matter to her, don't forget that her essence can be transformed.

Shui Ye stood up from the ground and returned his gaze to Duo'er.

The Thunder Tribulation seems to have been carried out for most of the time, and both the power and the number are slowly weakening.

Duo'er also did an operation that Shui Ye did not expect, letting the superpower slab float above her own head, resisting the thunder that bore the brunt.

Seeing this scene, Shui Ye didn't know how to evaluate, saying that the superpower slate should not be smashed by thunder, right?

It stands to reason that the treasure separated from Arceus should not be so brittle!

Shui Ye just thought like this in his heart, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a scene that made his jaw almost drop, and the stepping horse was really broken, broken!

In front of this crowd, the superpower slate turned into a pile of fragments of various sizes.

Big brother, you are also a treasure that fell from Arceus, which is too unpressing!

A few thunderbolts will smash you, you are throwing Arceus in the face, do you know?

If the superpower slate is conscious, Shui Ye really wants to rush to it and ask it properly, are you so useless worthy of Arceus?

"Xiao Ye, what's wrong with you? Why did your face suddenly change? "

"Mom, that slate is broken.

Shui Ye said without tears, suddenly feeling that his heart hurt, which fell from Arceus.

Even if the saliva spit out of the mouth, that alpaca is not an ordinary treasure, let alone a creation stone slab that contains the power of a law.

"Is that stone slab precious?"

Others also stared at Shui Ye with curious eyes, hoping to get an answer from his mouth, after all, treasures and other things can naturally arouse women's curiosity.

"Do you really want to know?"

Shui Ye had a wicked smile on his face and asked deliberately.


The women nodded eagerly, looking forward to Shui Ye's answer.

"Haha! But I just won't tell you. "

"Little night!"

Leng Yan showed an extremely angry expression on his face, and he wanted to rush up and teach this little villain a good lesson, but he dared to tease his mother.

"Mom, it's not that I don't tell you, but the matter about that stone slab is too important, ordinary people know that there is really no benefit, and if it is spread, I am afraid that the whole world will be in chaos."

Shui Ye smiled bitterly, knowing that he would not open WAN just now.

"Brother Mizuye, but I seem to have seen a stone slab similar to that slab before."

A bright smile appeared on Xiye's face and said with a smile.

"The condition is that I must tell you the origin of the slate, right?"

Shui Ye rolled his eyes, this kind of routine he didn't know how many times he had seen it in the novel.

"Well, that's right, Brother Shui Ye is so smart."

"Sorry, but I refuse."

Seeing Xiye's confident smile, Shui Ye wanted to say no to those self-righteous women.

Besides, although he doesn't know how many people in this world know about the creation slate, but this is definitely the fewer people who know, the better, muffled to make a fortune, isn't it fragrant?

"I said that the matter about the creation slate is too big to affect the balance of the whole world, do you think I am opening a wan?

Shui Ye said speechlessly.

"Xiao Ye, I really thought you were opening a WAN with us just now."

"Genesis Slate? I really want to hear a wonderful word, does the name of the stone slab turn out to be the Genesis Slate? "

Sun Xi pushed the big eyes of the black frame, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, didn't he expect that Brother Shui Ye also had a cute side? It's really fun.

"We heard you too."

Leng Yan and the other three girls also said in unison.

Shui Ye couldn't help but cover his face, because his mentality exploded.

What he just said, he actually said the real name of the slate, and this is finished.

They all blame his mother and Rita for making his brain a little dizzy now, and things turned out to be like this.

"Young Master, are you habitually throwing the pot?"

Seeing Shui Ye's resentful eyes, Rita said with contempt.

"Isn't there part of your responsibility? Especially you, Mom, your pot is the biggest, which makes my head dizzy, so I subconsciously said what I was thinking. "

"So mom and sisters, can you take it as if you didn't hear?"

"No, I like to study all kinds of historical objects the most, that stone slab is very old at first glance, I must find information about them after I go out."

Sun Xi said in a flat voice, as a scholar-level figure, she was qualified to say such things.

"I said that the leakage of the slate will affect the balance of the entire world, and you will definitely be in danger, why do you still know?"

Shui Ye said angrily.

"In the end, Brother Shui Ye, you still don't believe us?"

"If it's Miss Rita, you will definitely tell her without hesitation."

"Isn't that nonsense? We just met today, and Dolly and Rita grew up with me since childhood, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are my closest relatives, we can give our lives for each other, what do you let me believe in you? "

Leng Yan's eyes showed a faint bitterness and vinegar when she heard this, she is really unqualified as a mother, her son's heart has long been occupied by other girls, and she is still stupid and does not know.

Even the words of paying their lives for them can be said, thinking of Shui Ye's subconscious actions just now, Leng Yan felt that her heart was sour, this is her son!

There is a strong envy in the eyes of the four women, which should be the most beautiful love words for girls!

The husband and wife are birds of the same age, and they have seen a lot of things that fly separately when the disaster comes, but there are too few lovers who can live and die together, and they didn't expect to meet a pair today.

I really envy Miss Dora and Miss Rita!

The four women couldn't help but have such a thought in their hearts. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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