"No need, Auntie has been losing weight recently, and she can't eat these high-calorie foods."

"Allie, let me tell you, after a woman reaches the age of thirty, the body is easy to start out of shape, at this time, if you do not maintain your figure well, it is easy to get fat, obesity is a woman's biggest natural enemy."

"You must know that men are visual animals, and if they are too fat, they can only stay alone in the empty room."

Leng Yan said with a fake persuasion, but his expression was a little fake, at least the others present could see it.

"Is that so? Thank you Auntie, but the food I eat will grow in the place where the meat grows, and they are still developing, and I am also very distressed! "

Allie held the two heavy fruits in both hands and said with a distressed expression.

The corner of Leng Yan's mouth twitched, this is definitely a naked show-off!

Except for Rita and Liz, the remaining few people saw this scene, they all lowered their heads in inferiority, from head to toe, a horse flat, there was nothing to stand in the way.

Especially Duo'er, I feel that my mentality has collapsed again, why hasn't she grown up, she has obviously become a divine beast, she feels as if she is only a little older than before, it's really angry!

Saying that, Aili lifted the corner of her white shirt again, revealing a snow-white slender waist that was gripped by a hand, and said with a more distressed expression:

"Mom and dad say I'm too thin, but I just can't eat fat, it's really annoying!"

Leng Yan's mentality exploded even more when she heard this, was this girl sent by heaven to sincerely oppose her?

So far, she has not won the verbal confrontation between the two, and has been pressed under her by this girl.

"Oh, then Allie, you can eat more."

"Well, I will try to gain weight, since Auntie you want to lose weight, then eat this bowl of greens, we only ordered this bowl of greens, not other vegetarian dishes, I'm really sorry, Auntie."

Alice Phil said with an embarrassed look.

You are eating big fish and meat in front of me, let me eat a bowl of green vegetables, how can I eat it!

Leng Yan saw that everyone had found a place to sit down and began to eat all kinds of delicious dishes, and there was only a plate of fried greens in front of her, smelling the aroma of various dishes, and feeling that the whole person was about to be fried.

But she has just said that she wants to lose weight, and at this time she is embarrassed to take the initiative to say that she wants to eat other dishes, is this considered lifting a rock to shoot herself in the foot?

Allie, well done!

Shui Ye gave a hidden thumbs up to Allie, and finally someone could cure this tricky old mother.

"Shui Ye, why are you giving me a thumbs up?"

Alice Phil saw Shui Ye's movements and asked with a puzzled look.

It's just that where no one saw it, a smile flashed in the depths of Alice Phil's eyes.

Shui Ye was also blinded when he saw this, could it be that Aili was not acting just now, but really cute?

But at this time, he didn't have time to think about too many things, because his mother's eyes that seemed to eat people had already glanced over.

"Xiao Ye, what is your thumbs up, is there something dissatisfied with your mother?"

"Mom, my thumbs up means to support you to lose weight, absolutely meant."

"But I don't want to lose weight now, anyway, I'm going to be single again, of course, how cool is it."

Leng Yan grabbed the big lobster of the water night hand and ate it in a big mouthful, it was so fragrant!

"Mom, I bit it."

"Xiao Ye, your mother doesn't dislike you, you even dislike your mother?"

"Mom, then you eat more, and besides, do you really plan to divorce your father?"

Shui Ye asked with a solemn face.

"That's right, even if I didn't encounter the Misty Mountain Range, I already planned to divorce him."

"Can you tell me why?"

Shui Ye asked with a calm face, although he had seen since he was a child that his parents got along more like friends than husband and wife, and respected each other like guests.

"The two of us didn't have any feelings at all from beginning to end, and he also had an illegitimate daughter outside, who was with his first love in college, so I planned to fulfill him."


Shui Ye quickly glanced his head and couldn't help but squirt out a sip of drink, he couldn't imagine that his father who was so decent and serious would have an illegitimate daughter outside, wasn't this teasing him?

This is like a fantasy to him, and the water night has not slowed down so far.

"Xiao Ye, I know it's hard for you to accept, but it's true, but I only recently learned about his daughter."

Leng Yan said with a wry smile.

"Mom, I'm fine, I just didn't slow down for a while."

Shui Ye glanced at his mother sympathetically, no wonder he wanted to divorce, he had been hidden for more than ten years, and no one could accept it, although the two did not have any feelings, but the minimum respect between each other was still needed.

Dad really didn't do it right.

"Xiao Ye, what kind of eyes are you, mother is not miserable enough to need your sympathy, right?"

"Mom, it's me who is wrong, you should be happy to break up."

"That's right, to celebrate my imminent return to single life, we have to have a drink today, and no one wants to run."

Leng Yan abruptly stood up from the seat, slapped the table, and said imposingly.

"Rita, then you can order some more appetizers, if you have wine, we have also stored a lot of good wine in the basement cellar over the years, Duoer, Liz, you go and get it with me."

"Hmm! Let's go at night. "

When the three returned, each had an extra wooden box of wine, two of which were red wine and one box of white wine, and the kitchen itself had a lot of beer stored.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, under the temptation of three times the price of Rita, the takeout was delivered early.

The aroma of various marinades, crayfish, fried chicken, and barbecue mixed together made everyone's mouth water.

Basically everyone chose red wine, even Yiyi, the little girl Shui Ye, also poured her a small glass, although red wine with these snacks is very strange.

The degree of white is too high, and you will get fat after drinking beer.


Everyone touched the wine glass, and the purple-red liquor was immediately drunk.

Yiyi also took a small sip carefully, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she immediately drank again, this wine is much better than liquor and beer, sweet and sour with a fruity aroma, just like a drink.

Not surprisingly, Yiyi, who drank wine as a drink, successfully let himself be the first to get drunk, and said with drunken eyes:

"Huh! Uncle, how did you become two people, three people again, four? "

Yiyi's words made everyone laugh, and Shui Ye said speechlessly:

"Didn't you notice this little girl? Let her drink so much. "

"It's okay, it's a wine with a low degree anyway, just enough to listen to what she wants to say next, it's fun to spit out the truth after drinking."

Leng Yan took a sip of red wine and said with a grin, obviously it was not the first time to do this kind of thing.

(PS: This half month to prepare for the second subject three and subject four, the coach plans to end half a month, every day to go to train the car, strive for five changes every day, add more after making up)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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