"Wind speed dog, come back quickly!"

Seeing this scene, Konoe Yousuke quickly took out the Spirit Ball, flashed red, and wanted to take back the wind speed dog, but unfortunately the speed was a little slower, and in an instant the wind speed dog was swallowed into the quicksand hell.

By the time the smoke and dust disappeared, the battlefield had turned into a land of quicksand, where there was still the shadow of the wind speed dog.

"Groove! This Shakira is so strong, doesn't it mean that Shakira is not as strong as its initial type because it evolved into a chrysalis? What's going on? "

"Can the wild Shakira be the same as the Shakira that this big guy carefully bred?"

At this time, more and more students and teachers heard the movement here and rushed over to see the liveliness.

"Shakira, hurry up and stop Quicksand Hell, we have won this battle."

Suwon Dome heard the wailing of the wind speed dog coming from the quicksand, and finally a trace of unbearability flashed in his eyes, and ordered Shakira to release the wind speed dog.


Shakira answered, and a stream of air erupted from the pointed lower body, jumping out of the ground, without Shakira's energy support, the constantly flowing quicksand hell stopped after a while, revealing a wind-speed dog covered in small wounds, bleeding and dying.

"Wind speed dog, come back."

A flash of anger and distress flashed in Konoe Yousuke's eyes, and he quickly used the Pokeball to take back the seriously injured wind speed dog, and then was sent to first aid by the nurses in the battlefield.

The guards Yousuke, who is distressed by the wind speed dog, wants to follow along, this is his trump card! Without a wind speed dog, he is nothing, and any formal trainer can beat him.

And although the wind speed dog is not as rare as the quasi-god, it is far beyond the ordinary royal elves, and among the fire elves, it is also a powerful elf in the top ranking.

Not to mention that the wind speed dog is still a kind of elf who is extremely loyal to the trainer and will not betray in his life, which is even more valuable.

"Stop, when did I say you could go?"

As soon as the words fell, the shadow behind Shui Ye flashed slightly, and an illusory elf with a dark body and two orange flames burning in his eyes suddenly appeared in front of Konoe Yousuke and stopped him.

With the appearance of this little elf, the temperature of the whole audience seemed to drop several degrees, and everyone inexplicably felt cold in their hearts, just wanting to get as far away from the pitch-black illusory elf as possible.

"What else do you want? Isn't it enough that my wind-speed dog has already been beaten half to death by you? "

Konoe Yousuke's face was distorted, and when he faced this pitch-black elf at close range, he only felt that his entire body was about to freeze, and asked with his teeth trembling.

"Not enough, I said that you and that scumbag teacher either honestly eat a shot of Shakira's destruction death, or you can try the curse of Machado, the former you can survive, the latter whether you can survive depends on your luck."


Konoe Yousuke and the scum teacher shivered together, if they had a choice, they would rather choose to destroy the death light than choose the curse, so he told Mizuye that this thing was contaminated with a careless one that would die.

"I am a man of his word, and if I say today that I beat you halfway, I will beat you half to death, and I will never break my word."


When the students watching on the side heard this sentence, they couldn't help but spew out, but they didn't expect that this domineering big guy had such a humorous side!

Even the dome standing on the stage couldn't help but purse his lips and laugh, is this brother who suddenly appeared so interesting?

"And those who have bullied my sister, it's best to stand up honestly yourself, otherwise Ben Shao will first tear down your school, and then personally go to the guard's house to ask for justice."


Everyone was taken aback, did this big guy mean to hit the guards? This is something that I haven't seen in many years, and this is really a big deal!

"Hey! Don't you think you're too overbearing? This is the school of all of us, and the only people who bully the dome are the group of Konoe Yousuke, we students are obediently attending classes here, why do you want to tear down our school? "

The black long straight cold beauty just now stood up and said with hatred.

"I only know one thing: when an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent."

"For the sake of you helping my sister just now, let me get out of the way, otherwise I will even beat you together, don't think that you are beautiful and you are reluctant to beat you."

Although Shui Ye felt that this cold beautiful girl had a somewhat familiar feeling, now was the highlight moment of his pretend, and the system tasks had not yet been completed! Women give me claws!

"You you you!"

Under the snow, Xue Nai was about to be mad, but she didn't expect this guy to look so beautiful, but his personality was so rude, he was really angry with her!

The students who have bullied Suwon Dome, whether male or female, are all worried at this time, their faces are extremely pale, and their feet are trembling, for fear that the water night will give each of them a destructive death light, they are so young, they don't want to die!

"Your Excellency, as a foreigner, is it too arrogant in our cherry blossom country! If you want to demolish our century-old famous school of Zongwu Gao, you can't do it just by lip service, let the old man try your skills. "

Suddenly, a loud voice came in from outside, and as the flow of people parted to the sides, an old man with bronzed skin and a strong figure walked in.

"Great, it's our former Fire King Shichijo Sect of the Sakura Country."

A cheer suddenly erupted in the crowd, and when the guard heard this, his face suddenly showed a bit of expectation.

"Duck-billed Flame Dragon, come out!"

Nanajo Sota took out a Flame Spirit Ball and threw it out.

A few drops of fiery red liquid dripped from its flat mouth shaped like a duck's bill, burning the ground into small holes.

The moment this duck-billed flame dragon appeared, the coolness just now was swept away, and this duck-billed flame dragon was like a volcano, constantly emitting heat around.

In a few moments, the interior of the building turned into a stove, making everyone sweat.

"A champion-level duck-billed flame dragon?"

As soon as Shui Ye's heart moved, the information of this duck-billed flame dragon appeared in his eyes.

[Elven race]: Duck-billed flame dragon

【Quality】: Top grade

[Level]: 83

[Attribute]: Fire

[Features]: Body of Flame

[Hidden Features]: Motivation

[Gender]: Male

[Skills]: Spark, Smoke Screen, Turbid Mist, Flame Vortex, Jet Flame, Flame Fist, Big Sunny Day, Big Word Burst, Destruction Death Light, Overheating, Energy Storage Flame Attack, Ultimate Impact...

[Systematic Evaluation]: A duck-billed flame dragon that has surpassed its own limits and has become a champion-level dragon with unremitting efforts through long-term hard training, and will is its most powerful force.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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