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This is its first appearance performance after breaking through the quasi-divine beast, and it must satisfy the owner, otherwise its status in the owner's mind will definitely become lower and lower.

Whoever let Sister Shanaido have mostly become a divine beast, its little quasi-divine beast may not be put in the eyes of the owner.

Moreover, Shanaiduo's eldest sister can only break through with the help of the master, if it can please the master, won't it also become a divine beast in the future.

"Absolu, use the freezing light, stop it."

Shiina Yukio quickly threw out a pok?? ball, and a pure white elf with a dark blue horn shaped like a scythe on the right side of his head appeared in front of Mizuno, it was Absolu who was known as the disaster beast.

What was surprising was that the aura emitted by this Absolu was faintly a little stronger than the violent salamander, and it was also a genuine quasi-divine beast.

"Salamander, get out of the way."

The ice system has double damage to the dragon system and the flight system, so that the superposition is super high four times the damage, and the two are quasi-divine beasts, which do not have the long and perverted physical strength of the divine beast.

Freezing light as a great trick of the ice system, if the violent salamander is hit, it will definitely consume a lot of the violent salamander's physical strength, so that it is not so easy to win Absoluko in the next battle.

When the violent salamander heard this, he quickly gave up gathering the dragon energy in the air, his wings shook, and he easily dodged the freezing light, and the looming stars in the sky disappeared.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, this dragon star group smashed down, it is really difficult to say how much they can have left in the school.

As the only great trick of the dragon system, the Dragon Star Group not only has the highest damage effect, but also a super wide range of group attacks.

The only drawback is that the charging time is too long and it is easy to be interrupted.

"Little friend, I think we can still discuss this matter properly, there is no need to be so impulsive."

"Yes, as long as you agree to my conditions, everything is good to say, if you are afraid of losing face, you can fire these two guys first, anyway, this kind of rat you will be expelled sooner or later, it shouldn't matter if you get a little earlier."

Shui Ye said with a smile.


Shiina Yukiyo's face was tangled when he heard this, to be honest, he really didn't want to fight with this violent salamander, this is the territory of their total martial arts, if the two quasi-divine beasts fight desperately, three or five general martial arts are probably not enough for them to tear down.

After the demolition is completed, they will still have to repair it at their own expense, and this is not only a matter of money, but also of time.

After this trip, how many sources of life they will lose in their total martial arts, at least they will be greatly injured, and I don't know how long it will take to recover.

But just bow their heads like this, their total martial arts face will at least lose most of it, tangled!

At the same time, just as the violent salamander and Absolu were confronting, in another place not far away, two equally powerful auras suddenly rose, competing with the breath emitted by the violent salamander and Absolu.

In just a short while, four quasi-divine beasts had already appeared in this small place!

"What's wrong today? Quasi-divine beast gathering? How come two quasi-divine beasts suddenly appeared! "

Shui Ye complained, he just wanted to pretend to be a biah, why is it so difficult!

Fortunately, he was more prescient, in order to avoid the overturning of this trip to the cherry blossom country, he asked Allie to borrow the Vulcan worm in advance, and then let Duo'er warn the Vulcan Insect with the breath of the divine beast, so that the Vulcan Insect temporarily became his elf.

"Young Master, as far as I know, this area has its high school campus, and next to Chiba Sobu Private High School is Hidechiin Gakuen, this school is the top high school in Sakura Country, and the students are basically either rich or expensive, bringing together the descendants of half of the upper-class elites of Sakura Country."

Rita's voice was not concealed in the slightest, making Shiina Yuki's face darken a little.

Although what you said is the truth, there is no need to say it so nakedly!

"The person who needs to use the protection of quasi-divine beasts should not be the next emperor of the Sakura Kingdom Heavenly Royal Clan, right? It is said that the women of the Celestial Royal Family are quite ugly, Rita, is there such a thing? "

Ask Rita when things are undecided, Shui Ye has long developed this good habit.

"Young Master, this time,"

Rita was about to say something when she was interrupted by an angry, gentle female voice.

"Shui Ye, you bastard, what is the ability to say bad things about others behind your back, you have the ability to stand in front of me and say ah!"

I don't know when, there were suddenly two more beautiful girls with long black straight in the vicinity of the water night.

A petite cat in his arms looks a bit like Sun Eevee, but in the impression of Water Night, it seems that there is no such petite Sun Eevee!

The other is an expressionless, icy black long straight face, even colder than the one that Shui Ye saw just now, and a huge golden monster floating behind him.

The appearance of these two elves instantly aroused the vigilance of the violent salamander and Absolu, and the breath of the two quasi-divine beasts just now was exactly what they emitted.

"This beauty, who are you? We don't seem to know each other! "

Shui Ye saw that the gentle girl holding the sun Eevee was staring at her with a puffy face, and made a confused expression at the right time, which looked like the real thing.

It's just that this expression fell in the eyes of Jingu Sou, which made the anger in her heart rise another level.

"Damn, you big bastard, you said that we would meet again when we grew up, but you even forgot who I am."

Jingu Sou is really angry, before seeing the news of Water Night, sharing the amusement park with Alice Phil, and then staying in the hotel, her heart was as sour as eating lemon.

Say okay, when I grow up, Sakura Country will find me, you big liar! Talking doesn't count at all.

"Xiao Xuan, don't be angry, I just made a joke with you just now, now I didn't come at the appointment, as a good friend who hasn't seen each other for a long time, shouldn't we have a hug between us for a long time to reunite?"

Mizuya said and opened his arms, pretending to want to put his arm around Jingu Sou.

"I don't want it!"

Jingu subconsciously avoided Shui Ye's embrace, if it was only the two of them, she wouldn't mind letting Shui Ye hug her, but now under this large audience, if she was hugged by Shui Ye, her princess image would not be needed.

"And if I hadn't noticed the movement happening here and took the initiative to come and investigate, would you have taken the initiative to come to me?"

"Xiao Xuan, you can't blame me for this, you didn't leave me an address when you went home, Sakura Country is so big, where can I find you!"

Shui Ye said with a wry smile.

He and Jingu were junior high school classmates, and when Jingu was an exchange student from Sakura Country and was going to study at Seiya Academy for a year, she happened to be Mizuya's tablemate.

In this way, the two were at the same table for a year, and then Jingu returned to Sakura Country.

When parting, both of them were tearful, probably because they were too sad, no one mentioned their home address, contact information and other things, and the two lost contact like this.

As time passed, Shui Ye gradually forgot about it, and only occasionally recalled that he had a good friend who had nothing to say in the beginning.

And to be honest, when Jingu played junior high school, he didn't look so gentle and charming now, on the contrary, when he was in junior high school, Jingu was a little fat, and he wore a braces that corrected the growth of teeth.

In addition, as an exchange student from abroad, he is also a class of excluded students in Shengya College.

At that time, the divine soldier descended from the sky, gave full play to the individualism of the hero to save the beauty, and helped Jingu Sou several times, so he became a good friend who talked about everything with Jingu Sou, and he really regarded Jingu Sou as a good friend, or a good brother.

After all, wearing a brace, he is still a little fat girl, and he is not good at lowering his mouth.

Now she is really a female eighteen changes, after losing weight, she has completely become a beautiful girl who is not inferior to Rita.

Sure enough, his vision was right, he saw that Jingu would definitely look good after losing weight, but what he didn't expect was that he would look so good.

"Then you don't ask me for contact information and address?"

"We were all so sad at the beginning, who would remember such a little thing! Now we are not reunited, which proves that there is only fate, no matter how far apart we are, there will be a day when we will be reunited. "

"Even if you can speak, I forgive you."

Jingu smiled toothlessly, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

(PS: tried my best, only four more, make up tomorrow)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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