"I never said that a single axolotl can make you bow your head."

Shui Ye smiled faintly, but this smile fell in the eyes of the guards, which made him feel extremely uneasy in his heart.

What does this mean, does Water Night still have hole cards?

No, this is impossible, how difficult it is to cultivate a quasi-divine beast, only the rulers of these big families will know, generally it is very likely to invest huge resources, and there will be a high chance of failure.

He had also heard a little about Shui Ye's reputation, but most of it was about his women, and the only thing he could rely on was the maid's violent salamander.

As for the ghost-type elf, a champion is not yet in his eyes.

That's right, Shui Ye is probably bluffing, want to use this to sing an empty city plan?

The guards who had many thoughts flashing in their hearts also quickly calmed down and mocked:

"Who wouldn't? If you have the ability, take out your dependence! "

"Rita, today let the head of the guards take a look, what is called there are people outside the sky, there are people outside the sky, there is no divine beast in hand and dare to be so arrogant, you are the first and the most stupid one I have seen."

Shui Ye opened his mouth and closed his mouth to be a divine beast, so that the face of the guards general could not help but turn red, if their guards really had a divine beast, they would not need to attach themselves to the royal family, and they would have protested with the royal chamber long ago.

"Yes, young master."

"Come out, Vulcan worm."

The maid lady took out a pixie ball, lightly pressed it and threw it out, and in a flash of red light, a huge moth covered in flames appeared in everyone's eyes.

At the moment of appearance, it is like a small sun, constantly emitting light and heat in all directions.

"Groove! It is actually a Vulcan worm, this is a pokemon that is rarer than a quasi-god, where did Shui Ye come from? "

"The point is that the level of this Vulcan insect is absolutely high, didn't you see that the wind speed dog has begun to grin? His eyes were full of jealousy towards the Vulcan Insect. "

"A Quasi-Divine Beast peak, a Vulcan Worm that can almost step into the Divine Beast realm?"

Shiina Yukio, who was standing on the side, opened his mouth wide and muttered with a dumbfounded look.

"Old Headmaster, what are you talking about?"

"The young people are really amazing now! That Vulcan insect was already the peak of a quasi-divine beast, and it was one step away from becoming a divine beast. "

As long as the divine beast appears, if it does not converge the power emanating from the body, it will affect the surrounding environment.

Like the super energy system, the dragon system divine beast is a little better, similar to the elemental divine beast in the water system, fire system and electric system, as long as it appears, it will change the climate of a region

And this Vulcan insect now has a trace of the characteristics of a divine beast, and the fire energy emitted is affecting the environment in this area.


Everyone gasped for air, only feeling that their throats were dry and they couldn't speak.

This life is too difficult, when others are so old, there is more than one quasi-divine beast in hand, hugging left and right, like a winner in life, even the princess has soaked two.

And what about them! Still in class at school, look at the elves in their hands, they are all ordinary elves on the rotten street, no matter how hard they work to train the king of heaven, it is difficult to achieve.

How can the gap between people be so big!

Most of the students present immediately felt that life had lost its meaning, this kind of life winner who is more open than hanging up, what do they chase, or honestly accept their fate!

At the first glance when she saw the Vulcan Worm, Shinomiya Kaguya's face changed, although she guessed that Mizuya was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

But I didn't expect that this guy would hide so deeply, the Vulcan Insect at the peak of the quasi-divine beast, with the potential of the Vulcan Beast, once it becomes a divine beast, it is also an extremely powerful one among the divine beasts.

In this way, she is not without hope of revenge.

Shinomiya Kaguya bit his lip and stared at Mizuya's back with unwilling eyes.

The moment the Vulcan insect appeared, a pair of blue compound eyes stared at the most powerful wind speed dog present besides it, and the momentum of the quasi-divine beast surged towards the wind speed dog.

Immediately, the huge body of the wind speed dog fell slightly, the dragon teeth grinned, and let out a low roar, making a posture that was ready to fight at any time.

Although the size difference between the two is huge, if they really fight, the Vulcan insect will definitely crush the wind speed dog.

Fire system to fire system, the damage is halved, at this time it depends on whose flame temperature is higher, and since ancient times has been worshipped as the sun to worship the elf, the fire temperature of the fire god worm can even exceed the magma, basically located at the apex of the fire elf.

Not to mention that the Vulcan Worm also has a difficult insect line, the fire poison produced by the peak quasi-divine beast is not so easy to remove, one is not careful, this wind speed dog will be damaged here today.

After the violent salamander saw that the big guy of the Vulcan insect also came out, he suddenly became energetic again, silently lowered the flight altitude, and blocked the direction where the wind speed dog might escape.

Although it can't win, it's still no problem to stop this wind speed dog.

Seeing the two quasi-divine beasts cooperating one after the other to stop the wind speed dog in place, ready to attack, the guards general's heart couldn't help but secretly anxious, this is a quasi-divine beast that their guards are most likely to break through the divine beast.

If it was broken here, he was sure that those old immortals in the family could devour him alive.

Now even if you call for family support, it is useless.

First, the time can't catch up, and second, the signature elf of their guards family is the wind speed dog, and the only three quasi-divine beasts in the family are also wind speed dogs, which can be said to be restrained to death by the Vulcan insect.

Three together, it may not be possible to defeat this Vulcan worm, let alone a violent salamander next to it.

"Vulcan worm, violent salamander, prepare to attack, today Ben will eat dog meat."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the wind speed dog instantly became dark as ink, and a pair of copper bell-sized eyes instantly stared at the water night.

As a quasi-divine beast, its wisdom has long been no less than that of any human being, but today some people want to use him as food.

If it weren't for these two quasi-divine beasts blocking in front of it, it would definitely make this arrogant human being.



The violent salamander and the fire god insect instantly let out a cry, both opened their mouths in unison, the violent salamander was gathering the energy to destroy the death light, and the fire god worm was slowly burning a reddish flame all over its body.

(PS: Sorry, it's late to upload, there is another chapter next, I don't know if the fifth chapter can be written, it's in the codeword desperately)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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