Unconsciously, the guard general also lowered his posture, and said with a slight flattery:

"Shui Shao, then I'll make a long story short, you have already guessed, Konoe Yousuke is not my son, but the illegitimate son of that slut and the current head of the Riku Gong family, Riku Miya Tai Kazusheng."

"Before that slut married me, she had already reconciled with Riku Miya Tai, and also secretly married a bead fetus and became pregnant with Konoe Yusuke."

When the guard general also said this, his hand was forceful, and with a click, the glass suddenly cracked, allowing the slag to plunge into his palm, and blood flowed.

"Take over?"

Shui Ye blurted out subconsciously when he heard this, and then he saw the look of grievance and helplessness in the eyes of the guards, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

As a man, he could well understand the mood of the guards at the moment.

This he meow is no longer an ordinary miserable, it turns out that not only the green hat, but also the takeover, which is a strange shame on the head of any man.

Not to mention that the guard general is still the head of the guard's family, how can he endure that he is a takeover man!

"That's right, that Lusheng Palace Taihe is simply deceitful, my Guards family has been saddling the Heavenly Royal since ancient times, but I didn't expect to end up in such a situation."

"Which family does that wife of yours belong to?"

"The Nijo family, along with my Konoe family, is one of the five families."

Konoe Shoya's tone revealed a sense of weakness, the power of a Nijo family alone was not inferior to his Konoe family, not to mention a Riku Gong family.

This is also the general of the guards who also knew the news before getting married, but did not dare to show it at all, and pretended to be very happy to marry that slut.

The word divine beast is like a big mountain, and in the past ten years, it has been deeply pressed on his heart, and it is almost overwhelming him.

Fortunately, now I finally see a glimmer of light, as long as I can slaughter Lu Sheng Gong Taihe and that slut, he can pay any price.

"So everything you did during the day was also done for Riku Miya Taihe?"

"Shui Shao really knows it, yes, Shiina-sama is a die-hard supporter of the current emperor, and Rikunomiya Yasuwa originally competed with His Majesty the Emperor for the position of emperor."

"As a result, Riku Miya Taiwa made a bad move, among which Shiina-sama also contributed a lot of strength in it, and those families that supported Riku Miya Taiwa were not willing to fail, so they now want to push Riku Miya Taiwa's son to the throne."

"The head of the Guards family is really scheming, he wants to break into the faction of Lusheng Palace Taihe, and then fight back at a critical moment to complete the great cause of revenge!"

Shui Ye clapped his hands and said with a look of admiration.

"Water less said and laughed, compared with water less, I can only play these unpopular means."

The guard general also said with a humble expression.

"If nothing else, tomorrow morning you should be able to see an overwhelming amount of negative information about me and Xiao Xuan, right?"

"That's right, this afternoon, Lu Sheng Gong Taihe secretly came to me in person, directly pulled me into his power, and gave me a lot of benefits, let me come forward tomorrow to slander the princess palace and Shui Shaoyou."

"This gesture of Corporal Lixian is really good enough."

"Yes, if I hadn't known about him and that slut, I'm afraid I would have been touched to nod my head."

The guard general also said with a look of emotion.

"So, that Lu Sheng Gong Taihe should have completely let down his guard against you in his heart and treated you as a hardcore henchman?"

"That's right, after all, everything I did today has long cut off all the back roads, not only offending the current emperor, but also offending the Shiina-sama and Shiina-sama, if you don't take him as a backer, you will definitely face the crazy suppression of His Majesty the Emperor and the Shiina-sama next."

"In that case, you will fully cooperate with all the actions of the Lu Sheng Palace family tomorrow, and then go and ask the Lu Sheng Palace family for a family affair for your incomplete son, and let the Lu Sheng Palace family choose a family woman to marry your son."

"For the sake of your incomplete son, you said that you are willing to offer a cherished tree fruit, which is the cherished tree fruit that caused that wind speed dog to mutate in the first place, luring him into the wild, I don't need to say more about what to do next!"

Shui Ye showed a 'sinister' smile and asked playfully.

"Master Guard, what do you think of this plan?"

"Good idea, Riku Gong Taihe has long been hungry for this giant wind speed dog of our Guards family, and if he uses that kind of cherished tree fruit to ripen quickly as bait, he will definitely not be able to help but be moved."

The guard general couldn't help but slap his palm and said with an excited face.

"As for Lu Sheng Gong Taihe, how should he die? I also have some immature ideas here, Master of the Guards, you listen to me, we will improve them later. "

Shui Ye showed an 'embarrassed' smile after speaking.

"Less water, please speak."

The guards also made a gesture of deference.

"Just by killing Riku Shenggong Taihe like this, doesn't the head of the guards think that something is too cheap for him? And this does not seem to help Xiao Zuo to ascend the throne much, the most important thing is that Riku Miya Taihe cannot be killed by us, which will cause suspicion, it is likely to be the hand of His Majesty the Emperor, and it will be even more difficult for Xiao Zuo to become the emperor next. "

"Then Shui Shao thinks who is the best to do it?"

"Of course it's his son."


After a long silence, the guard general also hoarsely said with a dry mouth:

"Water is less strategic, admire in the next."

At the same time, he subconsciously sat back a little and let his back close to the back of the sofa, as if this would make him feel a little more at ease.

This time, he was really a little frightened, and he could imagine that if Shui Ye's scheme succeeded, the Lu Shenggong family would fall from heaven to low hell in an instant.

I'm afraid only the devil from hell can come up with such a plan!

"Now we have to find a reason that the public will not suspect, that their father and son are at odds."

"Master of the Guard, please tell me about his son."

"Lu Sheng Gong Tai and his only son is called Lu Sheng Gong Ritian, although he is talented, he has been since he was a child, and when he grows up, he has become even more intense, relying on the power of the Lu Sheng Palace family, he has insulted an unknown number of women."

"Ritian, this name is really good!"

Shui Ye said with a strange face.

"Also, he especially prefers young women who are much older than him."

"Perfect, it seems that the last piece of the puzzle we are missing is also about to be completed."


(PS: Shh Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation, tips and urge more, just support a subscription, Pounce Street really want to recommend last time, because I have never been on it, thank you for your support)_

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