"Then I will be at home waiting for your good news from the head of the guard."

"Rita, let's go."

Shui Ye took Rita's little hand, and the two left the club directly.

On the way home, Shui Ye, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly asked with a depressed face:

"Rita, am I terrible?"

"In Rita's eyes, the young master is the most perfect person in the world."

"Alas! As long as I think of the head of the guards being scared by me and taking out all the family master tokens, I am very depressed. "

"How could a kind person like me do such a thing as crossing the river and tearing down bridges."

"Young Master, maybe that guard general also has persecution paranoia."

"That's right, that's the only explanation."


"Brother, sister Rita, you are back, is everything going well?"

As soon as Shui Ye entered the door, he saw the dome sitting in the living room watching a boring elf idol drama, while lighting his little head, and occasionally glancing at the entrance.

Qiong followed and also saw the water night entering the door, and instantly swept away the sleepiness, quickly dropped the black rabbit puppet in his hand, pounced on Shui Ye's body, and hung on Shui Ye's chest like a large doll.

Shui Ye backhanded his sister's fluttering body, rubbed her smooth skin that could be broken like water, and said coquettishly with a 'sad' face:

"Xiaoqiong, my brother was injured today, and I need you to call me Oni-chan to recover."

"Brother, where did you hurt?"

Qiong only heard the word injury, so he quickly touched left and right on Shui Ye's body with a pair of small hands, and asked worriedly.

"My heart hurts."

Shui Ye replied pointing to his chest.

"Brother, you are a big baga!"

When Qiong heard this, his small face froze, and then he squeezed his white and tender little fist and hammered it hard against Shui Ye's chest a few times, and his pink little face was red with anger.

However, with the strength of the firmament, these punches are similar to tickling the water night.

"Xiaoqiong, my brother was really injured today, and he was actually regarded as a big bad guy by others, the big devil."

"Not really! The older brother is the best older brother in this world. "

Dome suddenly shouted loudly.

"Since I am so important in Xiaoqiong's heart, how about Xiaoqiong calling me Oni-chan?"

"Brother, you're a big badass, H, pervert!"

As a native of Sakura Country, how could she not know the source of Oni-chan, this is the name of her sister to her brother in those harem anime, but she didn't expect that her brother was also a hidden otaku.

"Xiaoqiong, why is this related to perversion?"

"Brother, don't tell me you haven't watched those harem anime cherry blossoms?"

Dome rolled her eyes, disdainful

"Since Xiaoqiong knows so well, then he must have seen it, but then my brother has never entered your room to see it!"

As soon as Shui Ye's words fell, a trace of panic flashed on Qiong's little face, and he hurriedly refused:

"No, that's a girl's room, brother, you as a boy can't enter it."

"Okay, I respect Little Dome's privacy, but Rita is already inside."

Shui Ye nodded and deliberately reminded.

Qiong only felt that he had fallen from heaven to hell in an instant, and his little head turned mechanically to the back, and he saw that the door of his room had been opened, and his body suddenly turned gray and white.

"Ah! Brother, you are the big badass, and Sister Rita and bully me. "

"Rita is a girl, can't she enter your room? And she's going to come into the room to clean you up. "

Shui Ye hugged the dome that had been struggling on him, and said with a smile.

"Young Master, there are a lot of interesting things in Miss Qiong's room!"

After a while, Rita came out of the dome room, deliberately accentuating the word funny.

"I didn't expect that our family's little dome is also a hidden little house girl! Are you a thief shouting to catch a thief? "

"Brother, don't say it."

Dome feels that she really has no face, she has always hidden it well, how did her brother find out?

"Miss Qiong, when the young master was on the plane in the morning, he said that he was looking forward to you calling him Oni-chan!"

"Rita, you promised me not to say it."

"Oh... Ernie... Sauce... Sauce! "

At this time, a timid loli sound came out from Shui Ye's arms.

As soon as Shui Ye lowered his head, he saw that the top of his sister's shy head seemed to be steaming, and a small face with a big slap was as if he was drunk, full of alluring redness, and even his slender neck was dyed with a red halo.

A pair of big black and white eyes were filled with mist and full of hazyness.

"I didn't expect my little dome to be so cute, even cuter than those girls in anime, my brother loves you to death."

"Stupid Oni-chan, what nonsense are you talking about! I am your sister. "

"Sorry, slip of the tongue."

Mizuye suddenly reacted and secretly glanced at Sakurako Mizuhara's room, the sentence just now would not be heard by Aunt Sakurako!

He really didn't think about German orthopedics!

"Stupid Oni-chan, mom, she went to bed very early in the evening because she was not in good health."

"Now I know to worry."

"Who makes my little dome so cute!"

Shui Ye stroked the silky silver long hair of the dome from top to bottom, which was no worse than Allie's silver hair to the touch.

"Sure enough, Oni-chan is a silver hair controller, touch my hair at every turn, pervert!"

So embarrassing!

Unexpectedly, he was hidden and the silver-haired control was also seen by the firmament, could this be the only heart between brothers and sisters?

"Young Master, our room has been laid out and we can prepare for bathing and sleeping."

"Dome, how is the sound insulation of this house?"

"It's good, my mother spent a lot of money and redecorated it with the best soundproofing materials."

"Then it's no problem, Xiaoqiong, you should go to bed early, and besides, don't stay up late."

Shui Ye instructed uneasily, and then turned around and walked into the bathroom.

"Got it, Oni-chan, you're so verbose!"

Rita followed and also walked into the bathroom, this is a rare two-person trip with the young master, of course, it cannot be missed for a day.

It's just that before entering the bathroom, he showed an ambiguous smile to the dome.

At this time, the dome who saw this scene finally reacted, and his brother asked the real reason for whether the sound insulation was good or not.

Sure enough, my brother and sister Rita have that kind of relationship, but why am I so angry!

Qiong walked into the bedroom with a depressed mood, and kept silently chanting in his heart: Brother, you are a big colored wolf!

(PS: Shh The fifth is even gone, tomorrow's second exam, good luck to me! )_

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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