"Ye'er, I've already avoided a few of them, do you have something important?"

Duo'er is worthy of being the same as Rita, as the girl who knows Water Night best, she knew the moment she saw Shui Ye's call that Shui Ye must be in some trouble far away in Sakura Country.

Duo'er, are you also a roundworm in my stomach? Shui Ye was already unable to complain, why he didn't say a word, Duo'er guessed.

"That's right, didn't I reunite with Xiao Yu in Sakura Country? But because of me, Xiao Xiang's reputation has been greatly affected, so..."

Shui Ye Balabala said a lot of words, feeling that his throat was about to smoke, and finally explained the whole process clearly.

"Yoruo, I see, so you want me to come to Sakura Country to help you, right?"

Duo'er's expression did not change after listening to it, and she asked rhetorically.

"That's right, but there can't be chaos at home, or you take three Spirit Balls to the Misty Mountain Range first, let the Hippo King come and do them a favor, leave giant golden monsters at home to stare at them, the Hippo King and the Bronze Bell are brought to the Cherry Blossom Country, I'm afraid there won't be enough manpower."

"Well, I know, Night, wait for me in a moment, I'll be right over."

After Duo'er finished speaking, she hung up the phone and walked into the house.

"Aunt Yan, Aili, Xiaoyu and Yiyi, I'm going out, you guys are not allowed to stay at home and play too much."

Duo'er made a small face, trying to become more dignified, and warned.

"Miss Liz, trouble you to watch them."

After this time of getting along, Liz has gradually integrated into this big family that she feels extremely weird, no way, who let Allie not leave!

"No problem, just leave it to me."

"Duo'er, you don't believe us too much, and besides, is something happening over there in the night?"

Leng Yan didn't even raise her head, her eyes were staring at the game screen on the screen, but her mouth was communicating with Duo'er.

"Well, there was a little trouble, I have to go over and help."


After saying that, Duo'er turned around and returned to her room, and then the figure flashed and disappeared into the room.

After a while, Duo'er walked out of the room again, took out a poké ball, and with a flick of it, a giant golden monster that looked incomparably ancient appeared in front of the women.

"Please, Giant Golden Monster."


The giant golden monster nodded, and floated to the roof of the first floor, a pair of big red eyes stared closely at the living room, and at the same time a part of the spiritual power emanated, monitoring Sun Xi, who was reading in the study on the second floor, and Li Xiaoyue and Xiye, who were fighting elves outside.

"Duo'er is too much, why do you still let the giant golden monster spy on us, do we seem to like to make trouble so much?"

Leng Yan puffed out his face and said quite dissatisfied.

"Aunt Yan, this is Xiao Ye's explanation, you can go find him when he comes back."

What a powerful giant golden monster!

Liz, who saw the giant golden monster for the first time, was secretly shocked by the strength of the giant golden monster, and asked curiously:

"Miss Leng Yan, is this Miss Duo'er's elf?"

"Almost, anyway, Jujin Duoer's order."

Oh, my God! What kind of monsters are in this family!

Why can a random person take out a quasi-divine beast, Liz felt a strong sense of frustration in her heart for the first time, she, a genius trainer of the Lorraine Empire, is just an ordinary person in this family.

Magic capital, the base camp of the Wang family.

This morning, Wang Teng was brushing the food video while holding a large pot of white porridge in front of him, his face was bitter and slowly swallowed, it was too difficult to drink!

And his sister Wang Xin is biting into the soup explosion, fragrant raw fried buns, even the porridge in front of him is a bowl of shrimp and seafood noodles.

Since his robbery of his sister's snacks was exposed, his treatment in this family has become even worse.

His parents were determined to lose his weight, and he used to have at least one bowl of vegetarian noodles for breakfast, but now it has become a large bowl of white porridge with a weak taste.

"Leaves are awesome!"

"If you don't drink porridge early in the morning, what are you shouting about here!"

A middle-aged man with a national character face and a serious face slapped the table and snorted coldly.

He is Wang Teng's father, Wang Su.

"I really want to hear my brother shouting the name of Brother Ye!"

"As soon as I say this, I will be angry, you are all mixed with the three of them in the water night, and the three role models are in front of you, why didn't you have a little idea of losing weight?"

"I don't ask you to take the initiative to bring the girls back, but even if you go on a blind date at this weight, those girls can't look at you."

"One day I'll find a girl who doesn't dislike my weight."

Wang Teng beeped softly.

"What do you say? Kind of say it out loud to me. "

"No, I didn't say anything."

Wang Teng shrank his head and said in fear.

"Brother, what happened to Brother Ye again?"

"Alas! He hooks up with another princess in Sakura Country. "

Wang Teng said with a look of envy and jealousy.

"And I also know that girl, the girl who used to play with Yezi in junior high school."

"When you can bring a girl home, your mother and I will be thankful."

"I was still wondering before, Yezi has never played much with the girls in school? How suddenly he was playing with a girl who was not very beautiful, he didn't expect that he would already see that Jingu would become a beautiful girl when he grew up. "

"This is the picture of Jingu now."

Wang Teng handed the phone to his sister and said in a complicated tone.

"What a beautiful sister! The temperament is also so noble. "

"Nonsense, Jingu is now the most powerful successor to the next emperor of Sakura Country, how can his temperament not be noble!"

"This is a picture of her before."

Wang Teng turned out another photo they had taken together before.

"Brother, you didn't lie to me, that's a photo of this sister when she was in junior high school, it looks like two completely different people!"

"How do I know this, don't you understand the eighteenth change of the female majority? Maybe you will become a little fat character like me when you grow up, and I'm sure Yezi will ignore you by then. "

"Wang Teng, you big villain, I'll ignore you, so that Miss Ben won't become a little fat girl!"

Wang Xin said angrily, suddenly feeling that the raw fried bun in her hand was not fragrant.

No, in order not to grow up and not become a little fat girl, she must eat less snacks.

At the same time, scenes similar to Wang Teng's family occurred in many places.

Those students who had laughed at Shui Ye playing with a little fat girl from abroad didn't know how much they regretted it, a wild princess, they missed it in vain.

It was only the water night that found the dazzling pearl of Jingu in a pile of sand.

Otherwise, wouldn't they be able to hug the princess's thighs like Shui Ye and walk to the peak of their lives from now on.

Among them, Wang Juncai and Wei Bin were also among the people who laughed at the water night.

Get up early in the morning to see this news, and suddenly feel that the usually delicious breakfast suddenly becomes difficult to swallow, and the face suddenly turns pale, this is already the second princess, how many princesses are to hook up with this dog day of Water Night!

They have already received news that Her Majesty the future Empress of the Lorraine Empire has lived in Shui Ye's house, but His Majesty the Emperor of the Lorraine Empire does not seem to have reacted at all, could it be that he has acquiesced to the sexual actions of this Duke of Alice Phil?

If you add this future queen of the cherry blossom country, hiss! They don't dare to imagine it anymore.

Who else in this world will dare to mess with the water night, the world's first little white face!

(PS: Shh Thank you very much for the flowers, monthly passes, tips, reminders, evaluations, thank you very much)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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