Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 818: alien corpse

 Soon, three months passed.

In the meteorite sea, in addition to players, there are also some Cybertronian robots who are mining. These Cybertronian robots are nearly a hundred meters tall, and each one looks full of the aura of a boss. However, compared to the previous ones, They are fully armed, and now they only have two sets of mechanical mining picks and metal drills in their hands.

Behind them, in addition to the industrial ship, the decks of the other four starships were also filled with billowing flames, and the energy furnaces were burning day and night.

The emergence of 3000 Cybertronian mechanical machos has indeed greatly liberated productivity. At least now in the mining area, there are very few players, and more players have chosen the task of 'clearing the channel'.

Unless we encounter a high-intensity galactic war or are attacked by cosmic weapons, the channel itself will not change. What will change is just garbage on the channel.

For example, in this star map from 3 billion years ago, there is no hint of this asteroid belt. This asteroid belt is like an upright elliptical cross section, which just blocks the waterway. If you want to continue sailing, you must The cross section must be punched.

 What the player is doing now is to penetrate the entire cross-section of the meteorite belt.


At this time, in the newly opened second area, more than a dozen meat mechas were carrying a super metal pillar with a diameter of about 4,000 meters.

 Except for the head and tail, every mechanical joint on the super metal column is rotating at a very fast speed.

As the player operates, the end of this metal pillar is aligned with a continent-level meteorite. This meteorite covers the player's field of vision. Up, down, left, and right, the edge cannot be seen at a glance. However, according to the detector's report, this meteorite The meteorite is 1000km long, 800km wide, and 100km in diameter. It can be said to be as thick as possible.

 A meteorite of this size is roughly equivalent to a quarter of a satellite.

Not far away, there are several "mountain-sized" meteorites slowly rotating around this super meteorite.

 “Are you ready?” asked the stone man.

 “Ready,” the next few players replied together.

"Brother Da, hold on!" The stone man looked at the mecha pilot at the rear. Gao Da showed a tragic expression and nodded fiercely.

Who has the best mecha operating skills?

 “Then let’s get started.”

As the switch is pressed, every mechanical module of the third-order civilization building-the continental plate impactor begins to rotate at high speed. Even if the mecha controlled by it has a mechanical energy of tens of millions, a dozen mechanical claws as thick as a water tank are fixed at the same time. It still seemed like they were about to be sucked into this 'mechanical golden cudgel', and the mecha and its men were all crushed to pieces.

 Fortunately this is just an illusion.

Finally, just when all the mechanical fixing claws were ground red, the potential energy of the continental plate impactor was enough. The next moment, this super metal stick was like Monkey King inserting the Dinghai Divine Needle, stirring up the sea water in all directions. Wherever it passed, all rocks, even some super rocks with hardness comparable to alloys, were stirred and shattered. On the surface of continental-level rocks, cracks like ocean trenches and seams appeared visible to the naked eye, and the depth of 100km was gradually penetrated. Come on.

Even if one hundred nuclear bombs are dropped, this effect may not be achieved.

 This is also the strongest means of "exploding star levels" for this third-level civilization building.

Super Attack Mode 3: Planet Drill - Under the action of super power, the impactor drills directly into the center of the earth and detonates the star core (this attack mode has a 95.3% probability that the impactor cannot be recovered, and a 34.4% probability of triggering a planet level disaster)

Ten minutes later, the entire super meteorite began to fall apart, and the meteorite rain sputtered in all directions, colliding with other relatively stationary meteorites, as if a drop of water fell into an oil pan, causing a strong chain reaction, that is, there is nothing to be done here. Migrate to the planet, otherwise it might be a mass extinction event.

"Every time I see this, I am shocked." A player sat in the mecha and looked at the shocking scene in front of him. Woolen cloth."

"Report, report, area 2-5-141 has been cleared, please friendly forces to carry out recovery operations." The stone man shouted on the walkie-talkie, and soon received a reply. On the mecha radar, a green dot was heading towards another area. A disappearing green dot rushed forward. This was the recovery operation of the continental plate impactor, and what was being recovered was another third-level civilization equipment - the Earth Breakthrough Machine.

 “Our team is safe.”


"not dead."

 “The prostate hurts a little.”

"I have a meteorite stuck in the **** of my mecha. Who can help me pull it out?" "It's okay."

 “I have something wrong!!” Gao Da said sadly.

Everyone turned around and found that the mecha operator could no longer be seen. It was most likely that he was driven away by the recoil. One player touched his chin, thoughtfully.

“Sure enough, even Da Ge can’t stand this thing.”

Generally speaking, the continental plate impactor is used by being fixed on the ground. Its recoil can punch a hole in the atmosphere. In the vacuum of the universe, there is no atmosphere and no gravity, so the tail of this thing needs to be fixed by someone. , and the fixed price is a player’s life.

 So, generally this position is determined by drawing lots, which is fair and just.

However, this guy Gundam, relying on his status as a high-level mecha operator of Du High-tech, after a rainbow fart from other players, he took over the position in a daze. He felt good about himself and felt that with his 800 hand speed mecha A operation technique, you will be able to get out of the way at the critical moment.

 He went up with A and he played GG.

“Dago, your mecha cabin was not exploded?” a player asked curiously.

“Humph, at the critical moment, I used my awesome operating skills to avoid the backlash, but there was just a small problem—”

Gao Da looked at the cracks on the bulletproof glass of the mecha. The oxygen was being sucked away crazily, the blood volume was constantly decreasing, and his whole body was freezing quickly. He couldn't help but roll his eyes and gestured with his **** to his teammates who could no longer see him.

 A space zombie appears.

 It took three days before he was able to go online again.

 Brush the forum to get rid of the birds!

 “Containment completed.”

At this time, in the front of the team, about 500km away, it was area 2-5-142. In the darkness, a behemoth appeared slowly, and its mechanical tentacles grasped the risk. Smoky continental plate impactor.

Soon, the giant steel ball slowly opened up, and hundreds of players floated out. These players, wearing special aviation suits, began to repair the continental plate impactor.

Among all Tier 3 civilization weapons, this thing is a rare disposable item, because after it is shot out and detonates the star core, it is basically destroyed by the power of the star core explosion, and recycling is non-existent.

Fortunately, the power of exploding meteorites is not as exaggerated as that of exploding star cores. In addition, before it was used, it was specially modified. Not only was it widened and thickened, but a thick alloy wall was also made around the periphery, using asteroids. The mortal crystal extracted from the belt, when it is not refined, is as hard as an alloy and can block energy rays. After being refined, it is even more powerful. Attacks under 100,000 will be missed directly, so even if it explodes a quarter satellite Even the main body of a large meteorite is not damaged.

In addition to the more than 400 players who specialized in repairing it, there were more players floating out. They ignored this third-level civilization weapon, and instead showed off their magical powers and floated away into the distance.

These players are the new genre of players after the mining stream players, the garbage-picking stream.

These players do not admit that they are "trash pickers", but prefer to call themselves exploration players. The main job of these players is to explore the depths of the meteorite belt.

 According to the NPC, if you want to penetrate the entire meteorite belt and restore freedom of navigation, you must pass through 5 areas. It may take a year.


Just like when the water is muddy, the mud, sand, shrimps and insects will be stirred out. With the blasting work of the meteorite belt, nearby meteorites explode, and distant meteorites are impacted and decomposed. This meteorite belt, or in other words, interstellar garbage In the field, more and more things were stirred up.

For example, a player discovered a new type of pure energy ore called 'isopolymer'.

The energy content of this kind of ore is extremely high. The energy density of the same volume of ore is ten times that of the energy plate. In other words, if this thing is used directly, it is more powerful than the extracted energy plate.

 Nothing to say, report it immediately, collect it, and earn points.

Some players have dug up some strange damaged equipment. These equipment are called 'civilian ruin analyzers', 'civilian jump jammers', 'space probes', and 'exploration drones', which are level two. , Level 3, etc. Unfortunately, the equipment is all blank, and the damage degree is more than 90%. It is true that it is of no use at all. It can only be handed over in exchange for some mission points.

In addition, during this process, players are self-taught and directly activate skills such as 'Salvage and Recovery Technology' and 'Astronomical Distance Measurement'; just like the 'Space Geology' and 'Advanced Ore Research' of the mining stream , all belong to life skills.

 During this process, a player made an astonishing discovery. He dug up an alien corpse.

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