Start With A Quicksilver Fruit

Chapter 100 End Abuse Ace (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

Chris stood still, letting the fist of fire hit him.


The flames exploded, and the air was filled with smoke. Everyone couldn't see what happened?

"Captain, you are so strong, you can kill Galaxy with one move!"

"Shichibukai is nothing special, he can't even catch an Ace move."

When the Spades Pirates saw this scene, they all thought that Chris had been punched to death by Ace.

"No, not yet, Shichibukai won't be killed so easily."

Although Ace is proud, he is not arrogant to that extent.

He's not an idiot, if Shichibukai can be defeated so easily, what's the point of Marine getting them?

The smoke dissipated, and what appeared in front of everyone was a mercury wall, which blocked Ace's fire fist.

"Mercury Shuriken!"

As Chris finished speaking, the quicksilver wall burst suddenly, turning into dense quicksilver shurikens and shooting towards everyone.

"You run away!"

"fire punch!"

Ace shattered Chris' attack with one punch, and hurriedly ordered the crew to retreat.

He has already seen that Chris's strength is very strong, and these people cannot handle it.

"Captain Ace!"

The members of the Spades Pirates wanted to say something, but seeing Ace's solemn face, they also understood that staying behind was just a burden, so they all withdrew from the battlefield.

"Flame Internet!"

"383" Ace also built a wall with flames to separate Chris and the Spades Pirates.

"Your crew members don't seem to be very good at it, they just run away after fighting all the time?"

Chris's words were sarcasm, which made everyone's faces turn red.

But they couldn't refute it, because Chris was right.

Chris used to wonder why the crew members Ace found were so weak.

The vice-captain, Deuss, is a writer of novels, and has no combat power at all. He may not even be able to defeat the most common Marine soldiers, and his combat power is not as good as Nami.

The others are also rookies, and none of them has potential experience.

The battles of the Spades Pirates are always like this. When encountering a weak enemy, Ace goes up to punch the fire, and then the enemy ship is destroyed.

But when encountering a strong enemy, Ace will first release a flame on the net to let the crew escape first, and then stay and fight the enemy one-on-one.

Over time, Ace became the nanny of the Spade Pirates.

"You are not allowed to insult my companion, Fire Fist!"

Ace, like Luffy, would never allow someone to insult his partner, and when he heard Chris say that, he immediately went into a rage.



Chris' body disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of Ace without warning after dodging the fire fist.

"The Iron Fist of the Common!"

Chris punches Ace in the chest.


Ace was sent flying by this punch, smashing through four or five houses in a row before stopping.

"Cough cough cough!"

Ace got up from the ruins and felt that his internal organs had been beaten and displaced. He coughed up several mouthfuls of blood and almost coughed up his intestines.

"You bastard, why

"Why did it hit you, right?"

Ace looked at Chris incredulously, but Chris cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"That's why you are still too immature. Now you want to challenge Whitebeard. The difference is too far."

"Bastard, I haven't lost yet!"

"Shenhuo Shiranui!"

Ace's hands turned into flames, turning into two pillars of fire and hitting Chris.

"It's useless, you're too weak!"


Chris appeared in front of Ace, with his left hand in his pocket, his right foot kicking up to his face.

At this moment, the world seemed to be frozen, and only Chris could move.

It can be seen that Ace did not respond to Chris' actions, and his eyes were still staring forward.


Chris kicked Ace hundreds of meters away, his body plowed a big hole in the ground, and finally rolled over ten laps before stopping.

Ace's moves are too immature, in the face of Chris Ultimate's speed, he can't hit him at all.

And Chris doesn't even need Devil Fruit and swordsmanship to deal with him, just using Marine Six Styles is enough for him.

"How? Am I right? You are too weak!"

Chris appeared in front of Ace without warning, looking down at him.


"I'm not dead yet!"

"Flame Ring·Fire Pillar!"

Ace twirled his hands, turning his body into a flammable pillar, briefly pushing Chris back.

The pillar of fire shot straight into the sky with such a great momentum that even the Gaya Islands could be seen from far away.

"Hey, hey, it's too hot."

Mercury is not resistant to high temperatures, and Chris felt like he was going to melt.

"Tempest Kick!"

Chris kicked out a vacuum slash, which directly cut off Ace's pillar of flame, and the slash continued to slash on Ace's chest.


Ace was chopped off, fell from the flames, and this time he never got up again.

There was a wound on his chest that ran from his right shoulder to his left waist, and his flesh was rolling and dripping with blood.

Chris beat Ace to the ground with just two kicks.

Chris's quicksilver fruit is indeed afraid of high temperature. In the past, he was most afraid of Admiral Akainu, and he was simply his natural enemy at that time.

Fortunately, Chris didn't meet Akainu when he was growing up.

Now Chris has the peak Armament Haki body protection, and he is no longer afraid of Akainu.

"It seems that your captain is not as strong as you said."

Chris waved his hand to turn off the Internet, and the Spades Pirates ran to Ace.

Deus is in charge of treating Ace, and the others stare at Chris with weapons in hand.

"Bastard, is this the fighting power of Shichibukai?"

"Hey, Deus, you take Ace away quickly, we will stay behind."

The members of the Spades Pirates finally have one advantage, and that is loyalty.

At the moment of life and death, everyone did not abandon Ace, but were willing to risk their lives to save him.

"Hey, you guys, I am the captain. If the captain can't protect his companions, is he still worthy of being the captain?"

Ace stood up tremblingly, he had already broken his bones and bones, and now he was able to stand up, all relying on a will.

"Oh? Do you still want to fight? You should understand the difference in strength between us, right?"

"Although your Logia is very cool, your physical skills are a mess, and Haki can't either, it's too far behind me.

"Hmph! I will never run away, no matter what enemies I encounter, I will never jump!"

"I hope you can spare my companion. As a price, I will stay."

Ace was on fire, and although his face was covered in blood, he was fearless.

"Great Flame Ring, Emperor Yan!"

The flames all over Ace's body form a super Great Fireball, and he is as small as an ant under the fireball!

"In this case, I will not be polite!"

"Galaxy! Silver Dragon!"

A silver dragon flew from outside the sky, roaring and colliding with the fireball head-on.


At this moment, the world is divided into two halves, one half is flame, and the other half is mercury.

The aftermath of the battle between the two spread to the surroundings, the ground was cracked inch by inch, and the rocks were shattered into powder.

"Fall! Ace!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The whole island is shaking, the ground is being torn apart, and the hurricane is raging.

The shock wave of the battle between the two rushed out of the island, causing huge waves on the calm sea...

After everything calmed down, Ace lay face down on the ground, covered in blood.

His eyes were hazy, trying to keep himself from losing consciousness.

"It seems that in the end you lost."

Chris walked up to him and just looked at him.

"It's so strong, is the Whitebeard you fought with so strong?"

Ace's voice trembled when he spoke. He was seriously injured all over his body now, and it hurts even to breathe.

"Whitebeard is much better than me. To put it mildly, I fought him for five days and five nights regardless of the outcome, but in fact, I was the one who lost the battle.

In the fight with Whitebeard, Chris was seriously injured, and Whitebeard was only slightly injured, but his combat power was not damaged. If the fight continues, Chris must be the one who dies.

"Even you're no match for Whitebeard? That's the man to take on that man."

Ace gritted his teeth and said the last sentence, and finally lost consciousness.

Chris knew who the man he was talking about, he always wanted to surpass Roger, but now it was too far away.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to Host for defeating Fire Fist Ace and getting a bounty of 120 million.

The bounty has arrived, because Chris didn't kill Ace, so 20% was deducted.

However, the bounty for defeating Ace is too small, and 120 million is just a drizzle for the current Chris.

"System, what is my balance?"

"Ding Dong, the host's current balance is 17,127,000 square profit."

It's approaching 2 billion again, and Chris is only one step away from awakening Lion Fruit.

"Are you aware of the vastness of the world? Then grow up."

Chris was gone without getting Ace back to Naval Headquarters.

After Chris left, Deus and others hurriedly rescued Ace for treatment. He was injured too badly. If he was delayed for a while, he would really die.

"Hey, Deus, why did the galaxy let us go?"

"Yeah, with his strength, if we kill him, we won't be able to survive."

Everyone talked about it, but they didn't understand why Chris did this.

Beating Ace half to death but not killing him, being Shichibukai but not capturing him, is it just to beat him up?

If Chris knew what Deus was thinking, he would call him a genius.

He guessed right, Chris just wanted to beat him up, who made him the main character and Chris the time traveler?

The one thing that the time traveler wants to do the most is to play the protagonist!

bru bru bru! bru bru bru!

Chris connected to the phone bug, and Sengoku's voice came.

"Yinhe, I heard you caught fire?"

Chris had to admire Marine's intelligence agency, and Sengoku received the news just after his side ended.

"That's right, we met."

"How is his strength? Have you caught him? Or have you..."

While Sengoku was talking, Garp was by his side, listening to the conversation with his ear sideways, not missing a word.

Hearing that Ace met Chris, he was distraught.

He knows Chris' combat strength, and now Ace will definitely lose when he meets him.

"Physical arts is a mess, and Haki doesn't know how to do it. He only relied on Logia's ability to make it to where he is today, and I solved it with one punch and two kicks."

Chris was right, if he was serious and used his big move at the beginning, Ace might not even be able to take one of his moves.

Hearing this, Sengoku was overjoyed, and Garp's face changed drastically.

ps: Ask for a subscription, ask for a full order, ask for a custom order, ask for flowers, ask for a reward, anyway, ask for everything.

The author is still desperately coding, with a guarantee of 10,000 updates every day, I beg readers to give the author some motivation, thank you very much!.

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