Start With A Quicksilver Fruit

Chapter 133 Seriously Injured Admiral Kizaru (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

After they were arrested, the World government even erased the information of their existence in the world, as if they had never appeared in the world.

The core cadres of the Galaxy Pirates stand on the right side of Chris, headed by Enel.

This position also represents Chris' right arm, and only the deputy captain of the Galaxy Pirates is qualified to stand here.

The "giant battleship" San Juan Bad Wolf can only stand at a distance because of his large body, otherwise he has no place to stay.

There are still countless pirates pouring out from the gate of Impel down, and in the blink of an eye, there is another group of villains on the battlefield.

"Yehahahahaha, is this the Summit War? It is indeed the total combat power of the Marines, because all the generals have arrived!"

"The elite of the Marine are all here. If all these people are sunk into the bottom of the sea, the Marine will become history!"

"Compared to this scale, Buster Call is not a big deal."

"It seems that the plan is going well, Captain!"

Everyone glanced at me and said nothing, completely ignoring Marine's total combat power.

"It's all your captain's fault, you hurt me so badly that I can't participate in the big battle now!"

Bullet said with a regretful face.

After Luo's emergency treatment, although Bullet is much better, he still can't fight Admiral. This time he is destined to abuse minions in the Summit War.

"I didn't expect that even you came out, Red Earl! Have you become a lackey of Galaxy Chris?"

The appearance of Bullet had already shocked Sengoku, and suddenly seeing another person made him a little desperate.

This person is the "Lonely Red", also known as the "Red Earl" Baloric Redfield.

In the old days, just one man was enough to be equal to Roger and Whitebeard!

On the way, Chris befriends him briefly.

"I didn't join this brat's command, I just came to meet old friends this time. Sengoku, Garp, you're not too old to be touched, are you?"

call out!

As soon as Redfield finished speaking, he rushed into the battlefield with an umbrella in his hand like a sharp sword, and 48 killed hundreds of people in the blink of an eye.

Whether it's a Marine or a pirate, as long as you're by his side, you're his target!

Redfield has always acted alone, so he does not have the concept of companions in his eyes.

"Bastard, you're just a mere pirate, don't be too arrogant!"

A Marine Rear Admiral stepped forward to block Redfield's umbrella, but within two or three blows, he was stabbed through the throat.

Rear Admiral clutched his throat, blood flowed from his fingers, his voice was hoarse and he wanted to say something.

Unfortunately, he didn't even have the strength to say his last words.

Finally, with a desperate look in his eyes, Rear Admiral fell on his back and completely lost his breath.

Although Redfield has been imprisoned in Impel down for many years, and his combat power has not recovered to its peak, it is not something that a mere Marine Rear Admiral can resist.

"Bastard, Ryder, the old man is here to be your opponent!"

After being knocked down by Luffy, Garp has been lying in the ruins and pretending to be dead. Sengoku also knew his difficulties so he didn't expose him.

Now that the Red Earl is coming, Garp finally can't keep silent.

"Good job Garp, long time no see, your iron fist won't get rusty, will it?"

"Stop being arrogant, Ryder, watching this old man break your spine, so that you can no longer stand alone!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every collision between Garp and Ryder creates a powerful shock wave that shatters the ground.

The surrounding pirates and Marines ran for their lives in a hurry, not daring to approach the center of the battlefield.

In the battle between the world's top powerhouses, even a little aftermath of leakage can shock them to death.

"Galaxy, do you know what your actions today mean?"

Sengoku gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"What does it mean? World riots? Order collapsed? So what?"

"Marshal Sengoku, I'm a pirate, joining the Shichibukai is just part of my plan. Have you forgotten (aecf), I'm a villain through and through!"

"Woo ha ha ha, little ones, let Marine see the combat power of Impel down!"

With a shout from Chris, the pirates in Impel down joined the battlefield one after another, and the Whitebeard pirate group, which was about to collapse, stabilized at once.

Marine also lost her previous indomitable momentum, and was reversed by the pirates.

"It's really scary, Brother Chris, but our previous battle is not over yet!"

Kizaru suddenly appeared in the sky above Chris, hands clenched into orchid fingers.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

Countless laser bombs hit like a torrential rain. If they hit, Chris' feet would be smashed into ruins.

Kizaru alone has the firepower of an entire fleet of armed bombers!

"Lion Majesty: Govern Place Earth Coiling!"

Under Chris' control, the rocks on the ground were all rolled up, forming 3 oversized lions.


The lion roared wildly and swallowed all of Kizaru's eight-foot Qiong Gouyu.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of explosions kept ringing in the lion's belly.

It ended up being rock powder, and Kizaru's laser shot was gone.

"This is the move of the Golden Lion!"

Kizaru was taken aback, he couldn't possibly not recognize Golden Lion's tricks!

"Have you not..."

Before Kizaru could utter his guess, Weibull jumped in front of Chris behind him.

The big knife in his hand slashed down, directly splitting Kizaru's body in half.

"Whoever hurts the captain will die!"

Weibull's slash continued, and after splitting Kizaru, it extended for hundreds of meters, tearing hundreds of Marines or pirates on the way.

"You're Edward Webble!"

After the light particles landed, they condensed again and became Kizaru. At this time, Kizaru had a serious face, and Bloodline was still oozing from his shoulders.

Although the bleeding was minimal, he did get hurt.

"Kizaru Admiral, you seem to have missed some people!"

A cold voice suddenly rang in Kizaru's ears, and he instantly became elemental without hesitation.

At the same time, Thunderstorm cut Kizaru's body in half, and the sword energy shot out horizontally, hacking dozens of pirates to death.

It was Shiryu of the Rain who made the shot.

On this battlefield, his bloodthirsty killing intent was fully aroused, and he felt that every cell in his body was jumping for joy.

"I didn't expect you to join Ginga Chris, you really fell, Shiryu of the Rain!"

Kizaru's light and shadow appeared hundreds of meters away, and this time he added another wound to his abdomen.

Although these injuries are negligible for Kizaru, being able to hurt Marine Admiral one after another is enough to prove the strength of Weibull and Shiryu.

"Kizaru, you come here alone, aren't you afraid you won't get in?"

Hearing Shiryu's words, Kizaru was taken aback for a moment, and glanced around, only to find that Chris had disappeared at some point.

"One-shot! Black Dragon Break!"

Looking up following the sound, Kizaru saw a black dragon approaching.

Black Dragon Break is Chris's must-kill trick that combines quicksilver fruit and swordsmanship, and it has not been used a few times in total.

Facing Kizaru this time, Chris used the trick of pressing the bottom of the box as soon as he came.


The black dragon seemed to travel through space, and Kizaru was hit before he could dodge!


The black dragon bit Kizaru's chest, and it went on a rampage, cutting him several thousand meters away.

Finally, it hit the town wall of Marineford, and the violent explosion picture completely collapsed the city wall.

After the dust dispersed, a bottomless crack was left in the place where the black dragon flew, and Kizaru also fell in a pile of rubble.

Kizaru didn't suffer a minor injury this time, his yellow suit was chopped off by Chris, leaving a huge gash on his chest.

Blood gushed out, staining the ground red.

"How is that possible? Kizaru Admiral is injured!"

"No, it's impossible, Kizaru Admiral is the highest combat power in Marine, how could he be injured by mere pirates?"

"Has the combat power of the galaxy surpassed that of Admiral?"

Many Marines were devastated, and despair surged in their hearts.

Admiral is the belief of all Marines. In their hearts, Admiral is absolutely invincible.

Now that Kizaru is injured, it means that their faith has collapsed.

In an instant, Marine's morale fell to the bottom, and an unknown number of people were killed by the pirates.

During the siege of Kizaru this time, Chris blocked the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu first, Weibull knocked Kizaru into the sky, and Shiryu of the Rain attacked from behind.

Three strikes had caught Kizaru off guard.

In the end, Chris made up the knife. Before Kizaru showed up, Chris had already used Observation Haki to predict where he would appear.

As soon as Kizaru appeared, he bumped into the killer black dragon Po, and it was too late to hide.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, multi-person cooperation and sneak attack, Chris unexpectedly seriously injured Admiral Kizaru!

"How about it, Kizaru, don't think that being Admiral is enough, you are still far away!"

Chris retracted his knife and looked at Kizaru indifferently, with a group of big pirates standing behind him.

At this moment, Chris no longer had the hippie smiling face of the past, and the invisible momentum suddenly exploded, overwhelming the tens of thousands of Marines in front of him.

"Today I will kill an Admiral to let the whole world know that Admiral will die too!"

"Galaxy Silver Dragon!"

A galaxy suddenly flew out of the sky, and nine silver dragons roared out, flying towards Kizaru with super shock waves.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Where the silver dragon passed, the ground was cracked inch by inch, and both pirates and marines were torn to pieces.

"Ah la la la, this is not okay.

A gust of icy cold air blew past, completely enveloping Long Yinlong.

The silver dragon struggled and roared in the cold, and when it was only one step away from Kizaru, it was frozen into an ice sculpture.


A small iceberg crashed down, and inside it were nine roaring silver dragons, which looked like an exquisite work of art.


Aokiji let out a long breath of cold air, half of his body was covered with ice.

"Hey, Kuzan, you're getting too cold for me."

Kizaru stood up holding his chest, he lost a lot of blood, his body temperature was not high.

Now agitated by Aokiji's chill, he couldn't help but sneezed a few times.

"Ah la la la, you will die if I don't come."

Aokiji grumbled.

"It's really scary. This time I really scared the old man."

At this point, Kizaru is still saying his mantra, but this time with fear on his face.

Chris's move just now was so powerful that it might not be enough to kill him directly, but it is more than enough to knock him out of battle!

"Yinhe, I really underestimated you, I didn't expect you to have such combat power!"

The battle between Chris and Kizaru happened too fast, Kizaru was already injured by Chris, and Sengoku had no time to rescue him.

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The author is still desperately coding, with a guarantee of 10,000 updates every day, I beg readers to give the author some motivation, thank you very much!.

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