Start With A Quicksilver Fruit

Chapter 150 Interpreting The Historical Text Of Road Signs (Second Update, Please Subscribe)


The cat viper fell to the ground on its back, and completely lost consciousness without even making a pitiful scream.

"Boss Cat Viper!"

All the knights shouted, and three or four ran to Mao Viper and shook his body in an attempt to wake him up.

However, everything they did was in vain. No matter how much they cried, the cat viper did not respond at all.

"Damn it, kill him to avenge God!"

"Damn invader, why did you come to this country?"

"What crimson stone, there is no such thing here!"

The hoarse shouts of the knight group spread throughout the Whale Forest, even the people in the town heard it.

"It seems that the monster cat you mentioned is no longer good, but this is also a matter of course. No matter how strong he is, he cannot be the opponent of Captain Chris!"

Shiryu's knife slashed against Inuarashi's sword, and the powerful force shook him back and forth.

Hearing the roar of the knight group, Inulan unconsciously glanced back, but it was this glance that was caught by Shiryu.

Shiryu took the opportunity to speed up the attack, forcing Inuarashi back and leaving a wound on his abdomen.

"Damn it, can't you keep it so soon?"

Of course, Inulan knew that Neko Mamushi was not Ginga's opponent, but he didn't expect him to die so soon.

"Of course, who do you think you are facing, he is the Four Emperors Galaxy of New World!" "Seven Six Three" Shiryu roared, his body became transparent and disappeared, and the power of the transparent fruit had been activated.

Facing Shiryu in this state, Inuarashi's battle became even more difficult.

So did his Musketeers.

Knowing that Chris had won, the morale of the Galaxy Pirates soared, and the offensive became more violent, and the Musketeers were quickly suppressed.

Whale Forest.

The group of knights surrounded the seriously injured cat viper, and now the cat viper was seriously injured and dying, with only his last breath left.

More than a dozen fur tribes teamed up to kill Chris, wanting to avenge the cat viper, but they were all killed by Chris one by one.

Zangetsu slanted to the ground, crimson blood dripping, corpses piled under Chris' feet.

"We are not his opponents. We should retreat first. It is important to deal with Boss Mao Viper."

A jaguar fur tribe suddenly made a sound, ordering the knight group to retreat.

Looking at him, Chris remembered.

This guy is Pedro, the leader of the Knights, who also went to sea as a pirate when he was young, and the bounty is 382 million Berry.

"Four Emperors Galaxy is indeed a monster on the same level as bigmom, and it is indeed terrifyingly strong!"

Pedro stared at Chris solemnly, only he knew, what does Four Emperors mean?

Even if the members of the knight group swarmed up, they were no match for this man.

When Pedro was a pirate, he once challenged the Big Mom Pirates, but suffered a disastrous defeat.

His partner was killed, and he was blinded in one eye, and even 50 years of his life were taken away!

"The cat viper boss is not dead yet, the most urgent task now is to treat him!"

"You guys go first, I'll stay behind!"

The cat viper was dying, and Pedro, as the leader of the Knights, could not let his subordinates make sacrifices in vain, so he could only take them away in this way.

"Oh~, I'm starting to play tricks."

Chris held Zangetsu on his shoulders and looked at Pedro with interest, of course he couldn't hide his cleverness from Chris.

But he doesn't care, it doesn't matter if a cat viper is dead or alive, it can be crushed to death anyway.

Chris didn't stop him, and watched as the knights took away the cat viper and his severed arm.

"Now you are the only one left, why, are you here to die?"

Everyone is gone except Pedro.

Of course he can't be Chris's opponent, except for dying, Chris can't think of a second possibility.

"As the leader of the Knights, I have an obligation to protect my subordinates. But as Pedro of the Furry Principality, I also have an obligation to protect this country!"

Pedro knew he was no match for Chris, and since he decided to stay, he had been prepared to die.


A majestic sword energy traveled through the space and struck Pedro's chest. Pedro was split thousands of meters away, collapsing a large forest before stopping.

Chris sheathed Zangetsu back, turned and walked away without looking at the result.

Chris didn't show any mercy in this knife. Whether Pedro can survive depends on God's will.

Without the Knights, Chris traveled unimpeded all the way, and soon came to the bottom of the whale tree.

Opening a secret door, Chris walked into a dark passage.

No one comes here all year round, and the quietness makes people panic.

Finally, Chris reached a clearing.

At a glance, you can see the red stone on the ground, which is engraved with historical texts.

"This is the text of the road sign history, it feels very different from the history text of Common!"

Chris stepped forward, touched the words on it with his fingers, and a breath of vicissitudes and ancient times came to his face.

Chris looked up and saw the Kozuki family crest engraved on the wall behind the historical text.

This family crest, like the historical text, has existed here for hundreds of years.

"System, can you recognize the text on it?"

"Ding, the historical text is being scanned, analysis is in progress, and the analysis is complete.

"This piece of historical text belongs to the historical text of road signs, and it takes 100 million Baileys to identify it once!"

Chris nodded secretly in his heart, it was not expensive, and the price was within Chris' expectations.

"System, check my current balance."

Before the Summit War, Chris spent a fortune and was left with the last 260 million Baileys.

Later, when he invaded Impel down, participated in the Summit War, and fought in New World, Chris killed a large number of pirates, and now he should have saved a lot of money.

"Ding..., the balance is being checked, please wait a moment."

After the system finished saying this sentence, it disappeared. There was no response for a long time, and it fell into a complete silence, as if it was disconnected.

"Hey, system, don't you take all my money for yourself?"

Chris's face was a bit ugly. This kind of thing had never happened before when checking the balance, and it was all completed in 1 second.

This time it dragged on for so long, and the system actually went offline.

"Hey, dog system, don't pretend to be dead, come out quickly."

"Ding, host, don't worry, the system just broke down and has been restarted. After checking, the balance that Host currently has is 3,249,800,000."

Although the money has arrived, Chris is not so easy to fool.

The system just pretended to be offline and must be calculating Chris's deposit, which must have been embezzled by it before.

"Dog system, don't you explain it?"

"Ding, what are you talking about, Host? I can't understand anything."

The corner of Chris' mouth twitched, then he let out a deep sigh.

Facing such a shameless system, what can he do?

"Spend 100 million to interpret the historical text."

"Ding, the deduction of 100 million was successful, and the current balance of Host is 31,749,800,000."

"The history text has been interpreted, please host to receive it."

A burst of information suddenly flooded into Chris's mind, causing Chris's brain to ache.

After analysis, Chris got the message of the historical text, but he couldn't understand it.

Because this is a message composed of passwords, only by unlocking the password can you get a place name 0....

"Hey, system, is that all?"

Feeling cheated, Chris solves one puzzle and gets a new one.

Is the person who cast the historical text out of his mind? He actually used double encryption.

A layer of historical text is hard enough to decipher, but there is a second layer of riddles.

What the hell is Raftel hiding? They go to such lengths to hide it?

"The system can decode the password. The price is 300 million Baileys. Will Host buy it?"

This system is indeed a black-hearted ghost who slaughters big households. When he sees that Chris is rich, he will cut Chris's flesh in different ways.

If Chris solves the puzzle by himself, there is no need to spend the 300 million.

But after reading the content above, Chris knows that only someone who knows the Grand Line well can decipher this code.

Roger also traveled all over the Grand Line back then to successfully solve the puzzle and get the answer.

Although Chris has become Four Emperors, he has not been to many places, and it is impossible to find the answer.

"The system will spend 300 million to decipher the password."

"Ding, 300 million has been deducted successfully, and the current balance of Host is 2.8498 billion."

"The decryption of the password is complete, please host to receive it."

Another wave of information poured into Chris's mind, but the amount of information was so large that it made Chris's brain a little tingling.

It took more than ten minutes for Chris to recover.

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder."

Chris showed a meaningful smile, he had already got the location recorded in the first landmark history text.

Waved to create a large lump of quicksilver, completely covering the historical text of the Red road sign.

This signpost history text is invaluable and of course Chris wants to take it with him.

"Galaxy Devour."

Mercury gradually retracted, and finally merged into Chris' body, and the Crimson Stone had been received by Chris into the galaxy space.

Walking out of the whale tree, Chris opened his hands and let the sea breeze blow on his face, which felt very comfortable.

Observation Haki covered the entire town, and Chris heard the screams and cries of countless people.

A wave of malice emanated, causing Chris's mood to fluctuate, but he was instantly suppressed by his will.

Although Chris is a pirate, it is the first time that he invaded a country so blatantly and 4.5 times, and he felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

But this feeling disappeared quickly, after all, Chris is also a person whose hands are covered with blood.

I have seen a lot of death, and I gradually got used to it.

call out!

Chris disappeared in place, turning into a black shadow and flying through the air.

The atmosphere is pushed away by Chris' body, creating a piercing sonic boom.

In the center of the town's battlefield, Shiryu and Inuarashi fight, both wounded.

However, Inuarashi was obviously more seriously injured than Shiryu.

But the duel of miscellaneous soldiers is different.

The 2,000 members of the Galaxy Pirates are no match for the Fur Race in terms of quantity or quality, and they have already suffered heavy casualties.

Carrying supreme coercion, Chris appeared above the battlefield.

Conqueror's Haki erupted with supreme murderous intent, and the field of Dark Red covered the entire town.

Whether it was the fur tribe or the pirates, under the shock of this momentum, they all lost consciousness and fainted to the ground.

The fierce battle stopped in an instant, and the fur tribe and the pirates who retained their consciousness retreated at the same time, and the two sides faced each other.

ps: Ask for subscription, ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for praise, anyway, it is everything.

The author is still desperately coding, with a guarantee of 10,000 updates every day, I beg readers to give the author some motivation, thank you very much!.

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