Start With A Quicksilver Fruit

Chapter 152 Soliciting Caesar, Plotting Kaido (First Update, Please Subscribe)

Chris has even bigger ambitions, he doesn't like Doflamingo, he has to deal with Kaido behind Doflamingo.

Caesar and Doflamingo have a partnership to manufacture artificial Devil Fruit to supply Beasts Pirates.

With Doflamingo and Caesar, Beasts Pirates will continuously produce new ability users, and their strength is getting stronger day by day.

If Chris wants to defeat the Beasts Pirates, he must start here.

Chris wants to control this genius scientist behind the scenes and let him use him for himself.

It can not only weaken Kaido's strength, but also enhance his own strength, and help Luo revenge, kill three birds with one stone, why not do it?

"Let's go and meet this genius scientist from the former government."

Chris jumped off the island with Luo, and the two floated in the air and flew towards Punk Hazard.

Although the island is full of poisonous gas, it is useless to Chris and Luo.

Chris's Observation Haki was fully activated, covering the entire island, successfully avoiding all monitoring.

With the ability of Op-Op Fruit, Chris and Luo easily sneaked into Caesar's base.

"啰 啰 啰, the experiments are going well, and the activity of SAD is higher, rest assured, Joker.

In one room, Caesar's foggy body is floating in the air, talking on a phone bug.

Hearing Caesar's name, Chris knew that the person opposite was Doflamingo.

"Hahahahahahaha, that's good, Caesar, you are indeed my capable subordinate."

"That bastard Kaido won't come looking for trouble now."

Doflamingo said this with anger, and Chris could imagine the ugly look on his face.

Although Doflamingo has cooperated with Kaido, but with Kaido's status and strength, he doesn't like Doflamingo.

On the surface it is an equal cooperative relationship, but in fact it is superior and inferior.

As soon as Kaido has an order, Doflamingo has to do it even if he doesn't want to.

"Hey blah blah blah blah, don't worry joker. I'm a genius scientist, smile and killing weapon are the best." Kaido will definitely be satisfied.

Beasts Pirates have so many abilities and powerful weapons, mostly due to Caesar, no wonder Caesar is so proud.

"Xixixixixixixifei, it's so reliable, Caesar."

"Hey blah blah blah blah, of course, joker.

The two cut off the call after some flattery, and Caesar didn't realize from the beginning to the end that there were two people behind him staring at him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, Vegapunk. I will prove that I am the greatest scientist in the world."

Caesar opened his hands, looked up to the sky and laughed, with a smug look on his face.

He has been obsessed with scientific research all his life, and his biggest dream is to become the number one scientist in the world.

However, this dream was shattered when he met Vegapunk, who beat him no matter what he did.

Caesar was not reconciled, so he led the Punk Hazard incident and betrayed the World government.

He didn't hesitate to become a bounty criminal to surpass Vegapunk, and now he finally sees hope.

As long as he can research the most perfect man-made Devil Fruit, he is the first person in the world!

"Crack clap clap!"

"It's amazing. It's worthy of Caesar, the world's top scientist. It really impresses me."

Chris's applause and admiration sounded in the room, Caesar's body froze, and a few drops of cold sweat appeared on his face.

This is his secret base, who has such a great ability to sneak in? And he didn't even notice it standing behind him.

"You, who are you? How did you get in here?"

Although he didn't know who it was, Caesar already felt a beast-like aura staring at him.

This breath is very powerful, even Doflamingo is far inferior.

Caesar didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that he would be killed in the next second.

"If you want to know who I am, come and have a look."

Caesar's neck turned stiffly like a robot, and a handsome face was reflected in his pupils.

Ordinary people would usually let their guard down when they saw such a sunny face, but Caesar broke out in a cold sweat from fright.

Is there anyone in New World who doesn't know this face? Shouldn't there be one?

"Silver, silver, Galaxy! Why are you here?"

Caesar's teeth were chattering as he spoke, his body took a few steps back, and he sat down on the ground.

"Oh, it seems that I am quite famous, even the greatest scientists in the world have heard of me." 17

Chris smiled and walked in front of Caesar, but his smiling face was like a devil in Caesar's eyes, making him tremble with fear.

"Hehe, you joked about Yinhe, there is no one in the world who doesn't know your name."

Caesar smiled wryly, trying not to tremble as much as he could.

"No, no, you're famous as Caesar. I've heard of you since I was a rookie, and I've always admired you."

"Now I officially invite you to join my pirate group, you shouldn't refuse, right?"

Chris was smiling all the time, and his tone could not be heard, but Caesar was about to cry.

Yes, none of the words Chris said contained a threat, but he heard the word threat fully.

Can he say no? Does he dare to say no?

He could imagine that once he said the word of rejection, the smiling Chris would turn his face instantly and kill him.

"Yeah, but Doflamingo, he..."

Caesar didn't dare to reject Chris, but he didn't dare to betray Doflamingo either.

Now there are two roads, no matter which one he chooses, it will be a dead end.

"Don't worry, with me here, Doflamingo is nothing."

Hearing what Chris said, Caesar breathed a sigh of relief.

"Besides, I'm not asking you to betray Doflamingo. You continue to follow him on the surface and help him make man-made Devil Fruit, but you are mine behind the scenes, understand?"

"Are you asking me to be a double agent?"

Caesar was shocked, this is not a joke, once exposed he will die.

"You know, a Doflamingo is nothing to me, and it's not him I'm really dealing with."

"You want, you want, your goal is Kaido!"

Caesar's legs were weak, he managed to stand up just now and now he sat on the ground again.

What did he just hear?

One Four Emperors is going to war with another Four Emperors!

If this spreads, the whole world will shake!

"It's not good to just tell me such confidential news."

Caesar smiled wryly at Chris, so ugly he was about to cry.

"Yeah, I trust you so much, you shouldn't betray me, right?"

"No! No! No!"

Caesar's head shook like a rattle.

"Then to show your sincerity, don't you mind if I take one of your things?"

"No! No! No! Uh? What?"

Before Caesar could react, Luo behind Chris made a shot.

"room Slaughterhouse!"

The operation space unfolded, the demon knife and ghost wailed in the air, and a cube-shaped meat ball flew into the air.

The meat ball beat a few times while flying in the air, Caesar could tell that it was a heart.

Caesar hurriedly lowered his head, and sure enough, he saw a big hole in his chest, and his heart had disappeared.

"Ahhhhh, my heart!"

Caesar subconsciously went to pick up the heart, and finally watched it fall into Chris' hands.

"Although I know you are loyal, you must have insurance when you do things, right?"

"You don't want to try the feeling of your heart being crushed, do you?"

After speaking, Chris squeezed his hand hard, and his heart was deformed.

At the same time, Caesar let out a heart-piercing scream, clutching his chest and rolling on the ground.

"`~Alright, alright, I will definitely be loyal to you, Lord Galaxy."

Caesar looked terrified, he had been scared out of his wits by Chris' methods.

This man has a warm smile from beginning to end, but what he does is as terrifying as a demon.

"Get up and take you somewhere!"

Chris's smiling face suddenly became indifferent, and now he is the Four Emperors galaxy with bloody hands.

"room Slaughterhouse!"

Under the control of Op-Op Fruit, Chris, Luo and Caesar disappeared into the room, and there were 3 small stones on the ground they were standing on.

Chris3 people appeared outside the base, Chris activated the ability of Lion Fruit, and they flew towards the sky.

In the blink of an eye, he returned to the island in the sky.

"See the beasts down there? What I want you to do is let them evolve."

Standing on a big tree with Caesar in hand, Chris pointed to the two beasts fighting below and said.

"This is, is this k1?"

K1's reputation is very large in the underground world, so naturally Sa has heard of it.

"Then the Galaxy-sama is the king?"

"This is the beast island where K1 was raised?"

Caesar was shocked, he didn't expect to come to another incredible place.

In the underground dark world, there are countless forces wanting to get k1, but so far no one has found out where k1 came from, Vicious Beast Island.

Of course, this is not the island of beasts. The real island of beasts is the island of Primordial and Ruskaina, but Chris didn't explain anything to him, so the class will misunderstand. (Spoiled) "Putis!"

Chris's voice spread throughout the island, and there was a beast roar in the distance, and a majestic pterodactyl flew over, and the wind from its wings almost blew Caesar away.

"This is the pterosaur that ate the perfume fruit, and these beasts were bred from the perfume fruit.

"I've entrusted everything to you. It's up to you whether you can come up with a satisfactory result."

Stared by Chris' indifferent eyes, Guy felt chills all over his body.

"Don't worry, Master Galaxy, I will definitely not let you down, hehehehehe.

Caesar laughed dryly, hiding the fear in his heart.

"Putis, you will stay here for the time being, and cooperate with Caesar in the experiment."

The pterosaur was a little unhappy, opened its mouth and roared at Caesar a few times, scaring Caesar into gaseous gas.

"Contact me if you have any news, and let me know if there is any news about the man-made Devil Fruit. You can handle the specific matters yourself.

Chris pulls out a phone bug and throws it in Caesar's hand.

"But Punk Hazard's people are all under Doflamingo's subordinates, I don't have any extra manpower to study these.

Caesar had a bitter look on his face, there was really nothing he could do about it.

ps: Ask for subscription, ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for praise, anyway, ask for everything.

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