Start With A Quicksilver Fruit

Chapter 17 Battle Against Marine Rear Admiral

Suddenly a figure fell behind Chris, it was Daz who stayed on the boat before.

"Boss, our ship has been sunk"

Daz looked very embarrassed, there was still blood on the corner of his mouth, obviously he had gone through a hard fight before, the most important thing was that there was a wound on his chest, it seemed that someone broke through the steel defense he was so proud of .

"It's okay, if the boat is gone, grab another one. Everything is missing here, but there is no shortage of boats."

There are not only 5 warships on the beach, but also the ships left by the pirates who landed before. None of the pirates on the shore were sunk by Marine, and you can leave the island by just looking for one.

"You can't go anywhere!" Steve shouted angrily, and he drew his knife and slashed.

Chris soared into the air, dodging the flying slash.

"Mercury Shuriken!"

Countless quicksilver shurikens have descended, and the Marines surrounding Chris suffered a sudden disaster.

"Stay away, this man is not something you can deal with!" Steve yelled at the Marine soldiers by flicking the shuriken away with sword energy.

"Didn't think you could Moonwalk! Where did you learn it from?" Steve's eyes flickered in surprise as Chris performed the Moonwalk.

Moonwalk is one of the Marine Six Styles, only Naval Headquarters and World government have training methods inside. Although some big pirates can learn six styles from Marine during the battle, all of them are big names who are famous all over the world in New World.

And Chris is obviously the little guy who just debuted in West Blue, "Could someone teach him?" Steve secretly guessed.

Chris bombarded Steve with mercury shurikens for a full 3 minutes. The whole ground seemed to be plowed, and the ground was full of shurikens.

But Steve was unscathed. He seemed to have eyes behind him. No matter which direction the shuriken came from, he would dodge or block it.

"Is this Observation Haki?"

Chris has already seen it, this Steve Rear Admiral must have learned Observation Haki.

But this is normal, as Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, it is natural to know Observation Haki.

"The power that can strongly sense the opponent's voice is called Observation Haki. Once this power is enhanced, you can read the position and number of enemies out of sight, as well as the actions the opponent will take in the next moment.

Observation Haki has a lot to do with psychology, and you need to be calm to use it. Observation Haki cannot be used when you are emotional and lose your mind.

Observation Haki has a variety of functions, such as perceiving attacks, predicting the next move of the opponent, perceiving the strength of creatures, perceiving the emotions and thinking of creatures, and perceiving the position and number of objects outside the field of vision. These are the basic abilities of Observation Haki. Intensity varies from person to person.

This is the power of Haki, Chris's quicksilver shuriken met the opponent for the first time, no matter how many, it will not help.

"I didn't expect you to be Demon fruit power!"

Steve also took to the sky with the Moonwalk, and a flying slash hit Chris, splitting a huge gap in Chris' chest.


Chris fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the wound on his chest healed quickly.

"It's useless Armament Haki!"

"It's actually Logia Demon fruit power!"

This is what Chris and Steve are thinking at this moment.

Chris thought that Steve would definitely use Armament Haki, then he must be seriously injured by now. After all, he lacked actual combat experience. It was the first time he faced an opponent of the level of Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral. He accidentally exposed his flaws and almost lost his life.

But Steve didn't expect that Chris was actually a Logia fruit capable user of Rare! So the shot didn't use Armament Haki, causing the blow to have no effect.

"Little devil, if I don't kill you today, it will be a big problem in the future!" After Steve confirmed that Chris is a Logia capable user, his killing intent increased instantly.

If a Logia Demon fruit power becomes a pirate, it will inevitably become a huge disaster in the future, at least it is not difficult to grow to the level of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral.

It will be very difficult to get rid of him at that time. Once Chris enters New World, no matter whether he is on his own or joins the Four Emperors, he will become a big pirate that is difficult to solve!

If he could, Steve would stop at nothing to kill Chris here.

Thinking of this, Steve has already used Armament Haki, the knife in his hand is covered by Haki, and the blade is extremely black.

"Don't think that Logia is arrogant, brat, in the Grand Line, the fastest dying ability users are all Logia!"


Chris used Zangetsu to block Steve's knife, and saw that the Zangetsu in Chris's hand was also pitch black, obviously it was also Armament Haki.

"You can also Armament Haki!" Steve narrowed his pupils, looking in disbelief that someone in West Blue has learned Haki!

Haki is extremely rare in the first half of the Grand Line, and none of the 100 pirates has mastered this kind of power. Steve didn't expect that he would meet a character who learned Armament Haki when he came to West Blue, and The cultivation base is not low, and it can already be hardened by Black!

With armed colors and Logia Devil Fruit, the threat of Chris is self-evident. In the Grand Line, some bounty criminals with over 100 million yuan do not have such strength!

"Armament Haki is not difficult, you can learn it in the blink of an eye!" Chris joked.

"Little devil, don't be so arrogant!" Steve felt that Chris was provoking him, and Armament Haki learned it in the blink of an eye, what are you kidding?

"Ship-cutting knife!" Steve roared, and swung the long knife in his hand for a half-moon, slashing diagonally from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.

"One-shot style! Full moon slash!" Chris held the sword in his backhand, his body rolled over, and he slashed dozens of hundreds of swords in an instant. Countless sword qi condensed together to form a huge moon-shaped slash!

The two huge slashes collided, the ground was torn apart, and the ground was full of sand and rocks. Marine who was watching the battle around was blinded by the strong wind.

"Boom!" The two slashes rushed into the sky, and finally disappeared without a trace, blowing away the clouds in the sky!

"Little devil, there are two tricks, but justice cannot be violated. If you dare to kill Marine, you have committed a serious crime. Just catch it!" Steve raised his long knife and pointed it at Chris.

"Master Rear Admiral, what are you talking about? Surrender? Stop making me laugh" Chris laughed.

"Steve Rear Admiral, next is my strongest move, you take it!"

Chris put Zangetsu back into the sheath, stepped on the Moonwalk and jumped into the air, with his hands open as if embracing the sky and the earth, his body gradually liquefied, and his face was covered with mercury.


The endless mercury was created by Chris, forming a huge galaxy in the sky. The Milky Way covered the sky and the sun, completely covering the entire beach and a quarter of the island.

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