Start With A Quicksilver Fruit

Chapter 174: Crush Flame Embers (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

"Little man, do you still have time to worry about others?"

Choate hit Urti on the head with a gourd of wine, knocking her flying.

"Hey, drunkard, you smell so bad, haven't you showered for a few days?"

Ulti yelled at Joate after standing firm, with a look of disgust, but she herself was unscathed.

Ulti is a dragon fruit · ancient species · pachycephalosaurus ability, the hardest part is her head.

"You seem to have eaten a good fruit?"

Choate burped.

"But I also just got a new ability."

Choate gulped down a sip of wine, and then his body began to grow, and finally turned into a huge mammoth.


The mammoth roared upwards, and waved its long trunk towards Ultifa.

All the pirates on the road, friend or foe, were torn apart by his two big tusks.

"Asshole, I'm really mad."

Ulti also activated the fruit ability, turning from a little loli into a big dinosaur, colliding with the mammoth.

A huge air wave roared out, overturning a large group of pirates.

"This is Jack's ability, the Galactic country guy actually did this kind of thing!"

Seeing this scene, Jin in the sky gritted his teeth angrily.

Using the power that belongs to the Beasts Pirates to deal with the Beasts Pirates in turn is simply too deceitful.

"Yeah hahaha, that idiot Jack really gave us a big gift "403", it looks very useful!"

Enel grinned, and waved the golden rod, creating a thunder dragon to bite Jhin.

"Is no one coming to stop me? Weibull is going to kill you all!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Shock Fruit's power is too terrifying, Weibull's every move has great power, and countless pirates died under his sword.

All the cadres of the Galaxy Pirates were blocked, only one Weibull was wanton on the battlefield.

He swept across the battlefield with his innate combat wildness, and no one could block his air shock.

Those weak ones are powerless to fight back in front of him, and they will be killed in less than two moves!

"Fuzifu, go and stop that fool, how long do you want him to kill?"

Among the six volleyers, only Fuzifu was able to draw his hand, and Jhin snarled at him after seeing him.

"I know the execution bastard, you just take care of yourself!"

Fuzifu is extremely powerful and unreliable, so he doesn't have a good attitude towards Jhin and Quinn.

After slashing dozens of pirates to death with a knife, Fuzifu kicked off the ground and disappeared in place, flying quickly close to the ground.

The powerful air waves generated by the flight overturned many pirates, and finally collided with Weibull.


The long knife and the big knife collided head-on, generating a huge shock wave, and the ground under their feet was shattered.

Fuzifu is indeed the strongest among the six volleyball sons, and his strength is comparable to that of Jhin and Quinn.

"room Slaughterhouse!"

In a huge operating space, Luo cut dozens of pirates into pieces, and then reassembled them.

In the blink of an eye, a bunch of monsters with neither humans nor ghosts were born.

"Death Surgeon Trafalgar Law, this eccentricity of yours is disgusting."

De Rake turned into an Allosaurus and stopped in front of Luo. With a sweep of his tail, he knocked out a dozen pirates.

"Generation of Hell, x de Rake, I didn't expect you to join the Beasts Pirates."

Luo's left hand retracted the operation space, leaving only a small space for rotation.

"Hundred beasts are very suitable for me, at least my ability is very useful here."

Looking at the dinosaurs around, it's like a prehistoric zoo.

"It's not that simple, you must have other purposes."

"The captain told me that you have another identity.

Luo's words made De Rake's pupils shrink.

"It seems that I guessed correctly."

Sensing the change in De Rake's breath, Luo grinned meaningfully.

No one knows the conversation between De Rake and Luo. Although there are people around now, everyone is busy fighting, and no one cares what nonsense they said.

Even Quinn and Fuzifu, who noticed De Rake's abnormal identity, didn't have time to take care of him.

The battle between the two Four Emperors pirate groups was very fierce. Without Chris, the two sides were almost evenly matched.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were explosions on the battlefield one after another, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the smell of blood mixed with the smell of gunpowder was very pungent.

The screams and wailing were already inaudible, because they were covered by the sound of gunfire and fighting.

"Oh, it was a fierce fight! It seems that we came at just the right time!"

Above Ghost Island, an island is approaching.

"War is never a joy, Lord Galactic."

Hiyori looked at the dead people below with a look of unbearable expression on his face.

"But the Beasts Pirates cannot be defeated without a war, how will the Kozuki family take back Wanokuni?"

"He is right, Mr. Rihe, only blood can regain the dignity of the Guangji family.

Although Kuangshilang was injured, he still insisted on joining the battle.

"Is that bastard Jack dead? I still want to fight him."

The speaker is the boy Ashura, Kaido asked Jack to attack his bandit lair in order to subdue him.

This time, he wanted to settle the old grudge, but when he saw the replacement of the capable person, he knew that Jack was dead.

"Know what you should do?"

"Let me see if the warriors of Wanokuni still have the backbone of the past!"

With a wave of his hand, the island fell rapidly, and the thousands of warriors behind Chris roared.

Under the horrified eyes of a group of people, the island smashed to the edge of the ghost island.

The sky was full of dust and dust, and it was hard to see what was going on inside for a while.

"The galaxy is coming!"

Jhin's tone was full of embarrassment, and now the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable for the Beasts Pirates.

"Yeah hahaha, the captain has arrived, Jhin, how long can you last?"

Enel grinned, a trace of Bloodline remained at the corner of his mouth, and there were several scars on his body.

Jhin's strength is indeed stronger than Enel, he is a real Admiral level combat power!

"Shut up Thor, be careful I'll kill you now!"

The pterosaur spoke human words, and flames erupted from its body, burning more violently.

"Kill, for Wanokuni, let these bastards know how powerful a samurai is!"

"I have waited for 20 years, just for this day, I must avenge Master Oden!"

"Wanokuni will always belong to the Kozuki family, get rid of these vicious pirates!"

Uncountable armies of warriors rushed out of the dust, thousands of them, killing anyone who saw the Beasts Pirates.

The Galaxy Pirates originally had 8,000 people, plus the 1,000 people in the evil wolf, a total of 9,000 people.

But the strength of the Beasts Pirates is more than 20,000 people, so the previous situation has been unclear.

Although the two parties are at a stalemate, the Galaxy Pirates will fall into a disadvantage over time.

Now that Chris has brought thousands of samurai troops to join the battle, the gap in numbers has been eliminated at once.

"This scene is really spectacular, what do you think, Baihe Princess."

"I don't think it's spectacular. No matter what the outcome is, there is no winner in war. I just hope that Wanokuni can return to the peaceful and worry-free state of the year, and everyone can live a peaceful life.

Chris and Kozuki Hiyori are standing in the sky, with a piece of quicksilver supporting Hiyori at her feet.

"Peace requires strength. Kozuki Oden had strength back then, but was not strong enough. That's why Wanokuni fell and was ruled by Kaido for 20 years.

"And what about Galactic-sama? How will you rule Wanokuni?"

"I'm not interested in brutal rule. As long as you show your loyalty, everyone can live a good life, and it's better than you can imagine..."

"We'll have to wait and see that day."

The moment the deal was struck, Kozuki Hiyori put everything on the line.

Whether Chris wins or loses, Wanokuni is no longer part of the Kozuki family.

But Hiyori had no choice, she could not ask for the right to rule, she wanted to liberate the people of Wanokuni.

"You should stay away. If you are caught, Takeda will not be able to fight the disease."

With a snap of his fingers, Chris sent Hiyori up into the clouds.

There is an island there, Hiyori will be safe on it.

"So next, who is the first target?"

Kaido hasn't come yet, Chris always needs to find someone to pass the time.

"It's you!"

Looking at Jhin who was fighting fiercely with Enel in the sky, Chris grinned and disappeared in place.

"I heard that Kaido's Jhin is a powerful man, how can he pick me up?"

Jhin and Enel were fighting in full swing, and suddenly Chris' chuckle rang in his ears.


Jhin turned around suddenly, and saw a pitch-black fist hitting him.


Jhin's body turned into a stream of fiery red light and fell from the sky, smashing a big hole in the ground.

"Thunder God, you can go to another place to play, this pterosaur is handed over to me."

Without saying a word, Enel turned into a bolt of lightning and hit the battlefield below, instantly killing hundreds of people.

Apparently, he was bitter about not being able to beat Jhin.

"Wouldn't the strongest Flame Calamity be beaten to death by me?"

Chris put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the big hole.

"It's still early, Yinhe, don't underestimate me."

The pterosaur flew out of the big hole, its wings blew away the flying dust, and it hovered in front of Chris.

"Do you want to join me, Jhin?"

Jhin's strength is very strong, and he deserves to be recruited by Chris himself.

"Stop kidding, Galaxy, Captain Kaido is coming back soon."

Hearing this news, Chris was not surprised at all, Kaido's escape was as early as he expected.

"Then tell me, can I kill you before he comes?"

Chris smiled cynically.

"If you can do it, try it!"

The pterosaur flapped its wings and shot towards Chris like a sharp arrow.

"It's not polite to kick someone 2.3!"

Chris stretched out his left hand to block Jhin's dragon claws.

"And you don't have enough strength to kick people, you have to be like me!"

With a backflip, Chris kicked the pterodactyl in the head.


The pterosaur let out a wail, fell to the sky weakly, and smashed a big hole in the ground.

Chris's strength surpassed Jhin's too much, and he couldn't handle any move.

The battle is one-sided, completely crushing!

"Are you really not coming to my side? I am very optimistic about you!"

Chris appeared on the ground without warning, Jhin just flew out when he saw a big foot kicked him in the face!


Jhin was kicked hundreds of meters away by Chris like a sandbag.

The two pairs of wings wrapped around the body and kept rolling, killing countless pirates along the way.


The wing bones of the pterosaurs were broken, and the bone spurs penetrated the flesh and blood.

Jhin, who climbed up from the ruins, turned back to his original shape after dispelling the fruit's ability. His Black wings were twisted and broken, and his body was covered in cuts and bruises.

ps: The 4D has been updated today, so stay tuned at 9:00-10:00 tomorrow morning.

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