Start With A Quicksilver Fruit

Chapter 195 The Tea Party Begins, The Eve Of The War (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

Wanguo, also known as Totto Land Kingdom, is a country established by Four Emperorsbigmom.

Wanguo takes Cake Island as the main body, and there are 34 islands scattered around it, which are governed by 34 [ministers].

These ministers are all children of Big Mom, and all of them have inherited her genes, so they are very powerful.

Bigmom aspires to turn the Ten Kingdoms into a utopia where all races and species can live in harmony.

Therefore, the races living here include humans, murlocs, mermaids, fur tribes, snakehead tribes, long-handed tribes, long-legged tribes, small humans, three-eyed tribes, and mixed races of several different races.

In addition to the titan race, the dragon race and the Yanzhu race|bigmbh have gathered all the races in the world.

It's a pity that Jhin is dead, Jhin's race is completely extinct, and bigmom's wish is shattered.

Because of this, bigmom hates Chris more than ever.

Even bigmom didn't expect Chris to come to this tea party, but the moment he received the news, bigmom was moved.

She wanted to take this opportunity to kill the bastard who broke her wish.

"Mom, Yinhe's purpose may not be simple. He definitely didn't just come to the banquet."

A look of concern flashed in Katakuri's eyes.

"Well, don't worry, my son, even if he has other plans, I won't be afraid."

"This hateful bastard, this time I will kill him."

"Well, well, tea party, come quickly."

The whole cake island resounded with the laughter of bigmom.

Time flies, two weeks and one blink are here.

Chris fell from the sky and stepped on the land of Biscuit Island.

Biscuit Island is located in the northwest of Cake Island and is managed by the Biscuit Minister Cracker.

Cracker was lucky, and saved his life in the previous battle with the Galaxy Pirates.

Although he was deprived of the title of Dessert General, he still belongs to the core cadres of the Big Mom Pirates.

"Is this the Biscuit Island? The people who live here are really happy."

Chris glanced around, and everything on the island was made of biscuits, whether it was houses, buildings or forest trees.

Then break off the door of a house, and it tastes good in your mouth.

This is really a paradise for lazy people. They don’t have to do anything, and they can eat enough every day. They are much happier than people in other poor countries.

"Stop it, do you know what you're doing?"

"Without permission, you can't destroy the building. If you want to eat cookies, you have to go to the eating place there."

A group of chess soldiers came from a distance and surrounded Chris.

According to them, Chris should have violated the law here.

People around are far away, for fear of suffering disaster.

"Ah la la la, that's a bit embarrassing, what happens to people who break the law?"

Chris grinned and continued to eat and drink, not paying attention to the law at all.

"Those who break the law must hand in their lifespan. Also, you bastard, shut up and stop eating."

The leading chess player became angry instantly when he saw Chris's playful smile.

"Then what are you still doing, hurry up and catch me.

After the words fell, Chris reached out and removed the roof, eating half of the roof in one bite.

I don't know how the mouth was opened so wide.

"Don't say it, the biscuits here taste really good, would you like some?"

Chris handed over the remaining half of the roof to the chess players, let go, and smashed dozens of chess players to pieces.

"Bastard, the guy who broke the law is unforgivable, catch him quickly."

A group of chess players rushed towards Chris with spears in their hands, and they looked so aggressive and cute.

"Stop you idiots! This man is beyond your reach."

A biscuit soldier came from a distance and stopped the chess soldier.

They didn't know who Chris was, but Cracker knew it all.

If you offend the man in front of you, Biscuit Island will be destroyed.

"Yo, isn't this Cracker? An old acquaintance."

"Don't you show your face when you meet old acquaintances? Is it a little too arrogant?"

Chris grinned, making Cracker break out in a cold sweat.

"You're joking, Lord Galaxy."

"I'm honored to see Master Yinhe coming to the tea party, Mom has been waiting for you for a long time.

Cracker stepped out of the cracker soldiers and bowed to Chris.

At this time, the surrounding melon eaters knew who Chris was.

That's one of the Four Emperors on par with bigmom.

"Bigmom's Wanguo is good for everything, but there are too many sweets, and if you eat too much, you will get fat."

Chris walked, ate and complained.

Cracker smirked a few times, not daring to speak.

This is a matter between Chris and bigmom, and Ben dare not intervene.

Chris didn't stay long in Biscuit Island, and was taken to Cake Island by Cracker.

The cake island is composed of large cakes and cream, which looks like a layered layer cake.

Just one look, and the taste of sweets rose in Chris' mouth.

Really, people who don't like sweets should avoid this place, they will get tired of it.

"Hey, hey, that's the Four Emperors Galaxy, he's actually here too."

"It's the first time Four Emperors have come to a big mom's tea party."

"I feel that the atmosphere today is a bit delicate, and some interesting things may happen."

"Big news, this is really big news, Four Emperors galaxy and Four Emperors bigmom have contacted, what will happen?"

All the kings of the underground world looked at Chris and talked a lot, and Morgans took a camera and shot at Chris, not letting go of any angle.

"Is there anything other than sweets?"

After Chris sat down, a team of beautiful maids brought up a bunch of delicacies, but unfortunately they were all sweets.

"I'm sorry Lord Galaxy, we will change right away."

The leading maid was trembling, for fear of offending Chris.

Soon, because of the fish and meat, it was full of Chris's diners.

The banquet hasn't started yet, and bigmom hasn't appeared yet.

Chris sat there alone and ate, no one dared to sit with him.

"I didn't expect that the majestic Four Emperors Galaxy would come. It's our honor."

A man suddenly walked up to Chris, and everyone around him admired his courage.

"Who are you guys?"

Chris glanced at him and didn't look at him. He wasn't someone he knew anyway, so there was no need to care.

The man wasn't mad at Chris for his rudeness, after all, this was a big shot over him.

"Let me introduce myself, in Bowens Mo Ke Judge. Germa 66 Commander, King of Germa Kingdom.

Hearing him say that, Chris remembered that this guy was Sanji's heartless father.

Chris has been in the One Piece world for so many years that he has forgotten about this guy.

When he first went to sea, Chris plotted against Germa's power.

However, as her strength became stronger and stronger, Germa became dispensable, and Chris had no interest in Germa66.

"North Blue royal family, the famous killer family, what are you doing here?"

Chris is curious, hasn't the plot changed?

In the original book, Germa used Sanji to marry bigmom, and Luffy made a big fuss in Cake Island in order to save Sanji.

But now that the plot has been changed beyond recognition by Chris, will the wedding still take place?

"Today is the wedding of my son Yuji and bigmom's daughter Pudding, so of course I will come as a father.

Judge was proud when he talked about it, presumably because he successfully formed an alliance with bigmom.

"Really? Congratulations."

Chris smiled mysteriously, then ignored him.

Although Judge felt that Chris's smile was a bit mysterious, he didn't take it seriously.

Although the wedding has changed a male lead, the result will not change.

Bigmom never thought of forming an alliance with Germa from the beginning to the end, what she wanted was to completely control Germa's power.

So the wedding is the funeral of the Judge family.

It's almost death, but Judge hasn't found anything yet, he is an out-and-out fool.

"`∼Well well, Yinhe, I am so happy to have you here."

Bigmom finally came out, this woman has become a ball, and her footsteps are very loud.

"Really? You're not happy because I didn't bring my men, so you can take the opportunity to kill me?"

Chris finished eating a piece of meat, stood up and faced bigmom face to face.

Chris is only two meters tall, but bigmom is 8.8 meters tall, more than four times that of Chris.

The two stand together, just like mother and son.

"Well, well, you really know how to joke, Yinhe."

"Really? I think so too, they say I have a good sense of humor."

"Well, well."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Chris and bigmom looked at each other and smiled, and their laughter continued, which made the people at the banquet panic.

"Let's go to the wedding first."

Bigmom took the main seat, and one of her sons put the photo of the nun opposite her.

Chris's original plan was to smash this photo to weaken bigmom's strength, and then take the opportunity to kill her.

But with his current strength, there is no need to beat around the bush like this, just go straight to the front.


"Yes, Mom."

Zeus (Lee's) in the sky heard the order and flew down with Yongji and Pudding on his back.

Meanwhile, all the Homiz at the party started singing.

The guests present also expressed their blessings one after another, laughing and laughing.

Chris grinned, a red light flashing in his eyes.

The Observation Haki, which predicts the future, is activated and sees the scene of the future that is about to happen.


A sudden gunshot broke the lively banquet.

Everyone saw that the bride was holding a smoking pistol in her hand, and the groom Yongzhi had a bloodstain on his face.

Yongzhi never thought that his wedding bride would assassinate him, but relying on his transformed body, he avoided the bullet at the critical moment.

At the same time, Ross Perot, who saw the assassination failed, used the power of licking the fruit to create a large piece of liquid candy, which wrapped Vince Mo Ke's family.

Because they were asked to take off their combat uniforms for attending the wedding, Judge and others were helpless, and Vince Mo Ke's family was captured alive.

The mutation came so suddenly that no one at the banquet hall thought that such a thing would happen.

By the time they react, the matter is a foregone conclusion.

Only then did they realize that it turned out that bigmom's wedding was fake, and that the assassination of Vince Mo Ke's clan was real.

ps: Ask for subscription, ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for praise, anyway, ask for everything.

The author is still desperately coding, with a guarantee of 10,000 updates every day, I beg readers to give the author some motivation, thank you very much!.

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