Start With A Quicksilver Fruit

Chapter 83 Arriving At The Fish Men Island (Third Update, Please Subscribe)


The surgical circle slowly shrank, and finally disappeared in Luo's palm.

Kagao opened his eyes and saw Luo in front of him at a glance.

He remembered this man, he was the ship doctor of the Galaxy Pirates.

Kagao said, "Why did you save me? What's the purpose of Chris?"

Luo Dao: "Saving you is of course conditional. From now on, those who have joined the pirates will be the affiliated pirates of the Galaxy Pirates.

It's a joke that Chris hurt him and now he's trying to recruit him.

Kagao grinned and wanted to smile, but he pulled the wound, and with a twitch of his mouth, he withdrew his smiling face.

"It was Chris who hurt me! He is Laozi's enemy, and now he wants Laozi to submit to him, what are you kidding?"

Hearing Kagao's roar, Luo shook his head and said disdainfully: "The battle of pirates is the winner takes the king."

"You won, you can do whatever you want, but now you are defeated, life and death are in the hands of the captain, what else can you do?"

Kagao roared: "Even if Laozi dies, he will not be his subordinate."

The sound was loud, but it touched the wound, and Kagao began to cough violently, and a trace of Bloodline flowed out.

"Hey, don't speak so loudly, I can hear you."

"Also, if the wound opens again, even I can't save you."

Half of Kagao's bones were shattered, and his internal organs were broken in many places. It was thanks to Luo being an Op-Op Fruit capable that he could be revived, otherwise he would be dead.

"So what if you enter the New World with the current you? Can you survive?"

"Also, the captain didn't send me to save you for free. If you refuse, the Orc Pirates can't do without Sabaody Archipelago!"

When Chris asked Luo to come, he said that if Kagao didn't know good from bad, then the Orc Pirates wouldn't need to exist.

Now, as a newly promoted Shichibukai, Chris naturally wants to destroy a few Pirate 127 regiments to make an example of others and establish a reputation for himself.

"Asshole!" Kagao gritted his teeth: "Laozi won't let him go, Chris let Laozi join him, aren't you afraid that one day Laozi will betray him?"

Luo Dao: "I just convey the order, the rest is none of my business."

"If you dare, you can try."

Pirates are full of killing and betrayal, so Chris recruited his men to guard against this.

But Chris believes that as long as he is strong enough, his subordinates will never dare to betray, because they cannot afford the consequences!

"After the injury, we will gather at this place. It's up to you whether you come or not."

Luo left a place and left, while Kagao's face was uncertain.

Supernovas generally have the dream of being the One Piece, and if they surrender to Chris, it means that the dream is shattered.

But if you don't go, the Orc Pirates will be wiped out tomorrow!

Kagao, who has personally experienced Chris' strength, understands that Chris has such strength.

three days later.

The station of the Galaxy Pirates.

Kagao, Leach, and Randall are all here, and they dare not refuse Chris' summoning order.

Chris said: "Since you are all here, it means that from today onwards, you are all affiliated with the Galaxy Pirates."

"At present, I have a plan that needs you, so after entering New World, you all have to go with the Galaxy Pirates. After the plan is completed, you can move freely

The general affiliated pirate groups can act freely, and only when the captain calls them will they act together.

Randall said: "What is your plan? If you let us be cannon fodder, then I will not do it, you should kill me now (aefe)!

Randall deserves to be the calmest and wisest of the three supernovas, so he vaccinated Chris in advance.

When Leach and Kagao heard this, they also looked at Chris with nervous eyes.

If they were to be cannon fodder, they would rather fight to the death with the Galaxy Pirates here. Anyway, they are dead anyway, so it is better to fight for breath before they die.

Chris shook his head and smiled, and said: "You think too much, I don't have the luxury of using supernovas as cannon fodder.

Chris continued: "If you want to survive in New World, except for a few pirate alliances, the only way is to join the Four Emperors."

"There are countless pirate groups that enter New World every year, but more than 90% of them will be destroyed in less than a year, and most of the rest will join the Four Emperors."

"And I am not inferior to others, so I can only take the second path!"

Randall asked, "So you recruited us to challenge the Four Emperors?"

If you don't want to join the Four Emperors, you have to defeat the Four Emperors.

Every year a supernova enters the New World with this goal in mind.

Chris shook his head and said: "It's too early to challenge the Four Emperors, and you guys are too far behind in combat power, and you are cannon fodder against the Four Emperors.

Seeing that they didn't quite believe it, Chris didn't want to explain too much, and they would naturally understand after entering the New World.

"Then what's your plan?"

Leach and Kagao looked puzzled, they neither challenged the Four Emperors, nor did they seek refuge with the Four Emperors, you might be starving.

Chris said: "My plan is to establish a territory in New World, use this as a foundation, accumulate strength, and when I have enough strength, I will pull one of the Four Emperors from the throne in one fell swoop.

Luo and Randall said at the same time: "In other words, we are going to compete with the Pirate Alliance under the Four Emperors for territory."

Apart from Chris, the only smart people in Galaxy Pirates are Luo and Randall


Hearing what Chris said, they immediately figured it out.

Chris nodded and said: "That's right, first lay down a piece of land in New World, and then challenge the Four Emperors upwards. The purpose of recruiting you is to increase combat power. A single pirate group cannot fight against the New World Pirate Alliance."

Those pirate alliances can survive in the cracks of the Four Emperors pirate group, and their strength should not be underestimated.

If one-on-one with the opposing captain, Chris is not afraid at all.

But those pirate alliances are all combined by several pirate groups, with at least a few thousand people.

If Chris wants to compete with them, he needs to gather a large number of people.

The Galaxy Pirates is an elite pirate group with too few people.

But the three supernova pirates recruited are all semi-elite, and there are thousands of people in total, enough for Chris to start a war in New World.

With the order of the captain, the members of the three pirate groups agreed to join Chris.

The number of the Galaxy Pirates skyrocketed overnight, turning into a large Galaxy fleet with over a thousand members.


Two weeks later, the Galaxy Pirates set sail again, and this time there was not only one Galaxy, but three affiliated pirates followed them.

Originally, it only took three days for Rayleigh to be coated, but Kagao's injury was so serious that he took two weeks of recuperation to heal.

The seabed of Sabaody Archipelago is very spectacular. Seeing this beautiful scene, even Chris had to lament the greatness of nature.

"Captain, is this soap bubble really unbreakable?"

Salin was very worried that the bubble would burst, and then everyone on the ship would die together.

Chris signaled him to be relieved, and said, "It's okay, Rayleigh's workmanship is very good, there will be no problem.

"Better worry about the Sea Kings attack than worry about the bubble bursting."

A lot of people die every year because of coating accidents, but more people die at the mouth of Sea Kings.

I don't know if it was Chris's crow mouth, but as soon as the words fell, a Sea Kings swam towards the Galaxy.

Look at its mouth full of fangs, if it bites the Yinhe, it will inevitably end in shipwreck.

"Hey, hey, captain, what should we do?"

Everyone didn't dare to act rashly, this is the deep sea, and if they make a mistake, they will surely die.


Chris rolled his eyes, and a burst of Conqueror's Haki burst out.

Shocked by Conqueror's, Sea Kings broke out in cold sweat instantly, with humanized fear in his eyes.

"Get out!"

As if understanding what Chris said, the Sea Kings turned around and ran away, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Is this Conqueror's Haki? One look can scare away Sea Kings!"

When Randall and the others saw this scene, they became more and more in awe of Chris.

After they agreed to join, Chris handed over Haki's practice method to them.

Chris said that Observation Haki and Armament Haki can be strengthened as long as they practice hard.

But the Conqueror's Haki is only eligible to be possessed by the chosen ones, and cannot be acquired through acquired practice.

Only one person in a million can awaken Conqueror's, this is the qualification of a king!

"No wonder the captain is as strong as a monster, so it is."

From this moment on, they really felt that maybe it would be good to join Chris.

Many years later, when they became world-renowned big shots, they were all very fortunate to have agreed to Chris's solicitation today.


The boat passed through the bubble of The fish men island.

"I didn't expect such a beautiful place to exist at a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea.

It was also the first time for everyone to come to The fish men island, and Riyan was attracted by the scenery here.

"Yahahahaha, I didn't expect such a magical place even under the sea, the Grand Line really didn't disappoint me.

Enel lives 10,000 meters in the sky, and The fish men island is 10,000 meters under the sea, just two opposites.

The moment the Galaxy Pirates entered The Fish Men Island, the King Neptune of The Fish Men Island had already received the news.

"Alas, hope Chris has no ill intentions for The fish men island."

King Neptune's face was troubled.

The power of the fish men island is too weak, if not for the protection of Whitebeard's flag, even a pirate would dare to abduct mermaids.

You know, mermaids are very expensive on land, and they can make a lot of money by catching any mermaid.

"Don't worry, King Neptune, this old man will protect The Fish Men Island.

The one who spoke was a whale shark man, one of the Shichibukai, Haixia Jinbei.

Neptune said: "What is the strength of that Chris? Is he your opponent?"

Jinbei said: "I have never fought against him, but in the sea, the old man will not be afraid of him."

"Besides, Marco and the others happen to be on The Fish Men Island right now. If Chris makes trouble, they won't just sit idly by."

Hearing what Jinbei said, King Neptune felt a little relieved. .

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