Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 24 Super High School Level Detective

Liao Baiyu really didn't expect that his fighting power could be so fierce.

Although he probably learned martial arts, fighting skills, taekwondo, judo, military taijutsu, etc. when he was a child in Hawaii, most of the exaggerated effects he has now come from his own super child.

Judging from the actual combat effect, Liao Baiyu felt that his previous definition of the 15-point power attribute was still too narrow.

The strength that soars to 200 kilograms is not a muscle in a single part, nor is it a short period of time like Hercules, which requires adjusting the state, taking a good posture, taking a deep breath to concentrate all the energy, and only after accumulating strength. explosive force.

For himself, there is no need for any preparation. Even if it is an instant punch or any other body movement, he can freely control the force of the attack according to his thoughts. The maximum upper limit is about two hundred kilograms.

This is completely beyond the scope of physiology, and is more similar to a kind of kinetic energy control?

Liao Baiyu, who came back to his senses, secretly thought in his heart that he was still in the early stages of exploring Chaozi.

Therefore, creating more magical girls to ensure sustainable improvement is one aspect, and actively participating in some "events" to practice your skills and hone yourself is also very helpful for your own exploration of super children.

at the moment.

After he killed three suspects instantly, the remaining four criminals hiding in the house were frightened when they saw what happened. They tried to escape through the back door of the house, but unfortunately, the investigators of Group 5 had already been ambushed there. .

After a few short sounds of fighting outside, the four suspects, who were handcuffed and with bruises on their noses and faces, were escorted back.

So far, all seven suspects in this room have been arrested, and the number is consistent with the number of heads detected by Liao Baiyu using negative emotions.

Subsequently, the search officers began to carefully inspect the house.

After a while, many controlled knives and even illegal unregistered firearms were seized. These alone were enough to convict. Then, another search officer found the suspect wearing the surveillance footage from the closet last night. There were even a few weed leaves stuck to the coat.

Such conclusive evidence completely locked the identities of several people.

Many investigators showed admiration and emotion.

They secretly looked at the boy next to Team Leader Xiao, and they couldn't figure out how Liao Baiyu managed to find the suspect so accurately in the chaotic neighborhood.

Among them, there was a little clever guy who suddenly had an epiphany as if after a brainstorming session. He loosened his frown and "clarified" Liao Baiyu's reasoning to his companions in an excited tone.

"I understand, it's the uniform! The uniform on student Liao Baiyu is the best hook!"

"Think about it, a group of investigators and a student, the focus of normal people's attention must be on us, and only people related to Han Xiaoyue's disappearance case will recognize Liao Baiyu's private uniform, and then pay attention to this student, Pay special attention!”

"So at that time, classmate Liao Baiyu, as long as he observed those people whose attention and eyes were always on him, they were most likely to be suspects!"


After hearing this, the investigators all expressed their sudden realization.

When the suspects caught in the house heard this, they all gritted their teeth and were very upset. After all, it seemed that this was really what happened. They did stare at Liao Baiyu a lot. It turned out that they were exposed from here.

At this time, the investigators' attitude towards Liao Baiyu has obviously changed. From the former student brat, he has suddenly become a real genius detective. There is still the kind of person who has extraordinary and extremely meticulous observation skills. kind.

Even the female team leader Xiao Xia looked up and down and glanced at Liao Baiyu several times.

Liao Baiyu was quite calm about this.

A slight nod of the head is all that's required, and he looks like a master who doesn't care much.


He, Liao Baiyu, relied entirely on his careful thinking, keen observation, and diligent efforts to solve the case!

It has nothing to do with Chaozi or his own background!

"Tell me, where is the girl you took away from the park last night?" After searching the room, no trace of Han Xiaoyue was found. Xiao Xia kicked the criminal squatting in the corner and pressed the heel of his leather boot against him. Shoulder, asked coldly.

The surrounding investigators all turned their gazes elsewhere in tacit agreement under this scene.

"What, what kind of girl, I don't even know!" The suspect gritted his teeth to hold back the pain in his shoulder, but still had to speak harshly.

Even if Xiao Xia increased his intensity later, the suspect grinned and his face twisted into a ball of pain, but he still wanted to keep it a secret and didn't want to say a word about Han Xiaoyue's whereabouts.

It's not like Xiao Xia has never encountered difficulties.

Just when the female investigator was about to change her tactics and increase her intensity, Liao Baiyu pulled her back and signaled that it was not necessary.

Han Xiaoyue is in this room, Liao Baiyu is sure.

after all

[Negative sentiment from Han Xiaoyue +0.001, +0.001]

When the suspect said that he didn't know where Han Xiaoyue was, the negative emotions from the girls towards him began to pop up one after another.

Liao Baiyu can understand.

It was like a trapped person, seeing the rescuers arriving but unable to find him, anyone would be anxious, and Han Xiaoyue was probably scared at the moment that they really believed the suspect, and then led the team out of the room.

As soon as the negative emotions come out, the rest is easy for "Detective" Liao Baiyu.

Not only was he certain that Han Xiaoyue was still alive and here, he was also able to locate and search for and rescue her based on the girl's real-time fluctuations in negative emotions.

Later, Liao Baiyu began to pace in the house. After circling the very messy room, he stopped in a utility room somewhere.

The investigators here have also looked for discarded cardboard boxes and daily necessities.

Just when everyone was wondering, Xiao Xia noticed that the suspect under the leather boots trembled obviously. Although the other party was trying to hide it, it was obvious that he was still very nervous and afraid of Liao Yu who was in the utility room.

Could it be

Before Xiao Xia could press him further, Liao Baiyu started tapping the wall with his fingers. After tapping for a round, he squatted down and knocked on the floor. When he hit a certain floor tile, there was an obvious sound. Hollow sound.

Upon hearing this, the investigators immediately understood.

Secret room!

There is a dark basement down here!

If the investigators originally only admired Liao Baiyu as a genius detective, now, seeing how easily Liao Baiyu eliminated the suspect's hiding spot, they were all in awe.

After all, the first time can be said to be a matter of luck, but the second time, it is definitely true power.

No one expected that Liao Baiyu was not only so strong in investigation and thinking logic, but also had such research on secret room mechanisms!

Even Xiao Xia's eyes changed.

The long-legged female investigator team leader looked at Liao Baiyu with very hot eyes, and she felt like she was about to "eat" him.

After all, if this kind of talent can be absorbed, they will definitely be able to add another ace to their five groups!


No matter how shameless Liao Baiyu is, he can't stand it now.

He does know a little bit about institutions.

But this time, relying entirely on Han Xiaoyue's negative emotional reminder, I knocked on the wall and asked Han Xiaoyue in the basement to judge my position. The further away, the greater the girl's negative emotion, and the closer the distance, the smaller the value.

Sometimes famous detectives are so simple and unpretentious.

There were small keyholes on the floor tiles, but this did not stop the investigators. With professional equipment, within two or three minutes, the secret door disguised as a utility room floor was violently opened.

The vigilant investigators looked at the dark basement and were ready to throw some props in. No one knew if there would be gangsters down there, but they never thought that Liao Baiyu was already taking the lead with a flashlight. Jumped down.

The soft light of the flashlight drove away the darkness of the basement.

In the corner of the cold wall, a girl with tears on her face and shivering from the cold was struggling desperately towards the light source while being tied up with her last bit of strength.

It’s not Han Xiaoyue or anyone else.

Liao Baiyu ran over immediately, leaned down, quickly cut the hemp rope for the girl, and tore off the tape around her mouth.

For Han Xiaoyue, all the fear, fear, loneliness, helplessness, etc. that had accumulated over the past dozens of hours finally broke out completely at the moment of rescue and overwhelmed her.

Tears welled up uncontrollably.

Although she didn't know who Liao Baiyu was.

But this did not hinder it at all. At this time, the fragile girl cried out loudly after the tape was torn off. She instinctively rushed over and hugged the boy in front of her with her hands, for fear that she would lose it if she let go.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"You are already safe."

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