Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 27 Reliable Big Daddy!


Flames erupted from the muzzle, and the bullets flew from the other direction, accurately hitting the evil eye on the nightmare claw.

The mutated man let out a miserable roar on the spot, and his attention suddenly shifted from Liao Baiyu. The giant claws of his entire beast-turned right arm began to twitch, as if he was in great pain, and his scarlet eyeballs also popped out of the meat. Shrank back.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

While Xiao Xia kept shooting, she was extremely anxious and yelled at the subordinate investigators who were still stunned.

"Take out the gun! Shoot!!"

After being scolded by the team leader, the shocked investigators came to their senses, quickly took out their firearms, and followed Xiao Xia to shoot in the direction of the mutated man.

The quality of the investigators here is pretty good.

After all, in the face of something like this, humans actually combined with nightmare beasts. Monsters that were far beyond the scope of "cognition" could still maintain accuracy and fire back, which was already a manifestation of strong psychological quality.

Let's look at the other ordinary peace officers.

Even though Xiao Xia shouted like this, they still didn't have the courage to draw a gun. On the contrary, it was this voice that made them wake up from their sluggishness. The first thing they thought of was to turn around and run away under the control of fear.

In fact, that's okay.

After all, Xiao Xia's key shot indeed hit the target, making the mutant man feel a lot more depressed. Coupled with the firepower network that followed the investigators, the mutant was actually suppressed for a while.

Under gunfire, the man could only choose to use the beast's claws as a shield to cover his other vital parts.

It can also be seen that there is still a big gap between the opponent and the real nightmare beast. The only thing that can resist bullets is the nightmare beast's right arm. The rest of the human body is still very afraid of firearms.

Before Xiao Xia had time to observe and analyze further, the situation changed in the next moment and the female investigator almost cursed on the spot.

I saw that among the police officers who were afraid of fighting and running away, some idiots, thinking they were smart, crawled back into the cab of the police car in a mess. Not only were they afraid of fighting, but they actually planned to drive away in the car!

As a result, the car that sped away in a panic just blocked the shooting path of Xiao Xia and the investigators. Although it was only for a short second or two, it was enough for the mutant man.


It is true that the man has not been able to fully integrate the powerful body of the nightmare beast, but on the other hand, he still retains some of his human wisdom.

After discovering this opportunity, the man took advantage of the firepower of Xiao Xia and other investigators, followed the escaping car, and turned it into his own bunker!

Damn it!

Xiao Xia's beautiful eyebrows turned into twists, and she quickly moved her position and looked for a new shooting angle. But before they could cover the fire net, the next moment, the escaping police car suddenly left the ground, and no matter how fast its four wheels turned, it could not move forward. Half a point.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified expression of the idiot police officer in the cab, his car was used for a second time by the beast man.

Just like when the prison car was lifted, the police car was lifted high under the terrifying force of the claws of the nightmare beast, and was used as a throwing object, aiming at the position of Xiao Xia and the investigators, and was about to hit them.

"Stop shooting!"

"Get out of the way!!!"

It was useless for Xiao Xia to shout at this time. They were on the road and there were no bunkers around. For the mutant man, from the time he caught the car that came to his door, the investigators had already All became targets.

From his crazy expression, he seemed to foresee that the next moment these damn investigators would be smashed to pieces by the police car he threw at them.


The man seemed to have forgotten that there was another person at the scene.


I heard another gunshot. The man who was angrily raising the police car with his claws, completely forgetting to defend himself and preparing to smash all the investigators into meat pies, from behind, a bullet went straight through the back of his head, and then from behind The center of his eyebrows flew out.

For a moment, the man's eyes widened, and he was still full of confusion as to what had happened. His whole body was stiff, except for the hole in his head that was bleeding.

The next second later, he seemed to have lost all his strength, and his body fell limply forward and knelt down.


As for the mutated nightmare beast's right hand, it seemed that it lost consciousness and fell down. The lifted police car also fell down under the gravity.


The police car slipped from its claws and pinned the man's body underneath. As for the cowardly security officer in the cab who had caused trouble, he rushed out in a mess.

The road seemed to be silent again late at night.

The situation that was so thrilling just now seemed to be resolved all of a sudden?

The investigators, who had really escaped death, hurriedly looked towards the direction of the gunfire.

And there was Liao Baiyu, who was holding a gun with one hand and still maintaining his aiming and shooting posture. The young man's gun muzzle was vaguely emitting white smoke in the cold night air.

Liao Baiyu didn't care at all about the shocked looks of others, but when the security guard ran out, he quickly fired several more shots in succession.

The bullet accurately hit the police car's fuel tank, immediately igniting the gasoline inside.

The fire that shot up to the sky ignited again with the explosion. The security guard who was running halfway was even hit by the aftermath of the explosion for several meters. He rolled around for two or three times and became motionless. He probably fainted.

But no one blamed Liao Baiyu at this time.

on the contrary.

The light from the burning car illuminated the boy's calm face.

At this moment, Liao Baiyu seemed to have "reliability" written all over his face to the investigators.

After all, whether you hold the gun with one hand, seize the opportunity to turn around, and then shoot the man directly in the head with just one shot.

Just now, without hesitation, he shot the fuel tank very decisively, causing the police car pressing the mutant to explode a second time, using the flames to completely devour the opponent and perform a last-ditch attack.

In this series of actions, not to mention them, even Xiao Xia, the team leader, who can be said to be the ace investigator in the branch, couldn't do as well as Liao Baiyu if he asked himself.

Especially this superb marksmanship made Xiao Xia feel horrified.

Don't they want to get hit in the head?

Of course!

But first, he couldn't seize the opportunity, and second, his shooting skills at night, even for a well-trained investigator, the hit rate was pitifully low.

As for her, although she also hit the man's vitals, those were the big eyes on the claws of the nightmare beast. The size of that treacherous eye was much larger than a human head.

"Put on the spare magazine." Liao Baiyu ordered in a deep voice, not saying that he enjoyed the stunned gazes of the investigators. This was just the basic marksmanship he learned in Hawaii.

Liao Baiyu quickly threw the empty pistol to its original owner, the one with freckles on his face who was knocked down by him at the beginning and saved from the mutant man's "first blood" Young investigator.

The current person, regarding Liao Baiyu's order, even if the other party is not from the Public Security Bureau at all, it is simply more effective than Team Leader Xiao's words. He quickly changed the magazine and hurriedly handed the pistol to Liao Baiyu. See In addition to gratitude, there was only admiration in the boy's eyes.

Recalling the time when Sister Xiao asked herself to call this boy brother, he was still puzzled and strange. Now he understands, no, more than understands, it is an epiphany.

With such fierce fighting power, Sister Xiao's seniority is considered conservative.

Where is his brother?

This is simply the biological father who saved his life!

Maybe they thought that the mutated man had been shot in the head again and was submerged in the fire, so he must be dead, so everyone relaxed a lot. Some investigators even sat down on the ground, wiping the cold sweat from their foreheads. .

However, the freckled investigator who was closest to Liao Baiyu quickly discovered that something was wrong.

Because after Liao Baiyu took over the loaded pistol, he was still extremely vigilant, and the expression on his face was even more solemn than before. This did not sound like caution, but more like the crisis had not been resolved.

Could it be that.

Sure enough, Liao Baiyu's warning sound immediately tightened the nerves of many investigators who had just relaxed.

"Don't move!"

"That guy is probably not dead yet."

Happy New Year everyone!

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