"What a coincidence."

Liao Baiyu was surprised on the surface, but actually he didn't have much fluctuation in his heart.

He founded this drama club originally to catch Xu Jiajia. After all, from the perspective of a girl, if you want to stay on campus for a long time, joining the club is inevitable.

Compared with other clubs, his drama club has few barriers to entry, is small in size, and has no tedious homework, making it suitable for fishing. The most important thing is that he also has the privilege given by the teacher to perform on campus in the name of "rehearsal" Stay here as long as you want.

This kind of club that takes up a lot of time may seem like a club to "avoid" in the eyes of ordinary students, but in the eyes of magical girls who want to protect the school 24 hours a day, it is undoubtedly the best choice.


If he didn't catch it and Xu Jiajia joined another club, Liao Baiyu could also "get" the girl.

Liao Baiyu knew it well.

But the other person in the activity room is now panicking, and he has a sense of being caught.

"Ah! Junior sister, no, that's not the case. Classmate Bai Yu and I are just, just... that's it."

Han Xiaoyue, who was sitting under the soil, stood up with a blushing face after being stunned for a second or two.

Judging from the fact that this beautiful school girl called her "Bai Yu" when she first opened her mouth, it was obvious that she had a good relationship with the president, which made Han Xiaoyue's thoughts even more serious.

In order not to let herself become the female supporting character who misunderstood the plot, she hurriedly tried to explain it, but she was not the kind to talk. After talking for a long time, it seemed that she had more shady secrets.

Good thing.

Xu Jiajia couldn't stand it anymore. She actually recognized Han Xiaoyue as the senior sister in the disappearance case. She knew that her relationship with Liao Baiyu was very innocent, so she took the initiative to interrupt and helped find a step.

"Senior sister, were you rehearsing the plot just now?"

"Yes! That's right, I, I'm just asking Baiyu-san for advice on Dogeza's apology scene!"

Seeing that the school girl didn't misunderstand, Han Xiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief.

What she was most afraid of seeing was that kind of thing. In the novel, it was clear that the male and female protagonists were about to establish a sweet relationship, but in the middle, a female lead appeared out of nowhere and had a brief and ambiguous interaction with the male protagonist, only to be caught by the female protagonist. It's over, at least I have to write another 20 or 30 stomach-churning chapters to save the relationship.

Especially, what if the second male lead comes again at this time and takes advantage of the opportunity to pursue the female protagonist. In order to be angry with the male protagonist, the female protagonist deliberately has many interactions with the second male lead. Oh, my God, Han Xiaoyueguang just misses her. I have read the plot of this kind of novel, and my back teeth can't help but clenched.

Talk about it.

Han Xiaoyue took another sneak peek, and next to Xu Jiajia, there seemed to be another junior student accompanying him.


Could this be the second male lead?

However, looking at the relationship between these two people, why does it seem that the relationship between them is better than that with the president?

"Hahaha! Jiajia, look what I'm talking about. In this kind of club that strives for appearance, Bai Yu must be super popular!"

Chen Ziran came from behind, stood next to Xu Jiajia, and also greeted Liao Baiyu.

"To be honest, we were quite nervous along the way, but now we're fine. It's a lot easier to see people we know, right Jiajia?"


"By the way, Brother Bai Yu, what should I say? Please tell me quietly. Is the president here easy to talk to? It shouldn't be difficult for interviews and so on, right?"

Chen Ziran shouted "Jiajia" one after another, and the subject was always us. Binding Xu Jiajia and him together seemed to be a bit of a declaration of sovereignty.

Now, Chen Ziran had made up his mind. No matter what Liao Baiyu said, even if it was a simple interview, he would shake his head and leave with Xu Jiajia.

He secretly cursed the bad luck in his heart. If he had known that Liao Baiyu was here, he would not have let Qingmei choose this place even to death.

Didn't expect

"Don't worry, you have passed the interview."


Looking at Chen Ziran who was a little confused, Liao Baiyu nodded, opened his arms to welcome you and said: "I am the president. Now, congratulations to you for joining the drama club!"

After saying this, the expression on Chen Ziran's face froze.

His actual inner face was already hideous.


Build a community?

Can we still have such a large venue and authority?

What a joke!

Is Crescent Private School run by your family?

Is even a place like school so corrupt?

Damn it! asshole!

This ugly old world!

The organization is right, this rotten world should be overthrown and destroyed!

Compared to Chen Ziran's inner anger.

Although Xu Jiajia was also surprised, she looked at Han Xiaoyue again and seemed to understand something.

"What's wrong, Ziran, come in and sit down. We have almost the number of people, so we can start the club activities."

"Uh, forget it, Brother Liao, I'm just here to accompany Jiajia. I'm not interested in drama, so I won't join in the fun."

No matter how angry Chen Ziran is, he has to hide it, and the organization has just warned him to avoid contact with Liao Baiyu in the near future, so here he must refuse.

If Liao Baiyu really had the detective ability to solve the case at that time, the more contact he had with him, the greater the risk of exposure.


"Really, that's a pity." Liao Baiyu shrugged regretfully.

Chen Ziran forced a smile on his face, and then he looked at his Qingmei with hopeful eyes. At least he felt that Qingmei should be able to understand his meaning and accompany him to reject Liao Baiyu.


Xu Jiajia didn't mean to "go with him". Instead, she was trying to persuade Chen Ziran why he suddenly changed his mind and how good it would be to stay here.

What's this?


Naked betrayal!

Chen Ziran quickly left alone. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would lose control of his emotions.

In fact, he is indeed going crazy now.

He gritted his teeth when he thought that out of his sight, Qingmei, who was supposed to belong to him, was in a club with another man and doing activities under the other man's leadership.

If it weren't for the organized warnings that kept forcing him to calm down, otherwise he would really want to turn around and use his abilities on Liao Baiyu.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Chen Ziran's anger here is not just towards Liao Baiyu.

There are even more comments about Xu Jiajia.

He believed that he gave all his love to Qingmei, and even negotiated with the organization behind the scenes for Qingmei, helping Xu Jiajia, an ordinary person, win a position in the "new world" as the king's woman.



Why should you fail me!

Just when there were cracks in Chen Ziran's feelings for Qingmei, his phone suddenly vibrated. This was a special reminder.

Chen Ziran suddenly felt happy and thought it was from Xu Jiajia. Maybe Qingmei was embarrassed at the time and was privately discussing with herself how to launch the club?

But when Chen Ziran opened his phone with joy, he was disappointed at first because the news was not from Qingmei, but soon, an even greater expression of excitement appeared on his face, and even this joy diluted the previous anger. .

the reason is simple.

This new message came from Station C, an UP owner that he paid special attention to.

That's right.

This is the cosplayer who looks very similar to Qingmei and became famous for her role as a female character with an eyepatch in "The Fall".

Chen Ziran originally planned to use this cosplayer as his replacement for Xu Jiajia.

Didn't expect

[Jiaran, these characters you raised are so strong! 】

[Wow, how did you get all the equipment entries? I’m so envious! 】

【The number is up! Sign up soon, it’s a big family! 】

[Although I gained a lot of fans, I feel like they are all sorry! Spreading negative energy to you! ‘

[Hehe, as expected, the happiest thing is playing with you, Jiaran! 】


They started chatting.

And the conversation was very lively and speculative.

In the past, Chen Ziran was focused on Qingmei, but Xu Jiajia's character was destined to not be the kind to take the initiative. It wasn't until after chatting with the "Xingyue" up owner that Chen Ziran discovered that chatting with girls was not easy. So happy to be so happy.

And just now, Xingyue sent him a message:

[Woohoo, the new strategy video is out again. I’m under a lot of pressure lately. Jiaran, can you talk to me? 】


Chen Ziran is not wanted by anyone!

There is another girl on the Internet who regards him as a confidant and everything in the world!

He still loves Xu Jiajia.


Chen Ziran changed his mind, especially after what happened just now. He also wanted Xu Jiajia to experience what it felt like to be abandoned.

For example, when he caught up with the "Xingyue" up owner, the two of them ran towards each other.

When Chen Ziran introduced such a girl who was as cute and beautiful as Qingmei to Xu Jiajia, he was extremely excited when he thought about Qingmei's definitely jealous expression at that time!

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