Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 49 Left hand out, right hand in


Liao Baiyu shrank his electric fingers.

He looked puzzled as to why there was still static electricity in summer.

Of course, it could also be a problem with the material of his synthetic night clothes?

I'll have to ask the technical department later.

After finishing the club activities and saying goodbye to Han Xiaoyue, Liao Baiyu returned home and enjoyed Xu Jiajia's dinner.

The girl did not forget the contract stipulated when renting the house.

I also put on the blindfold while cooking.

The eye mask is not the kind where you can't see anything after wearing it. It is more "interesting". Although it blocks the line of sight, it is more like adding an extra layer of black filter.

What's more, she has cosplayed so many times.

To her, the eyepatch was new to her once and familiar to her the next time, so it seemed like it was no big deal.

Further back.

Nothing more.

After a short rest, Liao Baiyu was not idle, but drove to Kowloon Street with Xu Jiajia, who was in "dominance" mode.

There is no conflict between cultivating magical girls and investigating weird organizations, but can actually complement each other.

After all, actual combat is the best way to test your strength.

Officer Xiao Xia has already sent him a message.

As expected of a capable female investigator team leader, she lived up to his investment. She only separated from her in the morning and led the team in an afternoon operation. The results were achieved and a stronghold of the weirdo organization was successfully traced.

Unfortunately, from Liao Baiyu's report, this "stronghold" was probably just an abandoned one. It contained mostly trash fish that had been sent deliberately and not much important information.

However, Liao Baiyu didn't expect that he could really rely on Officer Xiao Xia and others to solve the weird organization.

The weirdo organization can release "fake strongholds" to attract firepower.

How could he not be?

Xiao Xia and other investigators from the Public Security Bureau were the deceivers arranged by Liao Baiyu to divert the attention of the weirdo organization.

When they focused on how to deal with the Public Security Bureau.

Being behind the scenes makes it easier for you to move.

As for how to find it, the real stronghold of the weirdo organization.

Liao Baiyu also made arrangements early.

It's not that you rely on clues and details and use keen investigative logic to find out everything. That's the method of investigators from the Public Security Bureau.

As a plutocratic young master, Liao Baiyu chose the most unpretentious method.

Throw money.

And the effect

In a small building under the dark moon and wind, two guards standing guard at the door were cheering out of boredom.

The police officers from the Public Security Bureau were put in the wrong area by their boss's fake bait, so their real stronghold here was very easy and they were a little lax.

Anyway, standing guard was boring, so the two guards started chatting.

And what they are most concerned about now is not the exposure of some organization or being targeted by investigators.


"Brother, have you received the demolition money?"

"The account has arrived! More than three million yuan! I was dumbfounded at the time. I thought it was a scam, but I didn't expect that the Public Security Bureau was serious!"

The weird organization has been operating in Kowloon Street for many years.

Members of the organization, more or less, all own small-scale properties in Kowloon Street. After all, this place is a chaotic area. The so-called properties are just brick houses or shanties built by themselves.

Therefore, in Liao Baiyu's "demolition" plan to clear out the civilians in Kowloon Street, they were also the absolute beneficiaries, and they all made a lot of money. It was like pie in the sky.

You can tell by looking at the cheerful look on the other guard's face.

"Hey! I have a little more money than you. I took 4.5 million. Let me tell you, with the size of the Public Security Bureau, how can it be possible to spend so much money just to investigate Kowloon Street? The poor government of the 13th District But there’s no money!”

"The most widely rumored rumor right now is that a large company is interested in the Nightmare Transformers of our organization, so it funded the Public Security Bureau. In order to help them investigate, it directly bought the entire Kowloon Street!"

The guard's companion suddenly realized, smacked his lips and said:

"Company, no wonder, those son-of-a-bitch chaebols have nothing but money to buy an entire street. Huh, they are really rich. Unfortunately, they are going to lose a lot this time! They still expect the Public Security Bureau to You can find us if you are a helper, are you kidding me?"

"Haha, if the idiot from the landlord's family gives us money, don't say bad things about them. Also, brother, let me tell you, after we finish this job, we will discuss it with the boss and quit later."

"Huh? Quit?"

The guard looked around, then lowered his voice to persuade his companions:

"Yeah, why did we join the organization before? It wasn't because we were poor and had no other abilities and couldn't make money."

"But now, brother, how many millions! How many millions! What a concept. If we save some money, we can have food and drink for the rest of our lives! Then why do we do these dangerous things that make us lose our heads? Whether it's going out to be cool or looking for a job. Isn’t it better to buy a house and marry a wife somewhere than to be a guard now?”

The companion was obviously moved, but he still hesitated and asked worriedly: "But the boss, he won't let us go so easily, right?"

"Hmph, although the boss is very powerful, this matter is not up to him! Forget it, brother, let me tell you the truth. Among the non-staff at the bottom of our organization, there are already hundreds of brothers. This idea comes to mind, and that doesn’t include those who don’t say anything, so this is the general trend, do you understand?”

"Okay! Then I'll follow, and I won't do it after this last vote!"

"Hey, that's right. There is strength in numbers. The boss won't be able to stop so many people by then. But just in case, brother, you have to put your money in a bank as soon as possible."

"Change a bank? What do you mean, the government bank in the 13th district can't do it?"

"Are you stupid? Can the government bank be trusted? The boss obviously has connections with the government. What if it is frozen for you? How can you withdraw?"

"Yes, that's right! What should we do? We can't withdraw all the cash. That's several million."

"Don't worry, we have a plan for a long time. We just need to transfer all the demolition funds to Xingyue Bank."

"Star and Moon Bank."

"Yes, although the interest rate is not high, it is better than safety and reliability. Think about it, who is behind the Xingyue Group? That is the Liao Chaebol! Although everyone does not expose it openly, who doesn't know that the whole Among the big chaebols in City

"How did our Thirteenth District develop? It is not based on the investment of Xingyue Group. As long as you deposit money in Xingyue Bank, it is equivalent to relying on the big monster Liao Chaebol. Let alone the boss, it is the headquarters of the organization. Over there, the boss’s boss can’t possibly touch our money in Xingyue Bank!”

"Hiss, that's right! Why didn't I think of it earlier, with my pig brain? You help me to get out of the wind. I will go back secretly to take out my phone and transfer the money quickly!"

"Go, go, be careful, don't be discovered by those researchers. Those guys are in the middle of the organization. Unlike us, they will definitely not quit."

In the face of huge personal interests, there was no time to stand guard. One of the guards left quickly and went deep into the underground stronghold through the secret passage hidden in the small building.

The lone guard standing guard outside watched his companions leave. As soon as he turned around, he felt a black shadow flash before his eyes.

Before he could scream out in surprise, Liao Baiyu hit him hard on the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.

That's right.

Through the capital flow in the backend of Xingyue Bank, Liao Baiyu can easily grasp where the other party's real stronghold is.

And the guards here were much slacker than he thought.

There was a joke in X city.

It is said that a group of robbers robbed Liao's bank. After all the hard work, they escaped from the search by the Public Security Bureau and spent a lot of connections to finally launder the money. Finally, they happily took away the money. The money was deposited into Liao's bank.

That’s why Uncle Fu said at that time that he would lose money by “throwing money”.

Liao Baiyu never makes a loss-making business.

How can money that goes out with the left hand and comes in with the right hand be called a loss?

After cleaning up the unconscious guards, Liao Baiyu took Xu Jiajia and followed the route of the other guard who was anxious to deposit money into Xingyue Bank, and easily sneaked into this underground secret base.

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