Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 88 Damn it! Why, why is it so comfortable?

"Woooooo!" Two blue stone magical girls screamed in the dark, narrow and damp basement.

The world is very fair.

To be precise, it is very "balanced"

Some magical girls love and act coquettishly in a warm bed, but they have to do something else and carry a heavy load in the cell of a small dark room.

But Liao Baiyu needs to clarify.

This is no shabby basement.

Not dark, not cramped.

This secret base of my own is very spacious and well lit.


There are also plenty of props.

The original Nepenthes papaya had already vomited out the two captured magical girls. Although they came out, a lot of the mucus that stuck to their costumes was still stained everywhere. .

Perhaps the "white turbid" dress is the reason why they think it's very humid here.

As for darkness and narrowness.

"Woo! Woo!"

"Woo? Woooo!!"

The two blue stone magical girls who were whining non-stop were blindfolded by Liao Baiyu.

Moreover, for the convenience of subsequent interrogations, there are different placement methods.

Among them, the earth magic girl Tata, who was wearing braids, was placed in the "audience seat" by Liao Baiyu.

The so-called auditorium.

In fact, it is an improved version of the execution chair.

The earth-type girl's hands were passed around and placed close to the back of the chair, tightly locked by metal handcuffs.

The same goes for your feet.

They were forced together by anklets and fixed to the chair, unable to move at all.

As for the other grass-type girl with a dark green cabbage head, Lin Yi is relatively relaxed, saying that her body has more room for movement.

Lin Yi was hung in mid-air by Liao Baiyu with a rope.

The girl's whole body was tied into a tortoise shell like the vines before, but compared to her companions, she could still shake her body and let the rope swing left and right in mid-air.

Take off the tape that is used to gag your mouth.

Take off the blindfold as well.

For the two magical girls, the sight they had been deprived of returned. Naturally, they immediately looked for their companions. When they saw that their companions were nearby, at least they seemed to be okay, they all breathed a sigh of relief.


"Lin, Lin-chan!"

Two very close combat companions called each other by name, but when they saw them again, they both looked humiliated. The first person who couldn't help it was the impetuous earth-type girl.

"Damn it, you bastard! Let us go!"

"You, you'd better not let us have a chance to escape, otherwise we will be screwed! Do you hear me!!"

Tata squirmed.

Unfortunately, he was completely fixed to the chair and could do nothing but stare at Liao Baiyu with angry eyes.

And she was such a fool to speak.

No need for Liao Baiyu.

Even Lin Yi couldn't listen anymore.

By threatening others like this, doesn't it mean that others should quickly vote?

"Tata! It's okay, let me do it!"

Grass-type girls are relatively rational.

This can also be seen from before. It was this person who immediately discovered the Parulu on Xu Jiajia.

Even though he was hung in the air with a shameful look.

But compared to the danger to her life, this was nothing. Lin Yi quickly turned her brain and tried to analyze the situation.

First of all, the fact that the Nightmare Transformer wearing a dragon mask on the opposite side did not kill them meant that there was still room for change.

Then she just needs to figure out what the other party wants and then negotiate, maybe she and Tata can get out of danger.

At least

At least let Tata run out!

Lin Yi, who was ready for "sacrifice", took a deep breath and started negotiating with Liao Baiyu.

Be concise and to the point.

"Tell me, what do you want and how can you let us go?"

"With a straightforward magical girl like Miss Linyi, it will be much easier to handle. My request is not complicated, and I don't want to hurt you. There is no need. After you remove your costumes and tell me your real identities, you two You can leave now.”

"Of course, if you two are very tired, you can rest here for a while before leaving."

"This base organized by us is given directly to you. It is also a contact point for everyone in the future. There are complete facilities such as bathing here, and there is also a change of clothes. You can sleep comfortably here. Losing is a choice.”

"As for the debts of those factories that you destroyed, I can also make the decision and write them off in one go. How about that?"

How about it?


Sure enough, he is from an evil organization.

Who will use your broken base!

Tata was about to curse loudly, but thinking of his companion's reminder just now, he calmed down and only threatened with his eyes.

"I can tell you mine, but you have to let Tata go."

"If you want to cooperate, I'll just follow you and let Tata leave."

After the grass-type girl responded to Liao Baiyu in a deep voice, the first person to quit was naturally her companion.


"No! No! You must not tell this guy! I don't want it! Don't run away alone! I..."

"Idiot Tata, shut up!"

The true identity of the magical girl is her Achilles' heel, which is equivalent to the best means of blackmail.

Once their real identity is grasped, it basically means that they will be controlled by others forever.

After all, they can't always maintain their transformation. Most of the time, they still have to contact society and are ordinary people.

Lin Yi had been prepared for this outcome.

However, she had no intention of just giving in obediently. Instead, she first used her words to try to let the simpler-minded Tata go.

After that, she tried to deal with Liao Baiyu again.


How could Liao Baiyu not see this little thought of Lin Yi, so from the beginning, he planned to put the breakthrough point on the side of the earth element girl.

Compared to the careless grass-type girl, the idiot-type Tata is easier to crack down on information.

"Sorry, it has to be you two. If you don't cooperate, then I'm sorry."

Afterwards, Liao Baiyu took out a prop from the table next to him.

That's a torture instrument that looks like a collar.

That's right.

It is my second negative item - the thorn collar.

It's a pity that neither of them has the thunder element.

But after all, it’s a magical girl, so it can still be used.

Liao Baiyu blocked Lin Yi's mouth again, and then, with the girl's struggle, he brought the collar to Lin Yi.

"Asshole! You!!"

Before the angry earth-type girl started to spray, Liao Baiyu interrupted: "Miss Tata, every time you say another word from now on, your companion will receive an electric shock."


electric shock?

After being put on the collar, Lin Yi felt a very strange force wrap around her whole body. She didn't know whether it was a psychological effect or something. She suddenly felt that her thoughts were confused, and her emotions began to be filled with a sense of fear uncontrollably.

Then she came


The thorn collar on her neck sent out an electric current, which spread all over her body along the most sensitive part of her neck.


Seeing Lin Yi hanging in the air, her body suddenly trembled and she began to twitch violently.

The electric current coursed through the body, but there was no pain as imagined.


grow numb.

Yes, it's this weird feeling.

It even made her feel like her body was developing in a very strange direction.

There’s a “do it again” feeling.

Tata opposite didn't know.

When she saw her companion being electrocuted, she couldn't bear it any longer, so she immediately screamed angrily at Liao Baiyu.

"You, what are you doing! No! You bastard."

electric shock.

Liao Baiyu did what he said.

As soon as Tata opened his mouth, he operated the props and sent out another electric shock.

This time, the effect seemed stronger.

I saw that the grass-type girl's body was trembling more frequently. Although her mouth was blocked and she couldn't scream, many small details of her body had already reacted, such as the girl's toes that were lifted up and hooked.

Just like a girl's tightly clamped body.

However, unlike her companion, who was furious and thought she was very sad after being shocked, it was completely the opposite.

Lin Yi's most real experience is...

The grass-type girl blushed horribly, feeling an unparalleled embarrassment.

She was angry and ashamed that Liao Baiyu would use such despicable methods to torture her.

Even more embarrassed.


Why doesn't it hurt? Why is it numb? And why does her body feel so comfortable! ? ?

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