Start with a rent-collecting magical girl

Chapter 98 I, Lei Yi, am just retiring, not the same

There is no caste system for magical girls.

But in terms of elemental attributes, the rare "thunder attribute" still has natural advantages over many other attributes in modern society.

As far as the strength of the "Ziyun" level is concerned, even if the magic power is weakened under the same body, the power of the thunder element contained in it is enough to short-circuit all the electrical appliances around the body and stop functioning.

Not to mention, this thunder magic young lady is still under the blessing of the "irritable" Buff.

Anima is the key to magical girls' magic.

Emotions are the best engine of "psychic energy".

This explains why many magical girls can explode in desperate situations. The explosion of accumulated emotions is enough to turn into majestic magic power that can turn the tables against the wind.

"Sister, can you go out first?"

Tata's words still echoed in Lin Mengqi's ears.

go out?

Of course.

Lin Mengqi nodded expressionlessly.

But the moment she turned around, there was another daylight-like lightning streaking across the sky outside the window, followed closely by an even louder muffled thunder.


Liao Baiyu in the office couldn't help but look out the window.

I saw that the weather near Kowloon Street was indeed changing rapidly. It was still sunset in front of me, but soon it was like thunderclouds and strong winds.

Outside the dark building, there was lightning and thunder, as if a heavy rain was about to fall.

Although the climate in City X is indeed unpredictable sometimes, the weather forecast is almost regarded as a daily joke by the citizens.

But Liao Baiyu always felt that something was not quite right.

Such a sixth sense had just arisen, but it came true the next moment.


The next tree-like lightning from the thundercloud seemed to fall on the building where they were, by chance.

Then, bang!

First, in the office where Liao Baiyu was located, the lights above his head suddenly went out.

This is not over yet, what follows is

boom! boom! boom!

The electrical switches in the whole building seemed to have tripped.

The indicator lights of air conditioners, computers, desk lamps, projectors, etc. all went out one after another as if the power supply had been cut off.

Before everyone could recover, the interior of the building was plunged into the same darkness as the outside.


Tata in the darkness blinked with big confused eyes.

Obviously, he was a little overwhelmed by this sudden change.

But soon, two lights lit up at the same time.

Liao Baiyu and Lin Mengqi both turned on their mobile phones immediately and used them as a temporary light source.

The former is able to respond quickly to situations.

The latter

"I'll go outside and take a look."

Lin Mengqi was like a conscientious secretary. After something happened, she immediately went to investigate.

Liao Baiyu over there was about to stop his sister and say no, he would look for someone alone, but Lin Mengqi's figure had already pushed the door out and disappeared into the darkness of the corridor.


My sister’s resolute character should really change sometimes!

Although judging from the appearance just now, there was a high probability that the big lightning had damaged the cables carrying power, but Liao Baiyu was still very dissatisfied that his sister acted directly without consulting him.

However, dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction.

Worried about his sister, he put his hand into his pocket, took advantage of the darkness, and immediately used negative energy to create a mini Papalu, and let it go out to catch up with Lin Mengqi, just in case.

Liao Baiyu prepared a lot of mini toys with different functions in his pocket, just to adapt to emergencies like this, and they could be transformed into Papalu's assistance.

He is also not afraid of being discovered by Tata.

Firstly, judging from the original battle, Tata, who is an earth type, is very poor in perception, not to mention, without transforming. Secondly, Papalu will be sensed by the magical girl. In the final analysis, it is The negative energy fed into his body by himself.

In other words, if you only create a low-level Papalu of one or two stars, the negative energy will be very low and it will naturally be more hidden.

Of course.

If the star rating is low, the ability will be low. The mini Papalu who caught up with Lin Mengqi could not do anything else but help him sense his sister's position and status.

That's enough.

From the perception coming from Papalu, Liao Baiyu saw that Lin Mengqi had successfully arrived at the power distribution room.

Soon, Meng Qi called.

She said that she asked the electrician, and it turned out that it was due to the thunderstorm. The aging equipment on Kowloon Street had no lightning protection measures, and the power lines of the building were hit by the lightning strike just now.

"Well, don't worry Bai Yu, I'll go back after I call the engineering team and ask them to come over and make repairs."

On the other end of the phone.

Lin Mengqi first assured her brother that he was safe and told Bai Yu not to think too much.

She also didn't notice that a very cute little cartoon pendant appeared in her pocket at some point.

This has nothing to do with Lin Mengqi's strength.

Rule 2 of Papalu's Code.

The magical girl who signed a "collaborator" contract with "Papa" is "Lulu".

Therefore, Lin Mengqi would not sense at all that the negative energy in them was the same as Xu Jiajia's back then.

not to mention.

Now Lin Mengqi's attention was entirely focused on another matter.

Lin Mengqi had thought that as Bai Yu's status rose higher and higher, it was inevitable that magical girls would come to visit him.

The "water girl" who seduced her younger brother earlier is an example.

For this reason, Lin Mengqi also changed her strategy and directly started the second game, planning to conquer her brother again, so that her brother who cares about her will not be taken advantage of by magical girls.


result! !

Lin Mengqi never thought that there could be a magical girl who could be so shameless and blatant. She just met her for the first time and didn't cultivate feelings or talk about other nonsense. Then she rushed to sign a contract with Bai Yu! ?


Even in front of her!

Also, let her get out! ?

Although the word "go" here was added by Lin Mengqi without permission.

But from this, you can probably feel her annoyance at the moment, the anger of being directly jumped in the face and humiliated by other magical girls, and obviously stealing people.


Lin Mengqi realized it again.

Second week?

Not long ago, another magical girl showed up. If she continued to play for two weeks, her favorite brother, her Bai Yu, would become a magical girl's bus!

Can't play a little.

Whoever likes to play, go and play!

She, Lin Mengqi, is going to lock Bai Yu now!

Not just to stop Liao Xiaota.

This is to avoid future troubles!

Lin Mengqi decided to tell all other magical girls that Magic Girl Lei Yi was just retiring, not the same!

Bai Yu is a private car that belongs to her, Meng Qi, and Lei Yi!

From the past to the present, and even in the future, she, Lin Mengqi, could only ride up, sit in, and move!

Once he made up his mind to use the identity of "Lei Yi" again, everything became very simple.

Don't underestimate the archives from the week.

Next, Lin Mengqi did not contact any engineering team, but opened a certain game software - "Falling Source"

[Dear "Lei Yi" Si Chen, welcome back! 】

Because he had logged in once before, there was no special voice message saying "Old player returns" this time. Lei Yi clicked on the only friend in his list, and then quickly sent the coordinates to "True Red".

Zhenhong, who was once as famous as "Lei Yi", gradually became less active after Lei Yi retired. She did not retire, but turned to behind the scenes and devoted herself to the development of magical girl organizations. Among them, the game "Falling Source" The company is one of them.

Lin Mengqi also secretly used her real-life identity to give a lot of financial support to Zhenhong, helping their organization survive the most difficult initial period. Later, when she saw that Zhenhong's organization was on the right track, Lin Mengqi didn't pay much attention to it. .

Her coordinate information was quickly received by Zhenhong.

It would be better to say that Zhenhong has actually been waiting, waiting hard for the day when Lei Yi can "come back".

After all, the bond of friendship is always the most precious thing for magical girls, whether it is this new generation, the "Steel of the Heart" trio composed of Tata and other three groups of ice, earth and grass, or the older group The generation's "True Red Thunder Clothes" duo.

Therefore, even through the screen, you can feel that Zhenhong was extremely excited and happy after seeing Lei Yi online again and contacting her, and she hurriedly sent a series of inquiry messages.

Zhenhong asked Lei Yi what the coordinates meant, had anything happened, and did he need their help?

Lin Mengqi directly sent a voice message.

The voice content is very long.

But the core idea summarized is quite simple, just four words.

she wants

Rivers of blood! !

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