The construction site was under construction, and the construction work was completed.

On the third day, countless engineering vehicles entered the site one after another, forming a long line!

The towing vehicles were lined up in a row, heading towards the valley.

Wang Kongjun stood at Duanlong Dam and looked at this scene, but a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Look! This is my country!"

Hundreds of excavators entered Longwei Beach and began to clean up the site!

Thanks to the special status and location of Qinglongtan Reservoir, the water level changes have been basically negligible since the establishment of Duanlong Dam.

On Longwei Beach, large and small bluestones and pebbles are densely packed and uneven.

Such a rocky beach is difficult for people to walk on, let alone traffic.

But this problem is easy to solve.

The excavator entered the site, laying the bottom with large stones, leveling with small stones, and filling the gaps with river sand.

Natural paving materials, Wang Kongjun only needs to pay for the machinery!

At the same time, Longwei Beach used local materials along the water surface to lay a six-meter-wide cobblestone road.

Four meters are open to traffic, and two meters are used as fishing platforms.

In Longwei Beach, a large number of workers are working, while Wang Kongjun is sitting on a chair leisurely drinking tea and watching the spectacular scene in front of him.

In the large open space in front of Duanlong Dam, countless steel structures rise from the ground, and dozens of cranes work together.

As the only entrance to Qinglongtan Reservoir, Wang Kongjun plans to build a reception hall covering an area of ​​6,000 square meters.

The steel frame structure, walls, and roof are all made in the factory and assembled on site!

The advantage is fast, the disadvantage is expensive, it only takes two or three days to build, and Wang Kongjun is now rushing for time.

In front of the reception hall is a huge white jade stone built like a city tower!

There are four characters carved on it: Qinglong Fishing Ground!

No matter what industry, the appearance is the appearance of one's own strength!


One week later.

Wang Kongjun sat in the main office on the second floor of the reception hall, looking through the window at the huge white jade door, his eyes flashing with excitement.

It's almost done!

Wang Kongjun knew that as long as his Qinglong Fishing Ground opened, it would definitely bring a wave of intense shock to the fishermen!


At the end of the neat asphalt road, there stands a majestic white jade tower, on which the four characters of Qinglong Fishing Ground are domineering!

Just the feeling at first sight!

This boss must be rich!

Those who open fishing grounds must give fishermen the confidence to trade with the boss!

If the boss is rich, he is not afraid of you trading with him!

Well, of course, for now, Wang Kongjun's Qinglong Fishing Ground is just a pile of sheep dung, with a bright outside!

When you really enter the fishing ground, you will find that, uh, the best thing is the gate at the entrance?

Wang Kongjun also used the original retro cement style for the entire reception hall, well! That is, it was not decorated much.

A man with a system will definitely not be short of money in the future, but he has no money now!

It cost 13 million to build the reservoir, 3 million to build the road, 2 million to repair the 3,000-acre water area of ​​the entire Longwei Beach, 3 million to build the reception hall and the open-air parking lot, and finally this gate, which cost 5 million!

Except for the gate, everything else was saved as much as possible, and just like that, Wang Kongjun only had 4 million left.

Fortunately, the stall has been set up, everything is ready, and only the east wind is missing!

On April 20, the Qinglong Fishing Ground project was completed and all the construction teams left!

Wang Kongjun made such a big move, at least in Canglong County, he has become completely famous.

The next day, the fence of Qinglong Road, which had been blocked, was also removed, and local fishermen have come to fish one after another!

Qinglongtan Reservoir! That was the dream place they had always longed for, but the road was too difficult to walk on before. They had to walk several kilometers to reach Duanlongba, and the physical strength of ordinary people really couldn't bear it!

Now, when they arrived at the Baiyu Tower, they were deeply shocked at a glance!

Such a big, high, and luxurious tower, is it true?

Sure enough, the legend is true. The boss who came this time is a top rich second generation, a man who is not short of money. Contracting the reservoir is just a hobby to satisfy personal interests and hobbies.

I can only say that rich people really know how to play!

In addition to supervising the progress of the project in the past few days, Wang Kongjun has not been idle.

After communicating with Mei Xiaoge, he recruited 300 people from the local area!

A monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, including food and accommodation!

This treatment is just like this for college graduates, and it does not include food and accommodation!

Not to mention in a place like Canglong County where the average annual income per capita is several thousand yuan.

The people who applied for the job are network

There is an endless stream of them!

They are all young men and women of the Tibetan Dragon Tribe.

These young people are homesick and would rather farm at home than go to other places for development.

Although they are not well educated, they are hospitable and hardworking.

In addition, they all come from rural areas and are serious and down-to-earth in their work, so Wang Kongjun is willing to choose them.

Thanks to the natural environment here, although the Tibetan Dragon Tribe works all day, their skin is very white, not to mention their figure. The men are strong and have tendons all over their bodies, and the women are also well-proportioned, with a kind of ambitious power beauty!

There are 3,000 acres of water in Longwei Beach, and Wang Kongjun has not yet built a floating bridge, so there are currently more than 10,000 fishing spots open! It is also very simple to increase it later, just build a floating bridge, and 60 fishing spots per acre are simple. Nearly 200,000 fishing spots can be built in Longwei Beach alone!

In other words, as long as you dare to come, you are not afraid of not having a fishing spot!

As for the fish situation, there is no need to worry. The Tibetan Dragon County Government planned to contract out these 3,000 acres of better-located areas for fish farming from the beginning.

Therefore, in order to prevent the giant fish in Qinglongtan from running down to hunt and destroy the ecological environment of Longwei Beach, a huge fish interception net was set up at a high price more than ten years ago!

Therefore, this place is absolutely rich in natural fish resources! I am not afraid that you will not have a bite, but I am afraid that your skills are not good enough and your unicorn arm has not been trained!

A dozen fishermen who came early in the morning entered the reception hall one after another, and immediately there were enthusiastic Tibetan dragon girls wearing special ethnic costumes to greet them

"Welcome gentlemen to our Qinglong fishing ground. The fishing ground has not yet officially opened, so it is now free. You can choose to take all the fish away or give it back to us. I wish you a good time!"

The girl has a sweet voice, a pair of big watery eyes, and two shallow dimples when she smiles, which makes many men feel a little moved.

What's more, there are such girls all over the hall! One-on-one reception!

Damn, I haven't enjoyed this treatment in places where I spend money!

They were brought into the fishing grounds in a daze, and they didn't react until they sat down at the fishing position!

So! These people's Douyin, Moments, and fishing groups were all in an uproar!

"Oh my god, brothers, now Qinglongtan has a big boss opening a fishing ground. The road and the building gate are so messed up!"

"Fuck, this is not possible? This big boss is so rich, he is not here to launder money!"

"Haha, I don't know if he is laundering money, but he is really generous. Now the fishing fee is free. As soon as you enter the door, hundreds of beautiful girls will smile at you. There are people carrying bags throughout the whole process, and sightseeing buses will pick you up. Who can resist this!"

"Oh my god, it's so good? How is the fish situation?"

"Hey, no matter what, let's go and take a look. Such a good view!"

"Fish situation? I haven't been here for a few years. It feels like the fish are full of water. The fish are so hot! The guy next door has caught several big crucian carps! It's better than the black pit! "

"Fuck! Really? It's free. You can't take the fish away. Otherwise, you'll make a thousand or eight hundred a day!"

"Hey, you can take it back and take it away. The boss is very generous. I won't say anything more. I'm going to do it!"

"Oh my god, brothers, this will let the boss see how sinister people are!"

"The destination is 280 kilometers away from you. Brothers, I'm on the way!"


Only on the first day, Qinglong Fishing Ground has already gained a lot of popularity in a small area!

There is no way. Qinglongtan Reservoir itself is mysterious. It is the third largest reservoir in Luozhou and has its own popularity!

Wang Kongjun was also very happy sitting in the office watching the rising points!

It hasn't opened yet, but it's opened first!

He has several big moves here!

Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while!

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