After a frenzy, Wang Kongjun calmed down.

Ten thousand acres of fishing grounds!

First, we have to contract the reservoir.

Although there are many reservoirs on the land of Kyushu.

However, most of them are in the hands of the government.

There is no way, the more important role of the reservoir is flood control and drought relief!

If it is privately contracted, it is generally a small reservoir, which is of little use in major floods and droughts, and is not used in minor floods and droughts.

For large reservoirs, even if they are contracted, they are cage farming or enclosure farming.

If you contract an entire reservoir to raise fish, it is basically a waste of effort!

No matter how many fish you put in, you can't catch them.

This involves a problem. Contracting a large reservoir, the contract fee is very cheap, but the procedures are very complicated!

And Wang Kongjun only has three days!

Three days, a college student who just graduated can't even find a way!

Thinking of this, Wang Kongjun couldn't help but frowned, trouble! Really troublesome!

However, you can't just sit and wait for death!

That's Kryptonian genes!

Just at this time, the handsome guy with glasses next to Luo Tianxing came in with a briefcase!

Then he took out a document and handed it to Wang Kongjun.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, I am Nie Yuan, the secretary of President Luo!"

"This is the gambling agreement between you and President Luo, take a look, and sign it if there is no problem."

Then he handed the contract to Wang Kongjun.

"Okay, thank you."

Wang Kongjun took the contract and read it.


The content of the entire agreement is similar to the agreement, but it is more rigorous.

After all, Luo Tianxing has already planned to test this kid's maturity.

Naturally, there would be no tricks in the contract.

Wang Kongjun also signed and sealed it readily!


Wang Kongjun took the pen and said with a smile, "Sorry to bother Brother Nie!"

"Mr. Wang, you are too polite. This is my job. The finance department will transfer the remaining balance to Mr. Wang's account later." Nie Yuan also took the contract with a smile.

Although this gambling agreement is a bit weird, as the closest person to Luo Tianxing, Nie Yuan can see it.

Luo Tianxing admires the person in front of him very much.

Maybe he will become his boss in the future, so Nie Yuan is also very polite.

Looking at Nie Yuan in front of him, Wang Kongjun's eyes suddenly lit up.

Oh, my god, isn't this a ready-made tool man?

Luo's Group is a giant in Luozhou, and Luo Tianxing's background is even more unfathomable.

As Luo Tianxing's personal secretary, it goes without saying that his network of relationships must be very strong.

At least within the scope of Luozhou, it is not easy to solve a reservoir contract.

Wang Kongjun immediately became attentive, "Brother Nie, I will need your help in the future."

"No, no, Mr. Wang is too polite!"

"Hey! Brother Nie is so distant, why call me Mr. Wang, just call me Xiao Wang."

"Waiter!!! Bring up your best coffee and dessert!"


As Wang Kongjun kept saying Brother Nie, the relationship between the two gradually became familiar.

Finally, he successfully got Nie Yuan's contact information.

Of course, this was the first meeting, and that was all.

After all, before this, the two had no relationship, and even their social status was very different!

However, this was enough.

Wang Kongjun believed that money can make the devil work!

He would be very happy to let Nie Yuan make a connection and build a bridge, and get a lot of money.

After all, who the hell would come out to work if they don't lack money, and be ordered around like a grandson!

Soon, Wang Kongjun returned to the school dormitory.

At this moment, he was the only one in the dormitory, and the others had already gone to pursue their careers.

The first thing Wang Kongjun did was to search for information on the Internet.

Time is tight and the task is heavy!

"Search! Luozhou! Reservoir contracting!"

Soon, Baidu popped up a long list of information!

"Hekou County, Daqingshan Reservoir, water surface area of ​​300 acres, superior geographical location, good water quality, contracted to the outside,..."

"Mohe County, Mopanshan Reservoir, water surface area of ​​1,700 acres,..."

"Canglong County, Qinglongtan Reservoir, water surface area of ​​13,800 acres,..."

One by one, the information flashed through his mind.

There is a lot of information about reservoir contracting.

Wang Kongjun saw the geographical situation of the reservoir and the environment around the reservoir.

Well! There are many reservoirs, especially small reservoirs, very

Most of them are idle.

It can only be said that it is difficult to make money by raising fish in reservoirs, especially large reservoirs.

It is not easy to catch fish, and the natural water source is naturally raised. The policy control is very strict. No feed can be given and no medicine is used.

In addition, the locals around are fishing, so it is basically impossible to get back the cost.

But! Wang Kongjun doesn't care!

Once the mission is completed! Once the Kryptonian gene is obtained! Blue Star has to be renamed Air Force Star!

Whether to make money or not is not what he considers!

What Wang Kongjun considers is the system mission!

The water area is 10,000 acres!

From this point of view, there are very few reservoirs to choose from.

And Wang Kongjun quickly locked the target!

"Zanglong County, Qinglongtan Reservoir, the water area is 13,800 acres, contracted to the outside, 80 per acre, overall contract, 500,000 a year, and the lease starts from 20 years!"

Zanglong County!

Located in the Luochuan Mountains!

It is a gathering place for the ethnic minority Canglong people!

It has been isolated from the world until the opening up and construction of the country in modern times, and then it gradually connected with the outside world!

The population of the whole county is less than 60,000, and it is still scattered in the form of villages!

In summary, this place is very poor and backward!

How to say it!

Mountains of gold and silver are not as good as green mountains and clear waters, but this place only has green mountains and clear waters.

So the local government has been committed to developing the tourism industry here.

But it's a pity!

This thing is also difficult!

Zanglong County's tourism resources are indeed extremely rich, with beautiful scenery, elegant environment, and ethnic minority cultural heritage.

But its neighbors are even more awesome.

Past the Luochuan Mountains is the third of the nine states of China and the largest freshwater lake in Luozhou, Luoshen Lake!

And the Zanglongtan Reservoir also exists because of Luoshen Lake.

Although there are mountains separating Luoshen Lake from Zanglong County, there are countless underground rivers that lead directly to the Zanglongtan Reservoir.

Simply put, this reservoir is a big leaky sieve!

The Canglongtan Reservoir runs from south to north through the mountains!

It is named after its shape resembling a green dragon swimming in the water. Canglong County and the Canglong tribe also come from this!

The water area at the uppermost dragon head is more than 3,000 acres, connected to Luoshen Lake, and is bottomless!

Following the dragon head down, the terrain gradually rises until the dragon tail, forming a shallow beach with nearly 1,000 acres of water and a depth of several meters. From here, there are Canglong villages around!

There is a dam at the dragon tail, named Duanlong Dam, and further down is the Canglong River.

In other words, the entire Canglongtan Reservoir is basically formed naturally.

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