Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1001 Charge to the front line

A translucent agreement unfolded in front of Daliang and Ada, which described the specific contents of the entire transaction in detail.

This is a notarial certificate that requires 10 gold coins for the system to generate. After signing, the entire transaction process is conducted under the supervision of the system. Daliang wrote the transaction amount on the agreement, then put a thousand gold coins into the agreement and signed his name.

After confirming that the agreement was correct, Ada also wrote her name.

As long as there really is a Cathedral of Eternal Night in that place, these one thousand gold coins will be hers.

"Mr. Daliang, the place where I took this photo is to the west of Eternal Night, and I need to cross more than ten large undead cities... Sir, do you have any extra flying mounts? If you can lend me one... we can hurry up Get there.”

It needs to pass through more than ten large undead cities, which is really far, and for a scavenger, it is even further.

Daliang asked: "It's so far did you get there?"

Ada felt the aura emanating from Da Liang, as fearsome as the boss of her gang. She was really scared, but for the sake of the thousand gold coins, she could only insist on explaining: "There was a war in Yongye City at that time, and we all left here and walked west. As a result, the west was also full of wars between the Cyan Alliance Army and the Unsullied Holy See. , we had to continue walking west in order to find a safe place to scavenge.

Until we get out of the battlefield...

This photo was taken while I was scavenging alone. At that time, Eternal Night City had ended, and the people who protected us were preparing to take us back to Eternal Night. I saw an angel flying from the sky, and I followed the direction of his flight and saw the crack in the ground and the things I meant to you. "

Daliang believed Ada's words and asked again: "Which city is closest to this place?"

"The Bone Split Leader under Crimson Tide City."

"Then let's go..." Daliang looked at his map, then took Ada to the teleportation array in Yongye City, and said: "The Crimson Tide City Bone Split Territory is now a city controlled by the cyan coalition. We Just sit in the teleportation array and jump to the bone-splitting collar, and then fly over when you reach the place."

"But..." Ada looked confused: "It would cost a lot of money to teleport from one city to another... so many cities... about... about 120 gold coins."

Ada had just obtained 100 gold coins from Da Liang. If the church was not the Evernight Cathedral, then 100 gold coins would be her entire income from this intelligence transaction.

Da Liang did not embarrass Ada over the gold coins, and took out a purse containing 300 gold coins and gave it to her: "This is your travel expenses back and forth... hurry up. This little money can't make up for the time I wasted." of."

Ada happily took the gold coin.

When she goes there, she has to follow Daliang through the teleportation array, and the travel fee is about 120 gold. But when she came back, she didn't need to follow Daliang, she could just run back on horseback. In non-war periods, direct roads between cities are relatively safe, and the cost of taking the land route is

Far more economical than taking the teleportation array.

Even if you rent a player's flying mount to fly back to Evernight, you can save at least more than 150 gold.

High-level players like Daliang use gold coins in exchange for time in the game, and they will never fly to places where they can teleport. Those gold miners exchange time for money, and whatever they save is earned.

After solving Ada's troubles, Daliang took her to Yongye's city teleportation array, and then paid the fee to teleport to Crimson Tide City one by one. Finally, in Crimson Tide City, she transferred to its subordinate undead territory, Bone Split Territory.

When Daliang and Ada disappeared into the Evernight Teleportation Formation, a player who was following them quickly contacted his superior.

"Head... I found out that Daliang was in Yongye City looking for information about Yongye Cathedral."

In the wilderness north of Eternal Night City, a very well-decorated necromancer, with the assistance of a group of subordinates, set fire to a group of newly spawned black warriors. After hearing the report from his subordinates, he immediately asked his subordinates to take over the siege of the Black Warriors, then connected to the message and replied: "Daliang? Daliang from the Chinese game area?"

Isn't he a human? Why did you come to the eternal night city in the country of death? "

" is the cyan coalition that is occupying Yongye City right now. Behind the cyan coalition is Yunzhong City. During this period, many human players came to Yongye City to do missions.

Da Liang's visit to the Evernight Cathedral is probably related to the mission in the World of Heroes. "

The Necromancer didn't have much reaction to Daliang's arrival in Eternal Night City. After all, Daliang's reputation was far away in East Asia, and Brazil was on the east coast of South America. They were so far away that there would be no intersection between the two sides.

"There is nothing to take seriously when Da Liang comes to Yongye City. The Yongye Cathedral has been driven away by angels, so it is not that easy to find. If he is willing to pay 100,000 gold coins, I can mobilize our power in Yongye City to help He looks for...

I already know this. Just take good care of the gang's shop and don't mess with Da Liang. "

The player quickly said: "Head... someone knows where the Eternal Night Cathedral is. This person is a scavenger affiliated with our gang. His name is Ada. Now Ada has connected with Daliang and is holding Daliang's Did Qian take him to find Eternal Night Cathedral?"

The Necromancer got excited when he heard this: "Where did they go?"

"The teleportation array they took, I don't know which city they went to. Head... Ada is a member of our gang, and her information is our information. She knows the location of the Eternal Night Cathedral and won't tell you. It's already a violation of the rules; this time he sold the information privately, which is even more unforgivable.

Moreover, Daliang is a well-known rich man in the game. He is the major shareholder of Yingshi Virtual Bank in the Chinese game zone and the Duke of Shangjiang. He has a net worth of hundreds of millions of gold coins. Ada has never seen the market. Such good information may not be able to sell for a good price.

Daliang came to Yongye Cathedral in person. This news must be very important to him.

If our Charge Front Legion were to discuss this business with Daliang, I think it would have to start at 100,000 gold coins. "

Now the price of gold has been rising. The purchase price of Brazilian game gold coins by American gold merchants has risen to two US dollars per gold. 100,000 gold coins is 200,000 US dollars. This money is a considerable income for a gang in Brazil. Moreover, it is a seller's market to hold information. If this information is really important to Daliang, it will definitely not be solved easily with 100,000 gold.

Don’t take the money you picked up for free, and don’t waste it if you don’t use it.

"you are right!"

A dragon crossing the river cannot defeat a local snake. Even if his status in the game is higher than that of his entire frontline army. But Daliang's power circle is in the Eastern Pacific, and he has nothing to do with the legions and guilds in the South Atlantic.

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