Start with an Archangel

Chapter 101 Tactics

These are merchant ships of the Maritime Merchant Association, and they all adhere to absolute neutrality. I must be overly concerned.

Lucius didn't think much about the merchant ships that passed by far and sailed south without any unusual behavior. However, the suddenly tense situation in the Shangjiang area still made him dare not take it lightly. The latest news shows that small-scale maritime conflicts have begun to occur outside Chongming Island. The Chongming Fleet and the Pudong Fleet are already secretly exchanging fire, and the troop transport fleet supporting Chongming City should be more careful.

"We have now entered the sea outside Shangjiang. Let our Pegasus Knights stop high-altitude patrols to prevent us from being followed by the Royal Griffin Knights of the Pudong Fleet. All ships are concentrated towards the flagship. We need to narrow the target of the fleet and give it from the Chongming Fleet. Sneak in on a safe route."

Therefore, the last photo of the troop carriers that Daliang received showed that this fleet was sailing towards him in a dense formation with troop carriers inside and warships outside without any flags.

The strange behavior of the troop transport fleet made Daliang wonder what was going on. Facing the unfamiliar sea war, he quickly summoned Sidney and Shu Xiao into his captain's room.

The three people gathered around a chart, on which a model of a ship had been placed.

"According to the last intelligence, the troop transport fleet from Hong Kong is sailing towards us from the southeast, and we are expected to encounter it in three hours. Now the troop transport fleet has formed a closed formation and at the same time recovered all the air patrols. Pegasus knights, this situation is very abnormal. After all, there are Pegasus knights patrolling in the air, which can provide the fleet with sufficient warning time when the enemy is discovered. And this unusual arrangement of the troop transport fleet, doesn't it blind one's own eyes first? ?”

Sidney understood their intentions just by looking at the layout of the troop transport fleet. He said: "For the troop transport fleet coming from Hong Kong, the southern sea area off Shangjiang is already an enemy-occupied area. Of course they dare not The purpose of blatantly breaking in, withdrawing air patrols and shrinking the fleet formation is to reduce its area and reduce the chance of being discovered. I think the Chongming Fleet has now put pressure on the Pudong Fleet at sea to attract their attention and transport troops. The fleet entered Chongming City and opened a safe sea channel."

After Sidney's explanation, Daliang learned some knowledge about naval warfare. He asked: "Then how should we deal with it?"

Sidney did not speak, but picked up the ruler and drew a few lines on the chart and said: "The route of the troop transport fleet is basically clear, and they will not make much changes in three hours. I think we should also recover our Griffins to prevent the troop transport fleet from finding out that we have targeted them. The wind direction is now northeast, and our fleet should move north here first."

As he spoke, Sidney drew a circle on the chart, and then said: "Two hours later, our fleet will turn to the southwest and sail downwind. Finally, we will encounter the troop transport fleet at this position. At this time, we will sail downwind reached the maximum, and after the troop transport fleet discovered us, it was dragged down by the ship's speed and wind direction and had no time to expand the formation before we were cut into the outer circle. At that time, we had the advantage of position and speed, no matter how the troop transport fleet changed Tactics, we can all react quickly and effectively.”

Professionals are professionals. Sidney's analysis and a bunch of lines on the map made Daliang and Shu Xiao stunned on the spot, thinking in their hearts: What is this talking about? Don't you understand? Without reconnaissance or radar, and without knowing the location of the enemy ship for several hours, do you think we can encounter it here?

Seeing the doubts on Daliang's face, Sidney explained: "The Chongming Fleet will attract the Pudong Fleet through movement and pull out a safe route for the troop transport ship. This route cannot be an arc or a zigzag line, it can only be A straight line. Now look at the sailing direction of the troop transport fleet. It is the angle where the sails are most affected by the wind. If the troop transport fleet wants to pass the route quickly, it will not make any changes on the route. If we wait here for their arrival, it will be In a head-to-head naval battle, even if we win, we will suffer heavy losses. If we follow the tactics I mentioned to raid the troop transport fleet, as long as we can suppress their formation in the early stage, we can defeat it with small losses. them."

"Just do as you say!"

Sidney has a background in the navy. Since he is so confident, Daliang has no reason to point fingers at his plan. Moreover, the Blackfire Fleet is participating in this naval battle with its own foundation. Of course, there will be as few dead spots as possible.

The Blackfire Fleet quickly decided on the tactics of the naval battle, and all the griffins gathered back on the Blackfire, feeding when they needed to and resting when they needed to. The four two-masted battleships also returned to join the fleet formation, and then, under the leadership of the "Skeleton Soldier", they turned their bows and lined up to sail towards the northern waters.

In the captain's cabin of the Blackfire, after Sidney left, only Daliang and Shu Xiao were left. Daliang continued to pay attention to the position of the troop transport fleet on his chart. Although the last ship of the College Alliance had left, the navigation route of the troop transport fleet was still being estimated.

Naval warfare is too professional. After all, the sea is larger than land. There are no terrain restrictions, and navigation is more free. How to discover the enemy is more important than fighting at sea.

Although Daliang trusted Sidney very much, relying entirely on calculations on the sea chart to ambush his opponent still made him very uneasy.

"Master..." Shu Xiao saw Da Liang silently staring at the chart on the table, so he asked: "I don't have too many griffins. There are still 200 griffins to play with at the entrance of the stone cave. Now we can 36 of them... just beat them and they'll be gone."

Da Liang's heart skipped a beat, it was over... He almost forgot about this aunt's temper. Before Shu Xiao could finish complaining, Daliang hurriedly said: "We must control the damage of the griffons in this naval battle. Don't let them die if we can, and don't casually engage in team battles with the Pegasus knights."

Shu Xiao said doubtfully: "Why? Aren't these ships and soldiers all NPCs? If I kill a few more enemies, can't we get more experience? The experience of this kind of large-scale war plot is really powerful, a stone cave entrance After the battle, my level will be raised to level 13."

Daliang saw that his level had reached level 14.

But the griffons belong to me, and all the soldiers here belong to me.

"Hmm..." Da Liang made up a reason in a flash of his head: "The rewards in this war are related to the performance of the war. The fewer soldiers who die can increase the completion rating of the final mission. The higher the rating, the higher the reward."

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