Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1019 Public Morality

Memnon understood Daliang's purpose of not seeing him.

The formulation and signing of this convention is of great significance to Brazil as a whole and even South America. As the proposer and organizer of the convention, Daliang will also gain enough prestige in South America.

If Liang invited Memnon to participate in the formulation of this convention, wouldn't it be diluting his interests?

After listening to Tiago's description of his meeting with Daliang, Memnon felt that Daliang was a very clever schemer.

No...I can't be so passive.

The first thing Memnon thought of was to be the first to propose this convention, and by virtue of his influence, he quickly spread the convention in various game areas in South America, pushing his reputation to the top.

However... when Memnon was about to convene the heads of the Brazilian Grand Guild to discuss this matter, he immediately discovered that Daliang had dug a hole for himself here.

Why did he summon the fourth-level army commanders one by one in his mansion instead of gathering all the small player teams together and quickly promote this convention?

Doesn't he give himself time to implement the agreement first by meeting each other?

What on earth does he want to do?

Whose interests are harmed by the proposal of this convention?

It is the benefit of the big guild and the big legion. They can get a lot of things in the game by just making a phone call. With their power outside the game, they can collect tribute from small player groups. No matter which resource the player has in hand, no war is required, just send a team of the lowest level troops to receive it.

Therefore, the polarization of the Brazilian game area in the game is very serious. Memnon’s current game status and ranking rely on sucking the blood of bottom players.

If this convention is signed, the benefits of the big guilds and legions in the Brazilian game area will gradually disappear, and then the cost for them to protect their territory and interests will increase. Some teams of small players can have the strength to fight against them as long as they unite, and the days of the big guys collecting money and enjoying happiness are over.

Can Memnon take the lead in promoting this treaty?

At this time, several Brazilian army commanders and grand guild leaders contacted Memnon. They already know the contents of the conversation between Daliang and the commanders of the fourth-level army, and they also know how big the impact this convention will have on them once it is signed.

They asked Memnon to take the lead in preventing the signing of this convention.

"Mr. Memnon, we must not allow this convention to be implemented in Brazil. If you take the lead in resisting it, we will support you."

On one side are the grassroots players who are eager to sign the convention, and on the other are the big guys from all parties who are boycotting the convention.

Memnon understood that what Daliang was doing was roasting himself on the stove, or roasting himself over a slow fire.

Of course he didn't have the face to see himself.

At this time, Daliang sneezed, and then continued to receive a waiting fourth-level army commander from Rio de Janeiro.

Give me money first...

After expressing that Yingshi Virtual Bank was willing to support the opponent's legion with preferential support policies, Da Liang immediately used his personal experience to denounce the bad habits prevalent in the Brazilian gaming area.

"This is simply the most unethical behavior. Ada just wanted to earn 1,000 gold coins from me, but in the end, Tiago forced her to play Russian roulette.

As you can see, I am the person who can’t stand this kind of lack of moral integrity in games. Although Ada and I just met, I can beat Tiago to surrender for her. As long as something like this happens around me, I will have zero tolerance. Anyone who dares to play tricks offline will be beaten to submission.

I don’t care what you did in the past. If you want to cooperate with me, you must first change these habits.

Here is a statement about the ethical behavior of games in the Brazilian Game Zone. The army commanders who came before have already signed it. You can also sign your name. As long as there are enough people, I will hold a signing ceremony for the ‘Formal Convention on Gaming Ethics in the Brazilian Game Zone’.

At that time, this convention, which is beneficial to all players, can be officially implemented in the Brazilian game area. "

The legion commander sitting in front of Daliang looked at the statement pushed over by Daliang and was not in a hurry to sign it. He has learned about the content of this statement through other channels and supports the signing of the convention, but he still has some concerns.

"What if we sign the convention and someone doesn't sign it?"

Daliang smiled and said: "Hit his signature!"

"What if the person who refuses to sign is a lord like Memnon?"

Daliang came close to the legion commander, stared into his eyes and said: "The teleportation array from Shangjiang City to Rio de Janeiro City is open. My money, my heroes, and my army can reach here directly at any time.

I don't need you to send troops to help me. As long as you don't interfere with my actions... I will let a few reactionary forces sign the convention.

Now you can sign this statement with confidence. "

The legion commander quickly picked up the pen and signed his name on the statement, and said: "This is a convention of great significance to most Brazilian players. It means that our bottom player groups also have the opportunity to rise. It is our dream." I also want a better gaming environment.

Don't worry, Mr. Daliang, I will not participate in any hostilities against you from now on.

If Mr. Daliang can really promote the game ethics convention, it will be fully signed and implemented in the Brazilian game area.

My army and I are willing to obey your orders. "

Daliang sat back again and said: "No, no, no, I don't have any intention of commanding you, I just want to do some business here and make some money...

Let's end our talks today. I still have to meet the next legion commander, and I will also meet my friends in Brasilia tomorrow. "

The signing of the Brazilian Game Zone's Moral Statement was carried out in an orderly manner in the Lord Daliang's mansion.

The list of legion commanders who have signed the declaration in Memnon's hands is also being added one by one. Although this statement is not very binding now, once the formal agreement is signed, winter will really come for the big guys in the Brazilian gaming area.

Should he comply with the people's wishes and gain prestige, or should he win over large groups and let them continue to support him?

Memnon had no choice.

Prestige means nothing to him. The support of the collective is the basis for him to maintain his status. The promotion of the "Brazilian Game Zone Formal Convention on Game Ethics" must be prevented.

What Daliang asked the commanders of the fourth-level corps to sign now was a statement, indicating that the time to sign the convention had not yet come.

When will Daliang organize these army commanders who signed the statement to formally sign the convention?

It must have been when the teleportation arrays in Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City were built. At that time, the Judgment Corps could reach Rio directly. If Daliang had an army, it would have the confidence to promote the convention.

In other words, as long as the construction of the teleportation array from Shangjiang City to Rio City is prevented, the convention proposed by Daliang will not be protected by force. Without a backbone, those small player groups can only form a group and dare not sign a convention.

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