Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1030 How long does it take

Before even entering the lord's mansion, Memnon had pulled out such a formation, obviously intending to give Daliang a blow.

Facing the "Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Convention", Memnon's attitude is consistent with that of the American Game Zone, which also contributed to the union of the two large groups. But when it comes to players in the Chinese game area, Memnon's attitude is completely different from that in the American game area.

The big Brazilian player group represented by Memnon does not want to drive Chinese players out of Brazil.

They also need Chinese players here to put pressure on the American game area, and then these local Brazilian groups can benefit from it.

Therefore, although Memnon verbally promised the Sun Waiters to kill Liang together, he preferred to scare first and then fight.

So Memnon placed all his top military forces outside his lord's palace. If Da Liang was afraid and retreated despite the difficulties, everyone would be happy.

If Daliang is still confident that no one dares to touch him during the live broadcast, then he has no choice but to apologize.

Memnon led Da Liang in front of a crowd of ultimate creatures, and introduced him to every lord, guild leader, and legion leader he met.

These high-level players all have arrogant looks, gorgeous equipment, and are surrounded by a group of high-level heroes. These people all represent large interest groups and control 50% of the discovered game resources in the Brazilian game area. Then with the help of these resources, they all have proud levels, skills, wealth and equipment, and have very high rankings in the Eye of Insight rankings.

They also know where everything comes from and what their weaknesses are.

The things that could be easily obtained outside the game made them neglect the management within the game. Almost all the resources mined and the gold coins collected were used in gold coin transactions with the American game area.

Despite their current glory, in fact, the guilds and legions under their control have too much arrears compared with the guilds and legions in other game areas. There is no efficient auxiliary team, no sufficient material reserves, no enough war equipment for the war, and even the main army is not all professional players.

All their game activities revolve around serving a few wealthy people and lack experience in large-scale combat.

If the "Game Ethics Convention" is signed and implemented. These large groups first face the challenge of small and medium-sized player groups. In order to compete for resources that are not favored by large groups, these small and medium-sized player groups are very capable of fighting. Therefore, if control of the situation is lost offline, everything owned by these large groups will be severely reduced.

Then he was quickly overtaken...

Da Liang is now cutting flesh from these people. If it weren't for the fact that Daliang was far away in the Chinese gaming area and had a very large influence, there would be a larger interest group behind it.

It is estimated that a killer has already come to the door.

You can't move outside the game, so kill him here.

The big guys in the Brazilian game area are showing their murderous intentions and are eager to try. Just wait for Memnon to give the order and attack the Daliang group.

Da Liang shook hands with these big guys and exchanged greetings with no care, commenting on the heroes and ultimate creatures they brought from time to time. Just read according to the data displayed by the Eye of Insight, anyway...

There are not many people who can catch the eye of Daliang.

At this time Memnon suddenly asked: "Mr. Daliang obtained the archangel Julian at the beginning of the game, and also participated in the first battle between ultimate creatures and ultimate creatures, and killed the flying golden dragon.

Flying Sands and Stones’ evaluation of Julian is an A-level 14th-level creature.

I see that Julian's equipment has obviously changed now, and it should be stronger...

If we were to fight against the ultimate creatures here, how many of them did Mr. Daliang think Julian could defeat? "

After Memnon asked the question, everyone was waiting for Da Liang's answer, including those who watched through the live broadcast.

Julian is still rated as the most powerful angel by the Eye of Insight, which is not unrelated to the fact that Julian is rated as the A-level ultimate creature by Flying Sands and Stones. Most of the ultimate creatures that appear in the hands of players now belong to C-level, and only a few extremely lucky players have obtained B-level ones.

Grade A?

There are probably less than twenty players in the entire game world.

There is a big gap in potential between different levels of ultimate creatures, and this gap will gradually be revealed as the level of the ultimate creature hero increases.

As the earliest A-level archangel hired by players, Julian has not appeared in public for a long time, but her potential means that the difference in strength between her and ordinary ultimate creatures will only get bigger and bigger. .

Everyone wants to know what level Julian's combat effectiveness has reached now, especially those who regard Daliang as an enemy.

Da Liang's gaze slowly swept over these ultimate creatures, and their towering bodies showed that they all possessed very powerful strength. Then Da Liang turned his head to Juliet and asked as if chatting: "How long will it take to kill them?"

Ever since Da Liang began to interfere in the Brazilian game zone, this purple-haired heroine has attracted the attention of players around the world. A level four legion killed by oneself did not dare to take off, but easily killed an archangel and a bone dragon, showing its efficient killing ability.

Moreover, this purple-haired heroine has a large form, which shows that she belongs to some kind of rare ultimate creature. In addition, you can also see how much Daliang relies on her through her position. In the team that followed Daliang on his visit to the Glory Territory, her status was second only to Julian.

It’s just that what everyone doesn’t understand is…

Memnon was obviously asking about Archangel Julian's combat level. Why didn't Daliang ask about Julian, but about the purple-haired heroine?

But what really pricked my ears was that Da Liang didn't ask her how many ultimate creatures she could deal with, but how long it would take to kill these thirty-plus ultimate creatures.

What kind of self-confidence is this, and how can one pretend to be B!

It seems that in Daliang's eyes, these ultimate creatures, which are out of reach for ordinary players, are just like a group of pigs left to be slaughtered.

How arrogant!

However, Juliet's answer once again made all the audience re-understand what it means to be more arrogant and what it means to be more pretentious.

"Half an hour, if they don't escape... what if they want to escape? I'll try to keep the time within an hour. Do you want me to do it now?"

Juliet had already put her hands on the hilts of the two swords. It seemed that as long as Da Liang nodded, she would immediately make a challenge to see how long it would take to kill these ultimate creatures.

Da Liang made a steady gesture towards Juliet. Now that so many people are watching, fighting without even talking to each other will give people the impression that you are bullying others.

Then Daliang replied to Memnon, who looked very bad: "Julian doesn't need to take action to deal with these ultimate creatures. This is Juliet. As you heard, she is Julian's sister, both surnamed Zhu. In terms of strength, A little weaker than Julian, but dealing with some weak creatures, Juliet is more efficient.

Mr. Memnon asked how long it would take to kill these ultimate creatures... I would conservatively estimate that it would be about an hour. "

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