Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1044 Deployment

The entire Brazilian gaming area around the city of Rio de Janeiro was filled with a tense atmosphere before the war.

It is different from the previous blind combat where players had no organization. As the level of the player's legion increases, the influence of modern military concepts on the war model, and people's continuous recognition of virtual property,

Vested interests in the game are also paying more and more attention to the cultivation of professional groups, and player groups are becoming more professional and specialized.

Especially the top seven-level legions and six-level legions can be described as armed to the teeth.

The strength of the Judgment Legion, Yunxiao Legion, and Jiuding Legion are also among the best among the seventh-level legions. When they began to set up defenses at the front line of the charge, they should let the small and medium-sized Brazilian legions who came to support realize the gap between themselves and these top legions.

Ten thousand people from three legions arrived in Rio de Janeiro, all equipped with a silver pegasus and a royal griffon as standard.

The Silver Pegasus is the fastest flying creature among the basic troops. The unified Silver Pegasus can allow these main armies to reach where they are needed in the shortest time.

The Royal Griffin is a very cost-effective flying unit. They can not only be used as a backup for the Silver Pegasus, but also because the Royal Griffin has a very strong dive attack ability, they are more capable than the Silver Pegasus in attacking the ground.

Some flying combat squadrons dedicated to air superiority operations will also be equipped with advanced flying units, such as Wyverns, Manticores and Thunderbirds.

In addition to these flying creatures, each of the three legions also has a team of ultimate creatures. The Judgment Legion has four archangels and eight angels, the Yunxiao Legion has four golden dragons and eight green dragons, and the Jiuding Legion has four ancient Behemoths and eight Behemoths.

The ultimate creatures brought by commanders at all levels are calculated separately.

As a player in the Chinese game area, the three legions not only hired teachers from military academies to conduct militarized training for the legions, but also had specialized personnel study ancient formations and develop a set of tactics that can combine all the combat capabilities of the legions under various circumstances. The battle formation that was brought into play.

Therefore, when the Judgment Legion, the Yunxiao Legion and the Jiuding Legion spread out their formations, they covered a very large area and looked like various changes of the Bagua from the sky.

All personnel are dispersed in various positions on the battlefield in a team of ten, and the team occupations are reasonably matched according to their responsibilities.

When the war begins, the ten-man team will constantly change positions according to the battle situation, their functions will continue to change, and team members will also be replaced and replenished.

All this relies on daily training, the tactical literacy of the legion members, and the seamless information cooperation of the logistics team.

Therefore, when the ten-man squads are combined into a hundred-man squadron, a thousand-man brigade, and finally a battle formation is formed, this is a complete and sophisticated war machine.

The three battle formations were quickly deployed. The Jiuding Legion relied on the charging frontline legion station to occupy the middle. The Judgment Legion and the Jiuding Legion formed two forward fists.

After giving the order, everyone sat on the ground together. Even if the U.S. intervention force arrives in Rio at night, no one in the Chinese Game Zone Corps, which has very strict discipline requirements, leaves here to do their own thing.

At this time, the war equipment purchased by Daliang from Rio de Janeiro arrived on the battlefield.

Magic-forbidden devices, magic amplifying devices, catapults, artillery, ballista...

There are also various consumable soldier ordnance, cannonballs, gunpowder, magic alchemy materials, arrows, alchemy bombs...

All kinds of war materials were transported to various locations in the battle formation.

Compared with the pre-war preparations of the three major legions in the Chinese game area, the small and medium-sized Brazilian legions that came to participate in the war looked very amateurish.

If the three legions in the Chinese game area belong to the elite ace army, then these small and medium-sized Brazilian legions belong to the militia.

They gathered in groups around the three legions, and the battle formations were mostly divided into blocks. Melee was in the front, then long-range, and last was support. There were some sparse battle equipment at the back of the battle formation. Lacking funds and resources, the small and medium-sized Brazilian legions have very few war equipment. Most of them are catapults and artillery, and there is almost no alchemical equipment.

Fortunately, after the Chinese Game Zone Legion arrived in Rio de Janeiro, the number of people who signed the "Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Formal Convention" began to increase explosively. In particular, Tiago still appears on national channels from time to time, allowing some small and medium-sized army leaders to sign their names on the "Convention."

Then comes the fight for the promotion of the convention.

Once the hands and feet of big guilds and large legions outside the game can be cut off, these small and medium-sized player legions will usher in a spring of development, and interests will push these small and medium-sized legions to Rio de Janeiro. Regardless of whether they signed or not, whether they came openly or with their faces covered, the number of local Brazilian players who came to support has reached 400,000, and is still increasing.

In order to protect the interests they currently have, the big guilds and legions in the Brazilian game area are not idle either. They concentrated their most elite forces and established a landing point on a beach for the American intervention forces.

Above the sea, thousands of warships and cargo ships gathered. The warship aimed its artillery at the coastline to prevent the Chinese Expeditionary Force from blocking the intervention forces on the coast. Cargo ships nervously unloaded supplies onto the beach. In order to win this war, these Brazilian bosses almost emptied their inventory and tried to use strengthened weapons to make up for their numerical disadvantage.

At this time, a group of high-level American players had arrived in Rio via plane leapfrog.

After they arrived, they immediately took over the command of these Brazilian armies, and then gradually embedded the command system behind the American game area, guiding the Brazilian armies to advance and expand the control area to a depth of more than ten kilometers, and established a The battlefield connection stronghold.

However, some Brazilian army commanders refused to accept the command of the American intervention forces. These legion commanders were headed by Memnon's Glory Legion. They did not go to the landing beach, but were all concentrated in the Glory Territory near the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Regardless of the repeated requests of these American intervention forces, Memnon refused to integrate these more than 100,000 people into the war command system of the American game zone.

These more than 100,000 Brazilian players are the core and peripheral personnel of Memnon's leadership group. Their overall strength is much higher than that of ordinary players, and they can be regarded as a quite powerful regular army.

With such a force outside his command, the Sun Waiter was very uncomfortable, and he had to come to the Glory to meet Memnon again.

After the meeting, he directly requested: "My army will arrive in Rio in the evening and plan to launch an attack on the expeditionary force in the Chinese Game Zone at dawn tomorrow.

If your army joins my command system, this war will go more smoothly. "

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