Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1048 The intervention army is advancing

The rising sun slowly jumped up from the eastern sea line, and the light dispelled the darkness and illuminated the coast of Rio de Janeiro.

At this moment, all the world's attention is focused on the war that is about to break out here.

Last night, the intervention forces came by boat from the American Game Zone and landed on the coast of Rio overnight. With the assistance of Brazilian friendly forces, they entered the attack position as quickly as possible.

As the commander-in-chief of the American Game Zone Intervention Force, Sun Waiter brought 98 legions this time, including 12 seventh-level legions, 31 sixth-level legions, and 55 fifth-level legions, totaling 200,000 people.

On the offensive side, Sun Waiter used its military advantage to spread its wings as much as possible and pull out an offensive line of five kilometers in length.

He only pressed 40,000 people in the middle. As the key offensive direction in the early stage of the war, he deployed heavy troops on both wings in order to break through as early as possible, forming a pincer offensive.

Due to time constraints, the Sun Waiters will devote the intervention forces to the main attack at the beginning of the war, and carry out concentrated and targeted breakthroughs in the defenders' defense lines. The Brazilian friendly forces that have entered the command system are mainly responsible for filling the connection areas between the various departments of the intervention army. When the various departments of the intervention army alternately attack and advance, they maintain pressure on the enemies in front and do not give them a chance to reorganize and breathe.

There is also follow-up of logistical materials, and the Brazilian friendly forces are responsible for the transportation.

The Sun Waiter put on a strong offensive and vowed to win within one day. The remaining time was to deal with the Chinese Game Zone Expeditionary Force that had resurrected in Rio de Janeiro.

Compared with the orderly offensive line arranged by the Sun Waiter, Daliang's army is the two extremes.

The 10,000-strong Chinese Expeditionary Force in the Game Zone arranged three mutually dependent circular formations within one kilometer. The neat military columns seemed to be drawn with compasses and rulers.

This is the defensive support point of the entire battlefield, and Daliang does not allow any Brazilian friendly troops to approach.

There were many small and medium-sized legions willing to contribute to the "Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Convention". Daliang deployed the fourth-level and third-level legions with some combat effectiveness on the flanks of the expeditionary force.

Other small legions and individuals who are more casual are spread all over the battlefield. In frontal battles, we cannot expect these people to cooperate well. Instead of letting them get in the way at close range, it is better to let them fight according to their own ideas. Being able to contain a little of the enemy's power is a little support for the main battlefield.

Both sides are ready, let’s start the fight!

The Sun Waiter unfolded his fallen angel wings and flew into the air, holding his ram's horn warhammer high, ordering an attack.

Players on the entire intervention line mounted their war horses and advanced together. The middle lane and the heavy war equipment kept advancing at a constant speed, and the two wings rushed out like slaps.

The smoke and dust billowing from the battlefield covered the sky and the sun, and the warships at sea fired cannons at the same time to boost their own troops.

The air combat flying units that had completed their assembly at the rear took off together, forming a thick dark cloud, and dispersed to their respective airspaces.

The game system felt that a large-scale war was about to break out here, and percussion music sounded at this moment, making the already tense situation even more tense.

The atmosphere before the battle left the audience almost breathless.

The defending army can be said to be spread all over the mountains and plains, and the dark sea of ​​people gathers in pieces, occupying the entire wilderness, which is very visually impactful. But compared with the attacker's neat offensive line, the defender's line was thick and huge, but lacked the shock of being neat and serious.

In the expeditionary formation located in the middle of the defending army, Shu Xiao led the flying troops into the air position. Various magics were released from the mobile magic amplification tower, exploding into fountains in the air.

After completing the magic blessing for the air troops, the magic tower turned to add buff magic to the ground troops.

Due to the linkage of the expeditionary force, the defenders' sea of ​​​​people also flashed with buff magic, connecting together like a bright Milky Way.

The intervention army continued to advance and began to use magic from the front formation to the rear formation.

At this time, the two wings in front of the intervention force had brought the defenders into their long-range attack range. The Brazilian third- and fourth-level corps were responsible for the defense. Before the attackers could get close, some people couldn't wait to light artillery and fire stones.

The chaotic attack at the extreme attack range did not cause much damage to the attacker. The well-trained U.S. Army Corps did not form a phalanx, but were single-person and single-person. There was a certain distance between the teams, and then they marched together in a column to reduce the frontal attack surface.

Faced with the long-range blow, the Intervention Army players began to accelerate... Thousands of horses galloped, switching from column to horizontal formation during the charge, and then quickly dismounted three hundred meters in front of the defender's column. The melee profession holds up a shield to protect the spellcasting profession, while the spellcasting profession players release magic forward together.

Then a series of earth walls stood up in front, and then a wall of fire formed an isolation zone in front of the earth wall. At the same time, the rising smoke also blocked the sight of the defender's long-range troops.

What do they want to do?

The small and medium-sized Brazilian legions were very puzzled as to why the American players stopped charging and instead built a wall first.

But they soon understood how the large-scale magic war in the game was fought.

The wall of fire blocked the defenders' view, and the wall of earth reduced their range of long-range attacks. When the war machines following up from the rear of the intervention forces were escorted behind the earth wall bunkers, the defenders who were exposed to their firing range without cover became targets for them to kill.

The suppression was completed remotely, and the commandos rushed out from the gap between the earth walls on war horses. Without waiting for the defenders to launch a blockade, the interventionist air combatants who had gained air superiority immediately launched attacks and bombings against the defenders.

Long-range coverage, air attacks, ground breakthroughs, these war cooperation under modern theories are tactics that every high-level army must master.

Just like that... in one round of attack, the interventionist army pushed back the defenders several hundred meters with only slight damage.

Then the regiments participating in the attack repaired and gathered the dispersed personnel on the spot, and the regiments following behind entered the front line to continue organizing the next round of advance.

The two wings of the defenders were beaten back with almost no resistance, and the Chinese Expeditionary Force in the middle road was about to face the enemy advancing from the front.

Faced with the loss of friendly forces and the exposure of their flanks, the three Chinese game zone armies remained unmoved and continued to maintain their positions.

Shu Xiao unfolded her angel wings and led the air combat troops to hover near the front line. In the sky not far in front of her was a larger flying group.

The troops in the middle of the interventionist army stopped, making the middle area of ​​the chaotic battlefield seem eerily quiet.

Surrounded by many subordinates, the Sun Waiter hovers in front of his own army. Behind him is a row of high-power players and ultimate creatures, and behind him is a thick army.

The soldiers and horses are strong, showing great momentum.

The smooth progress on both wings gave the Sun Waiter a sure chance of victory. There was no way a flock of sheep led by a lion could be the opponent of a group of lions.

As long as the Chinese Expeditionary Force is dug out from the defenders and surrounded, there will be no suspense for the rest of the war.

There is no suspense now.

Sun Waiter felt that he should take this opportunity to save the face he had lost in the Glory Leader a few days ago and let the world see who has the last laugh.

"Where is Da Liang?"

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