Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1070 Ore Exchange

After entering Obsidian City, Daliang sent Ye Sha based on the intelligence provided by the assassin's cabin, and then found his assassination target in a luxurious mansion.

Margaret, a Medusa. He has the body of a python and the upper body of a woman, and his hair is like venomous snakes spitting out letters. She lives in the central area of ​​Obsidian City and has a certain status in the city, which means that attacking her in the city will quickly lead to an encirclement and suppression by the city defense army.

A level 13 city in the base camp plane must be garrisoned by level 15 creatures, so doing it in the city will make the entire assassination more difficult.

You can't take action in the city, you have to wait for Margaret to leave the city. As long as she leaves the protection of the city defense army, assassinating a Medusa with level 15-like strength is not a difficult task for Daliang and Yesha. Yesha alone can easily kill her.

According to the intelligence from the Assassin's Lodge, Margaret would go to the free market outside the city every morning to inspect her ore exchange. Purchase some high-quality and cheap ore, or receive a few customers who need ore.

Therefore, after Daliang remembered Margaret's appearance clearly, he did not stay in the heavily guarded Heiyao City for a long time, but returned to the free market under the Torch Tower.

Margaret would be here anyway, he just had to wait and see.

There is no strict day and night in the underground city, and the light here can last for a long time without any changes. Morning is just a moment when the underground world begins to work under the influence of the surface. From this moment on, the underground world enters an active period.

Daliang disguised himself as an ore buyer and entered an ore exchange.

In the open ground, various kinds of ores are piled up. They are all black iron ore, copper ore, marble, granite, and a small amount of obsidian that are in high demand...

Rare minerals and alchemical minerals are in underground warehouses.

As soon as Daliang walked into the ore exchange, a stone goblin greeted him enthusiastically. Stone goblins are a subspecies of goblins. After migrating underground, they became a type of underground creature. What they are good at is classifying ores and being able to know how much minerals an ore contains.

This stone goblin is only a little over one meter tall. He wears a pair of linen trousers, has a bare upper body, and his skin is rock gray. When he walked in front of Da Liang, he immediately lay down on the ground and kissed Da Liang's boots. Then he stood up and said: "Dear Sir, welcome to the Margaret Ore Exchange. I am the slave of Master Margaret." . I wonder what kind of minerals you need to come to our ore exchange? I guarantee that our Margaret Ore Exchange has the largest variety of ores in the entire Obsidian City."

The etiquette of licking boots by goblins is not acceptable to everyone, and they lick very quickly. Although Daliang took back his feet as a precaution, he was still licked by the stone goblin.

Just like dogs cannot change their habit of eating shit, licking boots seems to have become a curse on goblins...

Even though countless goblins died from the act of licking boots, this race still licked it happily.

When in town, do as the Romans do, when in town, do as the Romans do...

Da Liang reminded himself secretly, and then replied to the Stone Goblin: "I want to purchase a batch of the highest quality dark iron ore in Obsidian City. How high can the quality of the dark iron ore here be?"

Iron ore is one of the most consumed minerals in the game. Among the many iron ores, the iron produced from black iron ore has the best quality and is mostly used in the making of weapons and armor. Therefore, black iron ore is naturally the most expensive iron ore.

The price of high-quality black iron ore is also higher.

Realizing that he might have met a big client, Stone Goblin happily wanted to lick Daliang's boots again, but was kicked in the head by Daliang, who was well prepared: "If you don't want to die, just answer my question."

"Yes, yes, yes, sir..." The stone goblin knew that his behavior made the gentleman a little angry, and immediately replied: "It's a coincidence that you came here. We happen to have a batch of the best black iron ore for sale here. The quality is all above 20, making it the best dark iron ore you can find in Obsidian City."

The quality is above 20...

It is really very good black iron ore. Use the black iron extracted from this black iron ore to make soldiers' ordnance, and the properties will definitely rise.

Daliang pretended to be very excited and said: "I am very satisfied with the quality. How many of these high-quality black iron ores do you have here, and at what price do you plan to sell them?"

The customer's bold tone made Stone Goblin try his best to appease the urge to kiss the boots. He bent over and raised his head and said in a flattering manner: "Sir... we have 10,000 units of high-quality black iron ore here, each The selling price of a unit of dark iron ore is 100 gold."

"So expensive?"

As a lord, Daliang often purchases various resources for the daily consumption of the territory. The price of ordinary black iron ore is generally 50 gold per unit. If you ask for more, you can get discounts. Even if these are high-quality dark iron ores, the price of 100 gold per unit is too high.

Seeing that Da Liang was frightened by the price, the Stone Goblin quickly explained: "Sir... there are wars everywhere now, and the iron ore used to make weapons is very tight. And because of the invasion of the World Factory and the continuous raids of the black elves , the mining cost of ore has increased, and the transportation cost has also increased.

This batch of high-quality black iron ore was personally escorted by Master Margaret with her army. During this period, she also suffered constant attacks from black elves and lost many people.

100 gold per unit of high-quality dark iron ore is indeed a bit expensive, otherwise the dwarves who ordered this batch of dark iron ore would not want it. But sir...high-quality ore means that high-quality weapons can be made. This is during a war, and no lord will disdain that the weapons used by his army are not good enough.

In the future, these high-quality ores... will only become more and more expensive. "

Daliang believes that this is correct. The weapons equipped by the army in peacetime can be more common. But during war, the quality of weapons will determine the outcome of the war.

Defeat... No matter how much money you save, it's useless.

Therefore, Daliang has never been stingy with the equipment configuration of the Black Fire Army. All kinds of soldier ordnance and war equipment are equipped with super numbers, and the raw materials for production are purchased on a selective basis.

It is also because Daliang has many profitable industries and can obtain certain discounts through the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Otherwise, no other territory would have the financial resources to support so many NPC troops and provide them with the best weapons.

Dadian nodded and said: "Your master should give you a reward... You convinced me. I plan to buy 10,000 units of high-quality black iron ore."

But regarding the price, I hope to discuss it directly with your owner.

I am also willing to establish a long-term high-quality mineral supply relationship with your master. "

After that, Daliang took off the blouse that covered his appearance, revealing the gorgeous magic equipment underneath.

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