Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1075 Counter-Assassination

Margaret, whose anger had calmed down a little, had to admit that what Daliang said was right.

Hauge is a slave trader. He has a powerful slave catching team and escort team. And he runs an assassin's hut. When Haug's slave trading center is attacked, those assassins will definitely support Haug for their livelihood.

Therefore, Margaret had almost no chance of winning if she wanted to attack Hauge's slave exchange.

When she heard that Daliang was willing to help her kill Haug, she accepted Daliang's help and said: "Mr. Daliang, no matter what happens in the future, you will have priority in choosing my ore. What kind of ore do you need, I will We will do our best to find it for you.

I'm going to gather my men now, and we'll go kill Haug together. "

"No, no, no no..." Daliang stopped Margaret from leaving again: "Hauge's ore exchange is so close to you, and any changes you make here will be immediately known to his thieves who are watching you.

If we let Haug escape, things will only be more troublesome.

To kill Haug, we must calm down first...

Now, you can tell me something about Haug, and we can make a plan to assassinate Haug together. "

Margaret, who regained her composure, knew that attacking an assassin's hut was not an easy task. Hauge's slave exchange is so close to his own ore exchange. Even if there are no thieves from the other party lurking around, just mobilizing manpower is enough to make the other party notice something.

The assassin's vigilance is very high. If Haug runs away, the assassin's hut can be built again in another place, but there will still be endless troubles.

Margaret sat back in her chair, and the petrified chair returned to its original state. Then she said to Daliang: "The Soul Eater is a very special underground creature..."

Soul Eaters are very rare underground creatures, and their biological specialty is twin symbiosis.

Every Soul Eater has two bodies, no primary or secondary, sharing one mind and one life.

Therefore, to kill the Soul Eater, both of his bodies must be killed within a short period of time. Once one body survives, it can devour another creature and turn it into its second body.

After Daliang described the process of accepting the assassination mission in detail, Margaret said: "The one who presides over the auction is Haoge, and it is his other body that issues the mission to you.

I estimate that Hauge is about the same strength as me, but the two Hauges are definitely stronger than me.

Mr. Daliang...what are your plans? "

It's really a bit troublesome to kill Hauge. Daliang asked: "Does Hauge have to personally host the auction?"

Margaret replied: "It's not that... if a big business comes, he will give priority to the slave transaction, and other auctioneers will preside over the auction."

After listening to this, Daliang nodded and said: "In the auction of the assassination mission, an uninformed auctioneer can take over. I think that when the assassination mission is announced, Hauge will not pretend to be someone else. After all, the more people who know about the assassination mission, the better." Less is better.

I have a plan that should be able to kill both Haug's bodies at the same time.

But...want to lend you something? "

Margaret said: "No matter what you borrow, as long as it can kill Haug, I will lend it to you."

"Your life!"

Margaret is dead... When she was receiving an ore buyer, an assassin disguised as an ore buyer suddenly took action and killed Margaret without giving her any chance to resist.

The explosion blew the entire reception room into the sky, leaving a large crater ten meters in diameter.

The entire free market felt this big shock, and they all marveled at the powerful man who showed his power here, and soon everyone knew that Margaret, who was very famous in the Obsidian City ore trading market, had been assassinated.

Margaret's guards in Obsidian City quickly rushed to the free market ore exchange after receiving the news. After they blocked the ore exchange, they frantically searched for the assassin who killed Margaret.

For a time, the entire free market was thrown into a frenzy by Margaret's guards.

However, slave traders and ore traders also actively cooperated with the search by Margaret's guards. After all, the assassin's purpose of assassinating Margaret is unknown, and no one knows if the assassin has another target.

Hauge's slave exchange was also visited by Margaret's guards, but they were blocked from the slave exchange.

The murder of their employer made these guard heroes very bad-tempered. Faced with the obstruction, they shouted loudly that they must enter Haug's slave exchange to search for traces of the assassin.

Then Hauge was naturally alarmed.

At this time, Hauge was really happy and angry.

He already knew the news of Margaret's murder, and the assassination process was very straightforward. The assassin went straight to Margaret and killed her face to face.

Margaret is a hero whose strength has reached level 15. The assassin can kill her so quickly from the front, which means that the assassin has stronger strength, and it also means that his assassin hut can accept higher difficulties in the future. assassination missions and earn more money.

Haug even thought about how to get this strong man to join his direct assassin group.

Angry: This guy is obviously a newbie.

An experienced assassin would never be so reckless as to directly assassinate Margaret. Making such a big noise would not be conducive to escaping after the assassination was completed. What's even more annoying is... after the assassin killed Margaret, he went directly to his slave exchange to ask for the bounty.


In front of the slave exchange, Margaret's guards had a physical conflict with the guards of the exchange. Haug had to personally resolve the dispute. After all, when everyone cooperated in finding the assassin, his slave exchange Not letting Margaret's guards go in to look for him would be too alien.

Hauge, who presided over the auction, handed over the work to another auctioneer and then came to the door of the exchange.

Facing Margaret's guards, he waved his tentacles and said in a very sad tone: "I feel very heartbroken about what happened to Margaret... We had dinner together yesterday and reached a deal. No. To think that she was assassinated today...

You want to enter my slave exchange to search for assassins, and I am very willing to cooperate with you. But I have a very important auction going on here...

Can you let my people search in my exchange first, and then let you in after the auction is over? "

At this time, a masked Medusa emerged from among the many guards.

Since there are many Medusa heroes in Margaret's guard, the obscured Medusa is not conspicuous among them.

When this Medusa glided in front of Haug, she took off her veil and showed a sarcastic smile: "Haug, such an important auction...can I participate?"

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