Start with an Archangel

Chapter 108 Comeback

With a shout, Daliang threw out the three magic mages that he had conveniently put into the weapon cards when he took off.

Suddenly appearing high in the sky, the three magic mages were all startled. What is going on... Not far away are the griffins and Pegasus knights at war, with the rippling blue sea below their feet. How did we end up here? Can a level 12 noble magician be thrown out so casually? We can't fly!

However, Daliang's order rang in the ears of the magic mages. Even though their bodies had begun to fall at an accelerated rate, and even though they knew that they would die immediately if they fell into the sea, the magic mages still quickly threw status magic towards the center of the air battle.

Area magic does not require too high accuracy. Even if the spells thrown by the magic mage deviate from the direction they aimed, when the magic springs exploded in the air, most of the Pegasus knights were still enveloped.

Advanced weakness

Advanced Evil Possession

Senior Disaster Is Coming


Advanced Light of Destruction

Advanced Evil Possession

Advanced Slowness Dafa

The magic mage's falling speed continued to accelerate, and they were getting further and further away from the battlefield. When the battlefield was about to exceed their magic range, during the second round of magic casting, a magic mage finally randomly used the "Advanced Slowing Technique" .

After seeing the advanced slowing technique being used, Daliang, who followed the magic mage in a dive, immediately put them into his weapon card. Looking at the sea surface that was still more than 20 meters below, Daliang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, pulled the reins of the royal griffon to change from diving to level flight, and then climbed straight towards the battlefield.

The magical brilliance gradually dissipated in the air. After the status magic was applied to the body one by one, the combat effectiveness of the Pegasus knights was continuously reduced. When the advanced slow magic erupted in the air, all the Pegasus knights who were contaminated The speed dropped suddenly.

The griffins, who were originally tortured and unable to lift their heads, turned over and sang as slaves this time. Looking at the pegasus that were slowly flying in the air and trying to maintain their flying posture, the griffons began to show off their mobility. The knife cutting on the body seems to be less painful. The enemy's skin is not that hard. The opponents are flying like snails one by one. You can attack them from behind casually. There is still much hesitation to peck...

The magic caused the balance of strength between the two sides in the air battle to instantly reverse. The griffins could easily pounce on the Pegasus knights. They used their sharp claws and eagle beaks to attack the enemies who had just bullied them. The Pegasus knights were killed. One by one they fell towards the sea below.

After the Silver Pegasus knight hero was hit by status magic, he continuously used "healing" to remove the debuff status on himself. The six status magics consumed his already not abundant magic value. After all the conditions on his body were eliminated, the hero wanted to rescue his subordinates who were under the spell.

However, a "Slow Technique" hit the Silver Pegasus Knight hero who had not yet picked up his speed.

An ordinary slow method, although it does not reduce the speed by 50% like the advanced slow method. But the 25% deceleration still makes the elf hero who is accustomed to the high-speed Silver Pegasus feel that his mount's body is like an axle that is short of oil.

He used "Healing" to clear his magic state, but another "Slowdown" hit him.

Damn it! It's the enemy's mage hero.

The elf hero finally saw who was constantly applying the "Slowness Technique" to him. It was a human priest who rushed up from below riding a royal griffon. It was he who had released the spell-casting units that could perform advanced magic just now.

This human priest is a very dangerous guy. His three magic soldiers have a great impact on the battle. The Pegasus Knight subordinates can no longer rescue him, so he must kill this priest so that the fleet can Win, maybe win...

The Pegasus Knights are about to be destroyed under the siege of the griffins, and the situation of the escort fleet that has lost air superiority will be pushed to the bottom. The Silver Pegasus knight hero made the final choice. He wanted to use his last life to kill the enemy's most dangerous hero.

"Healing" was continuously applied to himself by the elf hero to eliminate the "slowness method" he kept hitting, and the silver pegasus rushed downwards.

Daliang didn't expect that a few of his auxiliary spells could pull up the hatred value of the enemy hero. Thinking back to how powerful this hero was in torturing Shu Xiao, Daliang thought that his delicate body was definitely no match for the opponent, so he pulled the Royal Griffin He turned around and ran, but the Silver Pegasus dived downwards, and even the slowness could not stop it from getting faster and faster.

"Disciple, save me!"

This time Daliang risked his master's dignity and shouted for help to Shu Xiao.

At this time, Shu Xiao was commanding the griffins to carry out the final roundup of the Pegasus knights. Da Liang's cry for help rang in her ears. She followed the sound and looked to the sky below. She saw Da Liang fleeing in embarrassment on a royal griffon, behind him. Following closely is the enemy's hero commanding the Pegasus Knight.

The outcome of the battle between the griffins and the Pegasus knights could no longer be changed, and the remaining five Pegasus knights could not hold out for long under the siege of the griffons. Letting the griffins freely attack the remaining enemies, Shu Xiao pressed the head of the royal griffon and dived in pursuit of Da Liang.

Daliang flew ahead on a royal griffin. This time he regretted using his silver pegasus as a backup mount. Next time there is a battle, I will definitely not ride the Royal Griffin again. It is mighty but too slow. Its speed is similar to that of Pegasus, but it is far from the opponent of Silver Pegasus. If the sky wasn't spacious enough to turn at will, he would have been chopped down by the elf hero chasing after him.

"Where have you been? This elf hero is about to cut me."

"We've arrived, Master. Climb quickly and I'll intercept him."

Hearing Shu Xiao's voice in his ear, Da Liang immediately grabbed the reins and controlled the Royal Griffin to fly upward without looking at anything. The elf hero was in hot pursuit, following Daliang straight up. At this time, Shu Xiao flew directly between him and Da Liang, and when passing over the head of the elf hero, he controlled the royal griffon to perform a 360-degree roll in the air, and gave the elf hero a sword by the way.

I was finally saved. I was flying for a short while and it scared my little heart out. Everything about the spellcasting profession is good, but the melee profession cannot get close to me because of my weak skin and weak blood. Fortunately, my newly acquired disciple is so powerful that my aerial maneuvers are really smooth. When I rolled, my body was close to the royal griffon without any sloppiness. As expected, it was Have played with airplanes. If it were my brother... he would have been thrown out and disappeared without a trace.

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