Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1081 King of the Hill

"Hahahaha..." Daliang said with a smile: "How can His Majesty's royal demeanor be concealed by a suit of casual clothes? From the magnanimity and momentum you showed when you walked in, I have already guessed your identity.

You are a unique dwarf, I believe in my eyes. "

Daliang's words made the King of the Hill laugh heartily: "Sure enough, it is not easy to defeat those proud elves. I think my decision to come to Obsidian City in person this time is very correct, and I am also very much looking forward to hearing from the Duke." You're in for a treat here.

The real purpose of Duke Da Liang's visit to the Obsidian City of Endless Labyrinth this time should be for the magical realm. "

It wasn’t really that way at first…

Da Liang came to Obsidian City just to squeeze in time to complete his main mission. Who would have thought that Obsidian City not only has a torch tower, but also has such a good relationship with Black Iron City and has a direct plane teleportation array.

And he was given the task of assassinating Margaret, the ore supplier in Black Iron City.

In order to prevent the dwarves from losing too quickly, Da Liang had to remind the dwarves to watch their backs, so as not to be deprived of "food" by the elves. In the end, the losers didn't even know how they lost.

Then I went directly to the large-scale plot of the dwarf independence movement in the magical realm, or started from the King of the Hill line...

Just after finishing the South American strategy of the national war in the game area, I ran into a plane-level plot mission.

No personal space at all…

My luck has not been very good's a bit back!

But since the King of the Hill is here in person, he can't say: I'm just here to make soy sauce, and I'm not going to interfere with your independence!

Daliang was thinking about how to answer appropriately. A moment of silence made the King of the Hill realize his abruptness. He quickly said: "The Duke came to Obsidian City in secret this time. He must have his own schedule. I will just go ahead without saying hello." It was my mistake to come to visit. Please forgive me, Your Majesty the Duke. I was also too anxious because Black Iron City was under siege.

I have another purpose for coming here this time, which is to express my gratitude to you.

The elves' attack diverted almost all my energy, and I forgot to protect our friends who were supplying supplies. If you hadn't reminded us in time, it would have been too late by the time we discovered the elves' conspiracy.

It is no exaggeration to say that you saved Black Iron City once.

My city and I hope to do something for you, Your Majesty the Duke... to express our sincerest gratitude. "

The King of the Hill's words avoided the possible embarrassment of this conversation. He could see that... the Duke of Shangjiang City secretly appeared in Obsidian City instead of visiting Black Iron City directly. He must have the idea of ​​observation and is still hesitating. Are you going to intervene in this war?

Who are you even thinking about helping?

Yes... although Shangjiang City suffered a small loss to the elves in Rio de Janeiro, we cannot just assume that the Five Color Flag Alliance will fight the elves until the end.

It is not ruled out that the Five-Color Flag Alliance finally chose to become enemies of the dwarves in order to ease its relationship with the elves.

However, judging from Duke Daliang's behavior in Obsidian City in reminding the dwarves to be careful behind their backs, the attitude of the Five Color Flags Alliance seems to be biased towards the dwarves, or at least sympathetic to the dwarves.

This is a very beneficial aspect for Black Iron City. Being too anxious to let the Five Color Flag Alliance take a stand will not do any good to Black Iron City if it scares Da Liang away.

So the King of the Hill started from Daliang's kindness to Black Iron City, first established a good relationship, and then gradually attracted the Five Color Flag Alliance to support him.

The shrewd King of the Hill restored the conversation to a harmonious atmosphere, and Daliang no longer needed to make up excuses that no one believed in and deal with it.

Regarding the reward promised by the King of the Hill, Daliang considered his strategy in Obsidian City and said: "Shangjiang City is a commercial city. I am a Duke and a businessman. This time I came to the Endless Labyrinth. I am very interested in the slave trade here. I was interested in it, so I wanted to open my own slave exchange..."

The King of the Hill immediately said: "Our Black Iron City will take care of all the slaves that cannot be sold in the Duke's slave exchange. We are at war, and every dwarf is our precious soldier, so some battles require sacrifices." , we need slaves to do it.

Therefore, Your Majesty the Duke, you don’t have to worry at all... about the market for your slaves.

Moreover, Black Iron City is forming an army to come to Obsidian City to provide protection for our ore suppliers. I will let them also protect the safety of your trade routes.

In addition... I will provide another 300,000 gold coins as a start-up fee for the Duke's slave exchange.

Don't be polite to me, these are too insignificant for your kindness to Black Iron City. If it weren't for the fact that we are facing a war and the weapons are in short supply, I would also be willing to give you a batch of weapons made in Black Iron City.

Now... we can only wait until this war is over, and we can't lose the Black Iron City yet. Only the volcanic fire there can create the most sophisticated dwarf equipment. "

All the ore that needs to be purchased from outside has severely reduced Black Iron City's weapon production. The weapons it manufactures cannot even be supplied to its own army, let alone exported.

At the same time, just spending without making money is nothing. No matter how rich Black Iron City is, there will be a day when all the money is spent.

At that time, the dwarves, who had no money and no equipment, naturally could not defend their city.

Daliang was still very excited about the dwarf weapons in Black Iron City. He said: "The fire in the torch tower in the underground city should be a flame with the same properties as volcanic fire. There is a torch tower here in Obsidian City.

I think Black Iron City can move your weapons manufacturing factory to near the Torch Tower in Obsidian City.

In this way, you can purchase ore nearby, and the production of weapons can definitely be restored quickly. Not only can it provide for the consumption of the Black Iron City war, but some of it can also be used for export to earn military expenses. "

Regarding Daliang's proposal, the King of the Hill sighed: "We also proposed to Obsidian City to use the torch tower here to build a weapons processing factory. But Obsidian City rejected it...

Because we want to build a weapons manufacturing factory, we have to station a large number of troops around the Torch Tower. After all, this is the city of the Iron Shoe Kingdom, and now we are fighting a plane war.

Although we dwarves are independent from the elves, we are a race in a magical realm after all. Garrisoning troops in the endless maze will make it very difficult for the city lord of Obsidian City.

Black Iron City and Obsidian City have a very good cooperative relationship, so we can't let our friends not be able to answer to Ironhoof King. "

At this time, Daliang said: "Yes, from a personal perspective, you really shouldn't embarrass your friends. But as the leader of a race, your first priority is the survival of the race.

No one believed that the dwarves would be able to defend the Black Iron City in the end. And if Black Iron City is lost... have you ever thought about where the dwarves should go? "

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