Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1094 The Mistress goes to battle

In the beginning, the Songjiang War was carried out according to the rhythm of the Black Fire Territory.

Monica competes for the identity of Songjiang's mistress, and cooperates with the proposal of the "Songjiang Black Elves Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" to fundamentally disintegrate the Songjiang Black Elves.

Abigail was forced to go out of town in search of a quick showdown.

The dark cavalry poured out from all the city gates of Songjiang like a flood, and then gathered into a black tide, hitting the Black Fire Leader army commanded by Monica.

Monica did not engage in an offensive battle with Abigail. Her advantage was defense, and she was good at using active defense to create opportunities to annihilate the enemy.

Therefore, when the Songjiang Black Elf rushed out, Monica had already launched a solid defensive line.

The mages accompanying the army used earthen walls, trenches, mines, force field shields, and fire demon walls to set up a defensive barrier in front of the military formation, so that the dark cavalry of the black elves could not attack the Black Fire leader's front line at full speed. .

The first line of troops in the Black Fire Territory are all human swordsmen wearing heavy armor. These seventh-level soldiers with both offensive and defensive capabilities are defensive units that the human army can rely on.

The second is the Vampire Sword Guard, which has high attack, high speed, flying and blood-sucking abilities. They can rely on the barrier formed by the swordsmen to continuously fight back, which can not only effectively kill the enemy, but also reduce the pressure on the sword guards.

The third line of troops is a long-range firepower group composed of archers and arsonists.

Then there are the war instruments and magic alchemy equipment set up on the magic-generating mound.

Since the undead army was extremely lacking in long-range suppression arms in the early stages, Daliang paid great attention to the equipment of war equipment when developing the Black Fire Leader Army.

The current Blackfire Leader Siege Equipment Factory can independently generate heavy ballistae, heavy catapults, ladders, mobile archery towers, heavy ramming vehicles...

Can be used for large vehicles carrying heavy weapons.

And obtained the artillery purchase quota in Shangjiang City and the purchase rights for all obsolete artillery.

With the alchemy technology support of two alchemy laboratories staffed by heavyweight alchemists, the Alchemy Factory has been able to independently produce intermediate magic amplification devices, intermediate magic suppression devices, medical tents, space compression transport vehicles, magic energy concentrated conversion radiation towers, Magic energy relay tower...

Therefore, the defensive array deployed by Monica is a concentrated expression of the current alchemy level of the Black Fire Leader.

All large-scale alchemical devices not only require a mage to control the operation of the device, but also consume rare resources to provide magic power.

Putting rare resources into a single alchemy device will cause a huge waste of mana. The Magic Energy Concentrated Transformation Radiation Tower is an alchemy device with functions similar to a power plant. Rare resources are efficiently converted into magic energy in this ten-meter-high tower-shaped device, and then transmitted outward. All alchemy equipment that needs to consume magic energy within the radiation range of the concentrated magic energy conversion radiation tower can easily obtain magic energy.

The magic energy relay tower is a magic energy relay station. Its function is to connect alchemy equipment that is too far away to directly obtain magic energy from the magic energy concentrated conversion radiation tower.

The magic energy centralized conversion radiation tower and the magic energy relay tower are also two types of functional alchemy equipment that a large city must have to provide convenient magic energy for the entire city.

The powerful alchemy research capabilities of the Black Fire Territory have miniaturized these two urban functional equipment and moved them to the battlefield.

The high-power output of magic energy forms colorful light waves, which connect all alchemy equipment in a huge network along the energy transmission path.

Sufficient and continuous energy.

Magic is shot out from the magic eyes on the magic amplification device, alternately providing various magic amplifications to the troops on the front line.

The catapults threw the loaded heavy alchemy bombs high; the ballistas on the archery tower fired rows of spears tied with Jinzhao No. 1; the concentrated projections of the archers formed clouds of arrows in the air.

A series of roars shook the entire cave, and the artillery began to roar.

Heavy catapults, heavy ballistae, artillery, archers, long-range units with different ranges formed fire coverage zones at different distances.

And what do the black elves in Songjiang have?

Only the dark cavalry charges fearlessly...

Abigail's tactical thinking is still stuck in the previous nomadic stage. Songjiang's poor economy cannot provide her with too many gold coins. In her opinion, instead of investing money in the research and manufacture of alchemy technology and war equipment, it is better to recruit more black elf armies. She believed that... war equipment that was slow-moving and cumbersome to assemble could not keep up with the mobility advantage of the Black Elves.

When the Dark Cavalry breaks through the enemy's defense, these war instruments and alchemy equipment are dead objects that can be easily destroyed.

But she would never have imagined what kind of power these large-scale equipment could exert on the battlefield... when they reached a certain quantity and quality.

Of course, this kind of consumption is not something Abigail can afford.

All she can use is a large army.

However, the first wave of attacks by the Black Elves was severely damaged by the long-range firepower of the Black Fire Leader. The terrain and magic obstacles prevented the Dark Cavalry from running at the fastest speed, and the long-range strikes at various distances reduced their numbers layer by layer. However, our own long-range units, Evil Eye and Medusa, were suppressed by artillery and heavy catapults at the range, and could not provide effective long-range cover for the Dark Cavalry.

The dark cavalry who can rush through the long-range strike zone are already at the end of their game. They need speed but not speed, and they need blood but not blood. However, their opponents are swordsmen and vampire sword guards blessed by various magics.

The shortcomings of the Dark Cavalry's defense were highlighted, and they were quickly killed by a double massacre.

After the frontal attack was covered by the opponent's long-range firepower and unable to form a breakthrough in the middle, the Dark Cavalry began to use its powerful maneuverability to spread its wings and circle around the rear of the Black Fire leader's army.

Monica set up a defensive circle in the wilderness. With powerful magic and long-range fire support, she did not need to deploy too many defensive soldiers on the front line and was able to form a complete defensive circle. The entire outer perimeter defense line was intermittently open, with gaps exposed at regular intervals, attracting the attacking soldiers to concentrate on the gap, and then use the cross firepower from both sides to conduct diagonal fire.

Abigail stood on the top of Songjiang City, looking coldly at the battlefield...her own army rushed towards Monica's army like moths in the flames.

Anger was no longer one of her emotions.

In the process of sacrificing to the Dark Dragon, the sacrifices were not only the slaves who were killed and injured, but in order to gain power... she also lost a lot of things.

"Mother." A dark matriarch saluted respectfully. Facing the current Abigail, she felt the fear at the bottom of her soul, but her duty made her persist and said: "The rebels' defensive strength is too strong. We black elves are not suitable for this kind of positional warfare. I suggest... that we withdraw to the city first and then rely on city defense."

Abigail continued to stare at the battlefield, staring at Monica's handsome flag, and said: "Can we win by defending the city? Don't worry... I have long expected that Daliang will never let me securely own Songjiang City. Now look Come on...every decision I made was correct.

It's just a pity that Daliang didn't come...but the same goes for killing Monica.

If she dies, Daliang will no longer have the name to attack Songjiang, and those hesitant black elves will gather around me again. "

After saying that, Abigail rose into the air and flew towards the battlefield.

"Attention all the troops...Mother is out to fight!"

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