Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1106 Dragon Clan Honor

"Please allow me to introduce you to the owner of Rio de Janeiro City, King Doron, and the Rio nobles who have come to greet you. I hope you can keep the envoys of Bauhinia City with you."

Daliang brought Holy Bella to the front of the welcoming team...

The celebration officially begins.

Grand magical fireworks rose from all over the city of Rio de Janeiro. The news of the arrival of the Supreme Angel was spread to every corner of the city. The elves of Rio pushed the carnival atmosphere to a climax. The streets were full of singing and dancing elves. , the whole city was enveloped in an enthusiastic atmosphere.

Daliang introduced King Doron to Holy Bella, and King Doron introduced her to every Rio royal family and nobles who came to greet her, as well as... Bavaria.

"This Lord Bavaria from the magical land of Bauhinia City is the envoy of Bauhinia City in Rio. He heard that Lord Holy Bella was coming to Rio, so he made a special trip to greet you."

Holy Bella has the same distinguished status as King Wadsworth. Bavaria first saluted Holy Bella and then sent King Wadsworth's greetings.

Along with Bavaria were two elf envoys from Bauhinia City.

Holy Bella replied: "Give me my regards, Your Majesty Wadsworth. I haven't been to the Magic Realm for a while. I heard that the dwarves want to be independent from the elves. I really want to know the current situation in the Magic Realm. Please, Mr. Bavaria, go to the Rio Palace with me and the two elf envoys. You must explain to me in detail what happened in the magical realm recently."

Bavaria knew that Holy Bella's invitation was to tie him to her side, so that he could not control what Shangjiang and Rio de Janeiro were going to do, and it also meant that their plan was about to be implemented. But Bavaria had no way to refuse the invitation of Holy Bella. No matter what reasons they found, this trip to the Rio Palace was a must.

With no way to escape, Bavaria had no choice but to agree to Holy Bella's invitation, and then he could only hope that the golden dragons staying in Rio would be smarter.

Holy Bella and the welcoming team got on the unicorn carriage heading to the palace.

King Duolun has prepared a grand banquet in the palace.

Bavaria was taken away by Holy Bella. Daliang, who stayed behind, signaled to Crystal Dragon Qianli and Poison Dragon Amber that they could take action, and then also got on the carriage heading to the Rio Palace.

Marquis Wilson stayed to preside over the entire gold coin exchange operation.

After receiving Da Liang's instructions, Kohaku and Qianli took off into the sky. They flew higher and higher until they could see the entire city of Rio before they stopped climbing.

As a city of elves, Rio de Janeiro is an extremely huge forest.

Looking from above, the city of Rio de Janeiro has been covered by a sea of ​​flowers. The power of magic makes the flowers of the four seasons bloom at the same time.

Magic beams continuously shoot upward from below the sea of ​​flowers, and then explode into colorful fireworks high in the sky.

To the east of Rio de Janeiro is the sea. You can vaguely see several ports filled with various ships. Further out on the sea, sailboats are setting sail to leave or return.

Kohaku and Senri circled each other in the air, and then let out a high-pitched dragon roar.

The sound spread throughout the city, and then more dragon roars came up from below the forest. These were the golden dragons from Bauhinia City. They thought it was two 15th-level giant dragons provoking them. The golden dragons roared very hard. Reply.

However, their mission was to guard the city of Rio de Janeiro, and they did not leave their respective positions because of Qianri and Kohaku's provocation.

Dragon roars one after another echoed in the air and on the ground, as if the dragons were welcoming the arrival of Holy Bella in this way.

At this time... Holy Bella has entered the Rio Palace accompanied by King Doron and many nobles.

Hearing the roar of the giant dragons, Holy Bella smiled and said to King Doron: "The city of Rio welcomed me in a unique way. I didn't expect that an elven main city on the main plane would have so many golden dragons. It seems that The relationship between the city of Rio de Janeiro and the city of Bauhinia is really very close.”

King Duolun smiled slightly and did not respond.

But Bavaria, who was accompanying her, could hear the sarcasm of Holy Bella. She was the guardian angel of Shangjiang City, and she had to know that so many golden dragons belonged to the Bauhinia City. What she said was nothing more than a mockery of the relationship between the Redbud City and the city of Rio de Janeiro. intrusion behavior.

But... what exactly does Shangjiang City want to do? Why do they want to trigger a group of golden dragons to roar? Do they want to locate nearly a hundred golden dragons at the same time through sound and then attack?


Not to mention whether Shangjiang City has the ability to attack nearly a hundred golden dragons at the same time, their attack alone will simply trigger an all-out war between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Magical Realm.

It also represents the Five Color Flag Alliance breaking its neutrality promise and standing on the opposite side of the good camp.

Rio de Janeiro City has no value in destroying the Five Color Flag Alliance, and Shangjiang City will never dare to take the initiative to attack Bauhinia City's army.

So why are they provoking the golden dragons like this?

Bavaria followed the welcoming team into the palace with full of doubts.

A grand welcome banquet was held immediately.

The lively atmosphere and music flowing everywhere blocked the roar of the dragon outside the palace.

In the air, Kohaku and Qianli continued to roar to elicit responses from the golden dragons, and then confirmed the locations of these golden dragons one by one.

After all the golden dragons belonging to Bauhinia Flower City were found.

The twin stars triggered the law-level field-Dragon Honor.

The field expanded instantly.

Affected by the strength of Amber and Qianli, Dragon Clan Honor can only cover an area of ​​about five kilometers, accounting for one-tenth of the urban area of ​​Rio de Janeiro.

So Kohaku and Senri began flying around the city of Rio de Janeiro.

They continued to roar while flying. When the golden dragon below responded, they all released the driving command together.

Then golden dragons rushed out from underneath the forest and flew away from the city of Rio de Janeiro.

All driven dragons below level 15, depending on their individual strength, cannot approach the range of 10 kilometers to 20 kilometers away from Amber and Qianli within a certain period of time. Combined with the cruising range of Amber and Qianli, it is enough to destroy all the people in Bauhinia Flower City. The golden dragon blocks the city limits of Rio de Janeiro.

Just like that, Amber and Qianli flew screaming, and all the golden dragons in Bauhinia City were driven into the air and away from the city. The scales on their bodies glowed with golden light under the rising sun.

Marquis Wilson at the bottom of the forest couldn't help but sigh at the power of the Five-Color Flag Alliance after seeing all this... When the elves in the magical realm knew that the Five-Color Flag Alliance could drive away their ultimate dragon at will, they didn't know if they could still Keep their proud attitude.

Especially in the attitude towards the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Duke Daliang gave King Duolun a big gift. Now let’s start the exchange of gold coins.

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