Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1126 Prepare to welcome

In the hall, many black elf heroes shook their heads.

The base camp plane has a natural sense of superiority to the main plane, and no one will deliberately understand the things on the main plane. Moreover, the lower cave where the black elves are located has even less news.

Ingram became very troubled when he saw that so many of his subordinates did not know who "Daliang" was.

Come on, Ingram is really not afraid of anyone.

But in this critical period of conquering Obsidian City, it is really difficult to make strong enemies.

Just when Ingram was at a loss, a shadow matriarch said: "Mother, since Daliang is a surface human race, if he is really famous on the surface, then it is impossible for the black elves from the main world not to know about him. .

Now, isn't there a mission from the main world dungeon in our Thorny River City?

Call them here and ask them, maybe we will know who ‘Da Liang’ is…”

Daliang had already joined Pluto's Bear Cavalry Brigade in a carriage.

Due to the advance arrangement, after seeing the black elf ambush, Pluto immediately abandoned the dwarf weapons and retreated. Since he was leading cavalry units, and the black elves were eager to transport the goods they had grabbed, the two sides did not engage in large-scale fighting. They only made contact before the two sides separated.

Pluto's army was very well preserved. With his addition, Daliang's team that visited Thorn River City immediately became larger.

Under the control of Da Liang, the entire army did not march towards Cihe City at too fast a speed.

He must give Ingram enough time to prepare.

As for whether Ingram can guess his identity, Daliang is not worried, because a black elf mission sent by Songjiang City is in Cihe City at the moment.

Da Liang has no idea of ​​fighting Ingram, because he still needs these black elves to attack Obsidian City, and then the dwarves can profitably occupy Obsidian City and have enough capital to become independent in the magical realm.

Therefore, after Daliang threatened Ingram, he still had to find a step for her.

What if these underground barbarians really don't recognize me when they meet... To fight or not to fight?

Of course...if these black elves are really stupid and don't know to ask the Songjiang Black Elf Envoy, then Daliang doesn't expect them to pose a threat to Obsidian City.

Just kill these idiots and help Monica expand her territory.

Daliang's motorcade marched slowly in the underground passage, resting when it was time to rest and eating when it was time to eat.

In Cihe City, Mother Ingram finally learned the identity of Daliang from the Songjiang Black Elf Envoy.

Five Color Flag Alliance.

It is an emerging camp besides the independent and good camp and the evil camp. With several 16th-level powerhouses and three 15th-level dragons as the main force, the Five Color Flag Alliance has become a decisive force.

In this period of melee between good and evil, the Five Color Flags Alliance can maintain neutrality, which shows what kind of terrifying strength they possess.

In the Five Color Flag Alliance, Shangjiang City, ruled by the human race, is one of the five main alliances. This suddenly rising main city of the human race controls the money bag of the Five Color Flag Alliance, and is also guarded by a 16th-level supreme angel.

The owner of the goods they snatched this time was the Duke of Shangjiang City in the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Duke Feichen——Daliang.

Position: Former Prime Minister of Shangjiang City.

He is also the chief diplomat of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Any plane-level ruler must treat this duke with courtesy.

Ingram finally knew what kind of trouble he had caused. To be precise... what kind of person set this trap for him.

This is a world-class power, a spokesperson for a third-party force recognized by both the good camp and the evil camp. If the Five-Color Flag Alliance wants to interfere in the affairs of Obsidian City, then she, Ingram, really cannot make any waves.

Ingram knew that he did not have the ability to fight against the Five-Colored Flags Alliance, and he could only accept it as bad luck if he was tricked by such a figure.

But... why is this noble person coming to Obsidian City in such a low-key manner?

Moreover, Songjiang City seems to be a sub-city under Shangjiang City, and Daliang is the Duke of Shangjiang City.

Now, the envoy from Songjiang City is in Cihe City, and Duke Daliang is looking for trouble at this time. This is probably not a coincidence...

Ingram looked at this envoy group that he ignored at first.

For the same race, there is not much overlap between the main world and the base camp plane. Just like Bauhinia City unscrupulously invaded Rio City, which is also an elf city, the black elves in the Endless Labyrinth will not have much affinity with the black elves in the main world.

Moreover, as soon as this black elf envoy group arrived at Thorny River City, they said that the Lord Monica was resurrected by the Dragon of Darkness and was the envoy chosen by God. What kind of "Dark Elves Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" came out again...

Peaceful coexistence?

I, Ingram, want to be the mistress of the Black Elf Queen. How could I allow the Black Elf tribe in my jurisdiction to have such great independence and let those matrons dilute my rights!

Give them a chance to plot my throne!

The black elves in the main world are not traditional black elves at all. Regardless of whether they are true or false, the rules of the base camp plane are useless in the main world, and the rules of the main world have no use in the base camp plane. use.

The black elves of the Endless Labyrinth will not respect your envoys, nor will they implement the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement."

Therefore, the Songjiang Black Elf Mission was left aside by Ingram.

If he hadn't asked about Daliang's identity this time, Ingram would have forgotten them somewhere.

Now, everything seems to be connected.

The black elves in Songjiang City have found a very big backer... the Five Color Flag Alliance.

At this moment, an important member of the Five-Colored Flags Alliance had already come to Cihe City, and he also had something in his hands... a premeditated trap.

No matter what the Five Color Flag Alliance wants to pursue in Obsidian City, it cannot give them an excuse to intervene with force.

"Pass my order to put back all the dwarf weapons in the square and take good care of the caveman slaves. Send heavy troops to guard them. Don't allow one weapon to be missing without killing a caveman."

Immediately notify all the passes leading to the upper caves. If any personnel or vehicles from the Creed Slave Exchange are found in the future, they will be released immediately. No difficulty is allowed, and no robbery is allowed.

If the Creed Slave Exchange owner's convoy is discovered, deploy troops to escort them to Thorn River City.

Red Helmet, you did a very good job on this matter... But you can't rest now. I order you to immediately lead a dark cavalry to meet Duke Da Liang.

Use the highest courtesy.

The clan leaders should immediately return to your bases to restrain your clans from causing trouble during Duke Daliang's visit to Thorn River City, and secretly prepare for war.

If war is really inevitable, we must also show our dignity as black elves.

Now... Thorny River City is preparing to welcome the arrival of Duke Daliang! "

I solemnly recommend a very good novel called "The Brave Man Fights the Demon God".

Before introducing the book, let me first introduce the author of this book - the great ashtray master. Ashtray is one of my favorite authors, bar none. The only novel reader group I am a part of is that of The Ashtray.

It can be said that the works of Ashtray have a great influence on me. Readers who have read Ashtray's "Power Leveling" and "God Level" can all see that I am imitating the writing style of Ashtray, including the fact that the protagonists are all from the "big" generation. In fact, the inspiration for writing Archangel came from power leveling. Power leveling is the dual life of the protagonist and the "protagonist". Then I suddenly had a sudden idea to make the villain reborn, and then I boldly wrote it using the setting of "National War".

At first, some people thought that due north was the vest of the big ashtray, which made me very happy.

The novel style of "The Big Ashtray" is very, very unique. If you like it, you really like it, and if you don't like it, you also really dislike it. They often show two extremes. The reason is that the novel "Ashtray" breaks through the traditional novel model of having a tall and powerful protagonist, and writes the little protagonist vividly. My reading experience of reading Ashtray novels is not just about taking on the role of the protagonist, having fun, and enjoying the invincible pleasure. Sometimes when I read it, I inadvertently look at myself and realize something...

Ashtray's novel is thoughtful, not a quick meal.

"The Brave Fights the Demon God" is an anti-system novel with a name that makes people endlessly complain about it. It has been officially put on the shelves a few days ago.

The story begins with a fisherman releasing a sealed demon...

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