Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1128: Brother is not easy to deal with

Daliang and Xu Man said hello and continued walking.

Then they met the Thorny River City welcoming team led by Red Helmet.

This team is composed entirely of cold-blooded cavalry, an advanced type of dark cavalry, and there are about two thousand in number. It can be seen that the proportion of heroic units inside is very high, and it is a very elite cavalry army. It also shows the sincerity of Thorny River City in welcoming them this time.

It seems that Ingram has figured out who I am, and she does not have the confidence to dare to fight against the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Pluto ordered the bear cavalry to stop advancing and surround Da Liang's carriage to keep the black elf army out.

At this time... Red Helmet came to the side of the carriage.

He almost died from exhaustion after running for a long time. Although the black elf witch doctor helped him regain some strength, the red helmet is still a little sloppy when he walks now.

But he didn't dare to show any slight to Daliang.

Red Helmet saluted the carriage car and said: "Your Majesty Duke Feichen, Mother Ingram asked me to convey her greetings to you. Thorny River City is already preparing to welcome your visit. We all sincerely hope that you can Let’s resolve the misunderstanding between us peacefully.”


Margaret, who was also sitting in the carriage, looked at Da Liang in surprise. She knew that in this title system commonly used in the main world, the Duke was the title second only to the King. However, titles in the main world are not practical in the base camp plane. After all, the city-states in the main world are too weak. Even if he is the king of a main city, Ingram may not take him seriously.

Margaret was surprised that Ingram was really frightened. She sent such a large greeting team, showing her fear of this human being.

This is definitely not a simple Duke.

Who can intimidate Ingram, who has an army of 200,000 black elves, to such an extent? Who is he?

Facing Margaret's doubtful gaze, Da Liang smiled back without explaining anything. Then he opened the curtains and said to the red helmet outside through the car window: "I personally went to Thorny River City to properly solve this problem. An unpleasant thing, otherwise my army would be under Thorn River City.

Being able to see you in this position, I am very satisfied with your running speed.

I want Matron Ingram to transfer the four of you to me and become my official subordinates. Do you think Matron Ingram will agree? "

Red Helmet didn't expect that Daliang would ask him such a difficult question. He couldn't refuse directly. He could only answer: "As the black elves of Thorny River City, we are all owned by Mother Ingram. Please Duke Your Majesty forgive me for not being able to make any decisions for my mistress.”

"I think she will agree, and following me... has a better future than following her. Go ahead and lead the way, resolve this matter as soon as possible, and make my trade routes unblocked as soon as possible."

After saying that, Da Liang lowered the curtains. Red Helmet, on the other hand, returned to the welcoming army he had brought with him, and ordered the entire army to turn back and march towards Thorn River City.

The team's march speed accelerated and soon arrived at Thorny River City.

Without the illumination of the torch tower, only the faint light from the fluorescent moss all over the cave walls made the large cave where Thorny River City was located look extremely dark.

However, in order to welcome the bright light, Ingram has lit torches and braziers inside and outside Thorny River City, as well as ubiquitous lighting magic, making Thorny River City extremely bright.

The Bear Cavalry and the Cold-blooded Cavalry escorted the carriage along the river beach toward Thorn River City.

The open city gate is getting bigger and bigger in front, and you can clearly see the welcoming team gathered outside the city gate. Ingram is riding an underground lizard and standing at the front of the team. Her red leather armor is particularly eye-catching.

But as the team approached Cihe City, the bear cavalry protected the carriage and began to slow down, gradually separated from the guarding cold-blooded cavalry, and then stopped about 200 meters away from the gate of Cihe City.

The bear cavalry spread out to both wings, setting up an arc-shaped cordon, and a tent was set up in front of the carriage by the vampire guards.

Da Liang got out of the carriage and invited Margaret to walk into the tent together.

What happened?

Ingram, who was not far away, did not expect that the good welcoming ceremony would cause trouble again. The other party actually arrived at the city gate without entering. When he saw himself greeting him outside the city gate, he ignored him. He built a tent and went in and never came out again.

The cold-blooded cavalry who completed the escort mission did not enter the city, but stopped on one side of the city gate. Only then did Red Helmet realize that the bear cavalry and the carriage had not followed, but had set up a very unfriendly formation in front of Mother Ingram.

Red Helmet returned immediately, and then walked into Da Liang's camp after getting permission.

A small long table was set up inside the tent. Daliang sat on the main seat in the innermost place, and Margaret sat on his left. Both of them had red wine and some food in front of them.

Da Liang was eating and drinking slowly, while Margaret looked restless.

This is simply a challenge to Ingram's majesty.

Red Helmet was also very angry at Daliang's behavior at this time. He said: "Your Majesty, we have prepared a welcome ceremony in line with your status in accordance with your request. Mother Ingram has personally gone out of the city to greet you, and the City Lord's Mansion A banquet is also prepared.

The adults stopped here, is it disrespectful to us? "

Da Liang picked up the wine glass, sneered and said: "Ingram didn't respect me when he robbed my goods. This matter has nothing to do with whether she knew my identity at the time. Whether you allow the welcoming ceremony or not is your business. , it’s my business whether I want to go to the city or not.

Ingram wouldn't think that a grand welcoming ceremony would end the matter, would he?

My dwarven weapon costs a million gold coins.

It's not that easy to end.

Until the matter is resolved, we are still in a state of hostility. I am still prepared to attack Thorny River City at any time, so I will not enter the enemy's city casually.

I am here……

Ingram wants to resolve this matter peacefully and come here to see me.

I only wait for her lunch time..."

After saying that, Daliang held the wine glass and gestured to Margaret: "Ms. Margaret, don't worry. If Ingram really wants to fight, my subordinates can protect our safety.

You must be hungry after all the bumps along the way.

Eat something first. When Ingram arrives later, I still need you to help me communicate with these underground barbarians. "

Margaret showed a very helpless smile. She picked up the wine glass and said: "I have no idea of ​​​​helping the Duke now. My previous thoughts are completely out of step with your thoughts... Everything is under your control." .

I can just be a bystander and add a profound mark to my life. "

When Daliang and Margaret clinked glasses, Red Helmet immediately turned around and left the camp. He saw that there wasn't much food on Daliang's plate. Eating quickly or slowly depended on his mood.

He must tell Mother Ingram about the situation here immediately, leaving her little time to make a decision.

Thanks to dudu for rewarding an alliance leader. Yesterday I was thinking of adding more posts to thank the alliance, but my writing has been really slow lately...I'll leave the debt for now. I'll make up for it if I have the time these days.

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