Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1130 Promise under the City

Faced with Ingram's counter-threatening, Daliang smiled and said: "My mistress is really very thorough. For the weapons with one million gold coins, I will not easily start a war with Thorny River City. But if I face the dwarf weapons in the future, If the supply of goods is interrupted, we will also assist our dwarf friends to prevent Obsidian City from being attacked by unknown people."

Daliang's words were like a sharp sword piercing Ingram's heart. Her plan to attack Obsidian City was very secretive, and all the war equipment used to attack the city were manufactured in the most tightly guarded caves. Now all the underground residents in Obsidian City still believe that the insurmountable city wall is enough to prevent the black elves from attacking Obsidian City.

Obsidian City's carelessness also determines whether Ingram can successfully capture the city.

Now that Daliang said on such an occasion that Obsidian City might be attacked, he was directly exposing Ingram's plan to attack Obsidian City.

Ingram said with a very bad expression: "Your Majesty the Duke, why can't I understand what you are saying? Obsidian City is so strong...who would think of attacking it?"

"No matter who wants to attack Obsidian City, since the dwarves of Black Iron City are providing me with weapons, I will not let any mistakes happen to this high-profit product.

Therefore, please Matron Ingram do not doubt my determination to go to war with you.

One million gold coins is nothing to me, but the accumulation of hundreds or even thousands of one million gold coins is very, very much... I will fight whoever cuts off my financial path.

I do this business even if I am not afraid of the revenge of the elves in the Magic Realm. Therefore... I advised Mother Ingram to give up the idea of ​​Obsidian City and evacuate from Thorny River City to the deeper lower caves with these weapons. "

Ingram finally knew the other party's true "purpose".

This human duke must have learned that the black elves had a plan to attack Obsidian City. Once the black elves launched a war against Obsidian City, the supply of dwarf weapons to the Five Color Flag Alliance would also cease.

This is a very large fortune, so the other party will prevent him from attacking Obsidian City, and even take the opportunity to start a war with Cihe City.

And they don't need to fight a large-scale war. As long as they maintain a state of war with Cihe City, they won't have the strength to fight Obsidian City again.

But the plan to attack Obsidian City must not be given up.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, no! This is a plane war that only breaks out after ten thousand years of peace. It is the time when the Iron Heel Kingdom and Obsidian City are at their most empty and weak.

If she did not take the opportunity to capture Obsidian City at this time, she would never encounter such an opportunity again in her lifetime.

We must not give up the plan to attack Obsidian City, but we cannot go to war with the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Ingram looked at Da Liang. The human duke was eating the food in front of him slowly, as if he had been eaten by him. After thinking about various countermeasures, Ingram, who had no way to break the situation for a while, said: "Your Excellency, the Duke came to my Thorny River City this time, and he didn't prepare this kind of solution, right?

The delegation from Songjiang City is still in my city, and His Excellency the Duke has not mentioned them yet...

I think you must have other conditions you want to discuss with me. "

Finally got to where we wanted to talk.

Daliang picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, then asked the maid to take away the remaining food and wine glasses, and then said: "What I just said is just an alternative plan for you. I also know that you have prepared such a long meal." We have invested so much time, money, manpower, and material resources that it is unrealistic to ask you to withdraw in just one sentence.

So I prepared a plan that everyone can accept.

Songjiang City is subordinate to Shangjiang and is a tenth-level city ruled by black elves. Therefore, we do not reject it and even hope that the black elves can gain a higher status in the endless maze, which will also help the development of Songjiang City.

As for Obsidian City...who occupies it and who rules it, actually...has nothing to do with us.

What we care about is the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory under the Torch Tower of Obsidian City, and the trade cooperation relationship established with the dwarves of Black Iron City.

The purpose of my coming to Obsidian City this time is to secretly establish contact with the dwarves of Black Iron City and obtain the supply of dwarven weapons.

Now after negotiations between me and the King of the Hill, this is basically done.

The only thing that makes me unable to leave Obsidian City with confidence is you...

Therefore, I hope to be able to reach an agreement here with Mother Ingram that will enhance the trust between us. This will save the Torch Tower dwarf weapons manufacturing factory from being destroyed in the war. If the Mistress finally captures Obsidian City, it will also allow the Torch Tower dwarf weapons manufacturing factory to be smoothly transferred into our hands. "

Daliang's suggestion finally made Mother Ingram put down her uneasy heart.

The root of everything is the Torch Tower dwarf weapons manufacturing factory. The other party's purpose is to enable the dwarf manufacturing factory to stably provide them with high-profit weapons for a long time.

Although Ingram is also very jealous of the sophistication of dwarf weapons and the wealth they can create, compared with the entire Obsidian City, these interests have become something that can be compromised.

The request made by the other party is also in line with the style of Shangjiang, a commercial city. Who rules the Obsidian City in the endless maze actually has nothing to do with a human city-state in the main world.

As long as their interests and supply of goods can be guaranteed, Shangjiang and the Five Color Flag Alliance have no reason to fight for Obsidian City.

Compared with the request for troop withdrawal made by the other party just now, this suggestion is simply a spring breeze sent by the other party for Ingram.

Ingram promised: "No problem... During my attack on Obsidian City, I will try my best to restrain my subordinates from destroying the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory. If I can finally capture Obsidian City, Your Excellency the Duke can obtain ownership of the dwarf weapon manufacturing factory."

But... I require the dwarf weapon manufacturing factory to sell weapons to Obsidian City, and I can purchase them as a marketer.

In addition, I will also exempt the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory from part of the tax to show my sincerity.

Your Excellency, are you satisfied now? "

Daliang pretended to think about it for a while and replied: "I am very satisfied...but in view of the credit problems that the black elf has been criticized for, I doubt whether the mistress can implement these terms in the end.

Compared to having to fight Obsidian City in the end, I think it's easier to fight Thorn River City now.

Therefore, in order for the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory to be transferred smoothly to my hands, I made several requests to the mistress:

First, recognize the legitimacy of the title of ‘Divine Envoy’ of the Lord of Songjiang City, Monica, in the Endless Labyrinth.

Second, the Songjiang Black Elves are allowed to operate openly in the Endless Labyrinth, and the Black Elf tribes willing to abide by the "Black Elves Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" must not be blocked from migrating to Songjiang City.

Third, allow the Songjiang Black Elf army to enter the lower caves of Obsidian City, and occupy the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory under the Torch Tower when the Mistress launches a siege against Obsidian City.

Of course, the tax benefits just proposed by the Mistress are also included. "

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