Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1132 Entering Cihe City

What's happening here?

Daliang asked Ingram for the ownership of Red Helmet and his four black elf assassins in order to complete the second round of his personal main mission.

Now that things have reached this point, the black elf's good feelings will definitely drop significantly. It is basically impossible to gain the trust of the red helmets through normal mission methods. But...if he can make the Red Helmets and others his subordinates, then of course the trust issue will disappear.

But Daliang didn't expect that his visit to Cihe City would be an accident. He completed two more main missions and jumped to the fifth mission.

The main mission this time was a bit too over the top, so that the mission route generated for him by the system at the beginning was no longer applicable to his current mission progress.

The system can only regenerate a new task chain based on the task level he has reached now.

[Mission 5: Now that you are an ally of Mother Ingram, occupying Obsidian City will be your common mission goal. The solid city defense system of Obsidian City will be your biggest obstacle to capturing this city.

Fortunately, Mother Ingram already has a way to break through the walls of Obsidian City. Her only worry is the support of the dwarves of Black Iron City.

How to close the plane teleportation array connected to Black Iron City in time when attacking Obsidian City has become a problem that is currently troubling Mother Ingram.

As long as this problem is solved, Mother Ingram can boldly attack with confidence.

Task five... Investigate the plane teleportation array in Obsidian City and find a way to control and seal it. 】

A new mission chain is generated, and Daliang's main mission and Ingram's Obsidian City strategy overlap. Now, whether it is for grand strategy or personal main mission, Daliang must help Ingram conquer Obsidian City.

The specific matter still needs to be discussed in detail with Ingram in Thorny River City, and at this moment, Daliang needs to resolve Margaret's matter.

Daliang said to Margaret who was already very nervous next to him: "Ms. Margaret, in this situation...I'm afraid if I let you go, Ingram will secretly assassinate you. She will never let the attack There is any glitch in Obsidian City’s plan.”

Margaret asked anxiously: "What should I do? Your Lordship, please believe me, I will not say anything."

Daliang thought for a while and said: "Although I am willing to believe you, this matter involves too many things. I will give you two suggestions. The first is to become my subordinate. Your safety will naturally be protected by me, Engla I don’t dare to hurt you at will. And the second one is to accept my employment and become my employee...

I appreciate your business acumen, but I can't put my energy into the procurement and sales of dwarven weapons for a long time.

While Ingram and I are preparing to attack Obsidian City, I will arrange for you to join the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in Shangjiang, which is responsible for the sales of dwarf weapons in Black Iron City. During this period, you cannot return to Obsidian City. You can't come back until everything here is over... I plan to entrust you with all the business here. "

Margaret did not give much thought to Daliang's two suggestions. She replied: "I am willing to accept the Duke's employment and do my best to take care of the Duke's business. Without your permission... I will never return to Obsidian." city."

Daliang was a little disappointed not to recruit Margaret, but being able to hire such a hero with business expertise was a good gain.

Then Daliang and Margaret completed the signing of the employment agreement, and then Daliang deliberately emphasized: "The rise of the black elves is unstoppable, so even if the Lord of Moore knew that Ingram was going to attack his Obsidian City, without the Iron Heel Kingdom With assistance, he could defend once, but he could not defend against the second and third attacks of the black elf.

Therefore, whether you have the idea of ​​tipping off Obsidian City or not, I advise you to give it up...

Do what is within your capabilities and take the opportunity to see what the world is like in general. "

After finishing speaking, Daliang arranged for someone to escort Margaret, who was in deep thought, to Songjiang City. He then returned to the carriage and entered Cihe City under the escort of the bear cavalry.

The entire Thorny River City is a large military camp. The black elves are here to prepare their troops and be ready to attack. They only need an order from Ingram to attack Obsidian City.

The roar of the dragon can be heard from time to time in the city, and the huge spider web formed by the spider queen can also be seen.

Walking all the way to the city lord's mansion, Daliang had a rough idea of ​​the strength of the troops here, and then he saw his batch of dwarf weapons that had been robbed by Ingram in the square in front of the mansion.

According to the agreement with Ingram, this batch of weapons was given to Thorny River City, but it did not include vehicles and slaves. Therefore, at this time, the black elves were re-moving the wooden boxes containing weapons from the vehicle, and then gathering the vehicle and slaves.

Daliang stepped down from the carriage and asked Pluto to accept the things he wanted to bring back. Then he was greeted by Ingram and walked into the main palace of Thorny River City.

In order to welcome Daliang's arrival, Ingram prepared a grand banquet in the castle of the City Lord's Mansion. However, because she had just been forced to sign the alliance under the city, her already bad mood was even worse. She had a sly smile on her face, and her expression was very awkward.

However, Daliang's identity prevented her from playing the role of a mistress. She could only pretend to be happy on the surface, thinking of getting rid of this shameless human being as soon as possible.

At the long dining table, the guests of honor took their seats respectively. The black elf attendants began to serve stacks of dishes, while Da Liang looked at the room and the shadow matriarchs attending the banquet.

Although the black elves have dark vision, their bloodline from elves still makes them like bright light. The magic lamp fixed on the wall is a bit old, and it is clear at a glance that it is not specially prepared to welcome the human race Da Liang.

As for the other decorations... they are very simple.

Managing a large tribe is not an easy task. The lack of food resources in the lower caves makes it difficult for a black elf tribe to maintain a large scale, and it requires constant migration to maintain food supply.

Ingram's tribe has always lived around Obsidian City. They traded ores, slaves and merchants in Obsidian City in exchange for food, allowing the tribe to continue to grow and grow to its current scale.

The pressure of survival left Ingram without much spare money for his own enjoyment.

However, she did not skimp on the equipment of the army and subordinates.

Outside, the soldiers and weapons equipped by the black elf soldiers that Daliang saw were not brand new, but they were definitely not seriously damaged. Morale is also maintained very well. In addition to the commander's leadership bonus, sufficient supplies are the most important factor in maintaining long-lasting morale.

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