Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1137 Songjiang is recovering

Da Liang was in the mood of appreciating war blockbusters, looking at the stereoscopically projected battlefield in front of him, listening to Shu Xiao's excited shouting, and from time to time he could also enjoy the gifts that Shu Xiao sent over after destroying an enemy battleship. An intimate kiss.

A few hours later, the naval battle ended.

The result was as expected by Daliang. Seeing that there was no hope of victory, the US-Canada mixed fleet retreated from the battle. The Northeast Asia Fleet did not expect to achieve a very brilliant result in this early stage of the war. In the pursuit of stability, it did not pursue excessively. .

It's also good to win a small victory to boost your own morale.

Both sides have plans to fight this war for a long time.

A naval battle lasted from afternoon to evening. Daliang accompanied the excited Shu Xiao and Gu Tao, eating and shopping at the night market until midnight before sending Gu Tao back to the academy and back home.

Using a portable game launcher to command battles and go shopping finally exhausted the energetic Shu Xiao. When she got home, she didn't even take off her clothes. She just kicked off her shoes and lay down on the soft bed, falling asleep in an instant.

Da Liang had no choice but to take off Shu Xiao's coat, wiped her hands and face with a hot towel, and covered her with a blanket, then hugged her and reentered the game.

There was a swinging magic lamp hanging on the bumpy carriage. It was dark outside the window, and several roars of war bears could be heard from time to time.

The convoy is still traveling in the underground passage.

The drunken state had passed, and when Da Liang entered the game, he found that he was leaning in Julian's arms, and her golden hair was brushing against his face. The back was soft, and it was obvious that Julian had removed the hard armor on his body in order to make Daliang lie comfortably.

"Sir, are you awake?" Julian asked after feeling that Daliang had woken up.

Daliang sat up: "I woke up. Did anything special happen on the way?"

"A cold-blooded cavalry came from Thorny River City to escort us. This is an area controlled by black elves, so nothing happened.

According to the current speed, it will take about three days for us to return to Obsidian City. "

Da Liang opened his various panels and dealt with various matters that had occurred in the past few hours when he was offline. After clicking on several territory construction items, he said to Julian: "I need to go to Songjiang City for something. You are responsible for leading the team back to Obsidian." City, don’t alert the cold-blooded cavalry outside..."

Julian replied: "Yes, my lord."

Giving the task of leading the team to Julian, Daliang used the city return skill to return to Shangjiang, and then teleported to Songjiang City.

Songjiang City has been reopened, but because the black elves still rule the city, and even the city owner is the daughter of the original city owner, most of the players who have suffered from Abigail's harsh rule still choose to wait and see.

But after seeing the seventeen nose rings of the entire Songjiang War from close up, it turned out that the Riotous Niutou Guild, a massively organized organization, returned to Songjiang and aggressively recruited troops, purchased houses in prime locations in the city, and expanded its territory outside the city to seize resources. .

The boss and Monica, the current city lord of Songjiang City, interacted so closely on the battlefield, damn... from now on, this Songjiang City will be owned by oneself?

Moreover, the boss had promised before the attack on Songjiang City that Songjiang City would be built massively. The demand for various resources was very high... Now is the time to buy at the bottom of Songjiang and other bull markets.

During this period, the players in Songjiang City were basically members of the Rampant Tauren Guild. They changed from the timid appearance of rats crossing the street during Abigail's reign. They raided the city in small groups, trying to catch the players before they returned in large numbers. Before Songjiang, he was the first to trigger various one-time high-reward missions, intervene in the plot of Songjiang City, and insert his power into every corner of Songjiang.

Seventeen Nose Rings wants to take advantage of this great opportunity to turn Songjiang City into their own territory.

Of course...Monica City Lord is the boss of Daliang.

Monica officially exercised her rights in Songjiang. She abandoned Abigail's harsh rule and re-adopted the development policies formulated by Daliang when he was the consul of Songjiang. She restrained the behavior of the black elves and attracted merchants and craftsmen to settle in Songjiang.

For the black elf tribes that relied on Songjiang City, Monica rented troops from the black elf tribes in accordance with the policies set by Daliang; she built a miracle monument and engraved the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement", so that the agreement would be "supervised" by the Dragon of Darkness; at the same time, Send a black elf team to the deep underground to find more black elf tribes and persuade them to join the Songjiang black elf group.

The large arena used for the battle for the mother mother is also among the first buildings to be built.

The profits from the dwarven weapons being sent to Songjiang immediately relieved the city's dry finances. The recruited and leased black elf army will reoccupy the resource points in the territory, the mines will start production, and the trade routes of the Chamber of Commerce will be connected, and the economy of Songjiang City will get better and better.

Songjiang City, which has sufficient funds, population, and military power, is about to usher in a period of rapid development.

Monica is also very busy with the endless government affairs that she handles every day.

It was at this time that Daliang returned to the Lord's Mansion of Songjiang City.

Looking at Monica who was very tired but still dealing with things, Daliang took away the document in front of her and said: "You should rest. Even the undead cannot endlessly overdraw his mental power."

After Monica saw Da Liang, she shook her head helplessly: "Sir... I underestimated the difficulty of being a city lord before. This is definitely more complicated than managing an army and a fortress. Running a city is not a black elf. What you are good at.”

Da Liang looked at the empty surroundings and said: "Yes, the black elves are indeed not suitable for managing a city. If you cannot change the black elves' inherent ideas about rights, then a Songjiang City will be your limit."

For Monica, there is only one man in the world that she admires... and that is Daliang. Therefore, when she heard that there was a bit of sarcasm in Daliang's tone, she immediately asked: "Do you have any good suggestions for me?"

"Songjiang City is one of the many lands I own, but I gave it to you. You help me share the work of Songjiang City, so I have the energy to do other important things. In Songjiang... you can do the same Do it, build a staff, organize a city council, assign things to people who can do it, so that you have time to rest and energy to do the most important things.

Power is such a thing. The tighter you hold it in your hands, the less you have. Learn to let it go, and you will find that the more things you control.

I came to Songjiang City this time just to ask you if you have any ideas about expanding the endless maze. Now it seems... just one Songjiang City is already a bit difficult for you, and a little more...

I don't want to see one of my important heroes dying of exhaustion on her desk. "

When she heard that she was going to expand her territory in the Endless Labyrinth, Monica immediately became energetic. She hurriedly said: "Sir... I will immediately form a staff team, form a city council, and hand over all the work to those who can do it. I will handle the affairs of Songjiang City very well.

I also have energy to deal with more things.

My lord...what are you going to do in the Endless Labyrinth? I, Songjiang City, fully support you! "

"Go to bed first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow... I have a big plan!"

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