Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1149 Construction of the Big Tomb

Among the biological characteristics of the Crystal Dragon is the ability to produce crystals.

After the Crystal Mine was occupied by Yunzhong City, Red Baker, the leader of the Crystal Dragon Clan, took the remaining Crystal Dragons to build a crystal mine in the Magic Forest. Now this crystal mine provides a large amount of crystals to the Purple Dragon Clan every day.

Therefore, Daliang had the idea of ​​inviting Crystal Dragon to cultivate crystal mines in the big tomb.

But now... the Boneyard is not suitable for exposing its location to the Crystal Dragon. Only after the Great Tomb begins to operate and has the necessary defensive capabilities can it be exposed to allies to a limited extent.

However, Crystal Dragon Qianli also has the ability to produce crystals every day, so it is still possible to have Nicole's alchemy laboratory cooperate with the crystal ore cultivation experiment.

The heart of the entire tomb is of course Nicole's alchemy laboratory, where the most luxurious team of alchemists in the world is concentrated. Although their main job is to study the crystal walls of the God Plane, the technical by-products of just studying the crystal walls are enough to be used.

When Daliang took Mike through the frost dragon's lair and came to Nicole's alchemy laboratory, he found that the changes here were very big.

In the past, this laboratory was just a small workshop for Nicole. Even after Miniya and Black Pearl were added, it became a big workshop.

Now with the addition of the Purple Dragon Alchemist team, Nicole's alchemy laboratory has truly become a large scientific research institution.

Independent space, multi-layered multi-functional research place.

Convenient and bright passages connect functional rooms everywhere, and stupid alchemy dolls push carts carrying various supplies and items through the passages. The laboratory also made use of the ancient space wisdom trees in the large tomb and set up many small transmission points in the research site to make the flow of personnel and materials faster.

Stepping on the smooth floor, looking at the white walls, Daliang entered the new alchemy laboratory and felt as if he was in a modern laboratory.

If it weren't for the demon dolls that were walking around and Minya leading the way...

“I feel like if I didn’t have someone to guide me, I would definitely get lost in this.”

Daliang's admiration made Miniya very proud, and she said respectfully: "It's all because of mentor Nicole and the masters of the Purple Dragon clan that we can build the best alchemy laboratory in the world. Of course... Your unstinting support is also the foundation of this alchemy laboratory."

"It is my job to support the research in the laboratory," Daliang pointed at Mike beside him and said to Minia: "Mike, you must know my housekeeper at Destiny Manor...

From today on, Mike is also the steward of the entire Boneyard Tomb. If you need anything in the alchemy laboratory from now on, you can just contact Mike directly.

Some things are far more convenient than waiting for me to come back. "

Miniya was accepted as a disciple by Nicole. In addition to cooperating with various alchemical researches, she was also the "housekeeper" of the alchemy laboratory.

Mike...Minia is acquainted, and they often met when they were at Destiny Manor. However, the two high-level heroes had different responsibilities and different subordinates, so the two high-level heroes did not have much interaction. But Minia has seen Mike's management ability in Destiny Manor, and she is naturally happy that Mike can preside over the work of the big tomb.

The two managers greeted each other, which made Nicole's alchemy laboratory and the big tomb closely integrated.

Then, under the leadership of Minia, Daliang and Mike visited the entire alchemy laboratory, and finally came to the laboratory that opened the passage to the divine plane.

"Sir, we have just completed a three-day close-range experiment on the crystal wall of the divine plane. The Black Pearl is replenishing supplies to enter the passage of the divine plane again. Instructor Nicole and all the alchemy masters are on the Black Pearl. In the experimental cabin, we are planning the next crystal wall experiment..."

In the wide space, a black three-masted aerial battleship is parked in the middle of this large laboratory at the moment. There are a large number of various materials piled next to the hull. The demons are using lifting equipment to use these. The consumed supplies are hoisted into the battleship's cabin.

When he saw Da Liang entering the laboratory, the projection of Black Pearl immediately appeared in front of him.

She was still wearing a princess dress, cute and cute. When she saw Daliang, she first saluted like an aristocratic girl, and then said in an excited tone: "Captain, I am already an intermediate alchemist. Have you seen those iron men transporting goods? I made them all..."

Black Pearl is like a child who got 100 points in the exam, showing off his results to his parents. She brought Da Liang to the Black Pearl to command Iron Man to do various things, and showed off the alchemy equipment she had added during this period and what new abilities she had gained.

Then he brought Da Liang to the God Plane Crystal Wall Research Laboratory set up in the Black Pearl's cabin.

Nicole and most of the Purple Dragon Alchemists are here, discussing what magic and skills they should use to bombard the crystal wall of the God Plane next time they enter the passage.

Seeing Black Pearl bringing Da Liang in, Nicole dismissed the discussion.

Then after getting to know Mike, Nicole took Da Liang alone into her own exclusive room.

"The crystal wall of the God's plane cannot be destroyed..." Without outsiders, Nicole's expression was very depressed, and her energetic look just now could not be seen at all. She sat tiredly in the chair and said to Zhu Daliang complained: "I have tried almost all magic, even compressing the energy of forbidden spells, to attack the crystal wall.

But it's no use...

How can a crystal wall that can block God be broken by the power of our world?

I don't know what to do, I have no clue at all, I can only blindly bombard, and then...suffer failure. "

To be able to make research mad Nicole say such words, it seems that there is basically no progress in the research on the crystal wall of the God Plane. She wiped an oil lamp on the table with her hand, and then after a plume of green smoke came out, a floating elemental creature appeared in the room.

Its lower body is a ball of air, and its upper body is a mixture of water and ice elements. It is extremely strong and resembles the djinn in Arabian legends.

"Master, what do you want me to do for you?"

Nicole rubbed her forehead and said: "Make me a cup of tea...and make a cup for Duke Daliang..."

Watching the djinn skillfully use magic to heat the water to make tea, Daliang remembered that Nicole once said that she wanted to use the special life form of Crescent Moon as a model, and use the idea of ​​​​academic freshmen's military units to create a portable design. A new constructed creature.

Now it seems that Nicole has succeeded, at least close to it.

However, Da Liang did not pay too much attention to the Djinn. Anyway, once this unit is successfully researched, it will definitely be his own. He said to Nicole: "The meaning of the existence of the crystal wall on the god to be destroyed. And if it Being destroyed so easily, the world would have been a different place long ago.

As for why God can't open the crystal wall?

I think the crystal wall itself is similar to a seal. The side of the divine plane that absorbs divine power has high intensity, so the intensity of releasing divine power to our side is naturally low. The seal is easy to break from the outside, and the crystal wall should also be easy to break from our side.

The God Plane is so strong because we have not yet found the power and method to break it.

This is your task. "

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