Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1156 Summary of Level 60 Attributes

The obelisk in the Eternal Night Cathedral is very important to Yunzhong City. It is related to the progress of the angels' research into becoming gods, and whether they can obtain a god-level hero before Lucifer.

At this time, the news that Lucifer returned the Sulfur Cave to the Poison Dragon has not yet spread, and Yunzhong City must keep the obelisk in its hands.

Facing the Eternal Night Death Army that was moving towards the Eternal Night Cathedral and surrounding it, the Supreme Angel Gabriel urgently came to the Kingdom of Death to prepare to preside over the defense operations of the Eternal Night Cathedral.

Gabriel is an angel commander who is good at fighting. He not only has an angel army here, but also a large-scale human army. During the time they controlled the Cathedral of Eternal Night, the angels had built a complete defensive system around the cathedral. With the cooperation of Yunzhong City's super teleportation ability, Gabriel is confident that he can withstand the attacks of the undead here for several years, or even decades.

The Desolate Monarch, who was preparing to retake the Cathedral of Eternal Night, did not return to Eternal Night to preside over the war. He continued to stay in the City of Sighs with the Sad Pope and the other two monarchs, discussing the situation of the Kingdom of Death and the Plane War, as well as the future wars. , how do Yongye City and Sighing City cooperate, coordinate, and

The Desolate Monarch did not know the importance of the obelisk to Cloud City, so he did not think that the angels were determined to guard the Cathedral of Eternal Night. After all, an undead aerial fortress does not have much strategic value to the angels. Unless Yunzhong City has a plan to comprehensively attack the kingdom of death, they will never invest more military power and energy in the defense of the Cathedral of Eternal Night. .

Therefore, the Desolate Monarch believes that after paying a certain amount of losses during the attack on the Eternal Night Cathedral, Yunzhong City will abandon this aerial fortress that does not have much value.

The strategy of the Eternal Night Undead Army against the Eternal Night Cathedral is to continuously use small-scale attacks to put pressure on the defenders, making them feel that they cannot hold the Eternal Night Cathedral and actively retreat to reduce the losses of the undead army.

Although Daliang, who was attending the meeting together, knew that Yunzhong City would definitely defend the Yongye Cathedral, he did not remind the Desolate Monarch.

The significance of the Cathedral of Eternal Night to the Desolate Monarch is much higher than that of Yunzhong City. When the Eternal Night army is attacked head-on by the defenders of the Cathedral of Eternal Night, the Desolate Monarch will definitely come to command the battle in person. At that time, he will find that Yunzhong City's determination to guard the Evernight Cathedral is far greater than he imagined.

Then a large-scale war will break out between Yunzhong City and Yongye City.

If Hell suddenly ends its civil war at this time...with the threat of Hell's demon army and the support of Hell's portal, Yunzhong City knows that they will definitely lose the Evernight Cathedral.

At this time, Yunzhong City could only choose to abandon the Evernight Cathedral and quietly move the obelisk inside.

Then a great opportunity comes.

The establishment of ultimate faith in the entire Kingdom of Death is not a matter of slogans. As the death mentor of the New Unsullied Holy See, Daliang found that his job was far from as easy as he imagined.

As the proposer and disseminator of the ultimate faith, Daliang has a status second only to the Pope in the New Unsullied Holy See. Due to the plane war and the internal conflicts in the Kingdom of Death, the Sad Pope needs to sit in the City of Sighs to suppress the impact of the ultimate faith on the entire Kingdom of Death. He needs to preside over the sweep of the invading elves, and he needs to stabilize and guard against the monarchs of the old religion. Hostile and negotiate with them.

Therefore, the work of promoting the New Immaculate Doctrine and traveling to some important Holy Sees for evangelism fell on Daliang's shoulders.

Being able to increase his influence in the New Unsullied Holy See, and gain a lot of experience, for Da Liang... is a bit boring, and it can be regarded as a retreat for leveling to focus on gaining experience.

Name: Daliang (main hero status)

Main hero: human priest,

Level: Level 60

Attack; 104 (affects the attack power of heroes and units)

Defense: 103 (affects the defense of heroes and units)

Intelligence: 154 (affects magic attack power and effects)

Knowledge: 156 (affects mana)

HP: 4156

Morale: 1-2

Lucky: 2

Hero Specialty: Magic Mage

Heroic skills: Advanced Wisdom, Advanced Navigation, Advanced Fire Magic, Advanced Earth Magic, Advanced Intelligence, Advanced Witchcraft, Advanced Air Magic, Intermediate Dragon Magic

Skills: Madness, Meteor and Fire Rain, Laying Mines, Summoning Iron Fist, Landslide, Chain Lightning, Hot Spear...

Monarch's Robe

king's crown

Necromantic Staff (Angel League)

Anti-magic chain

ring of life

Armor of Surprise

Shadowman's Cloak

Nicole's jump

Evil power: Ergos's gaze, Misuka's induction, Beelzebub's listening, Buck's heart-eating

Medal of Courage

Monarch Level Undead War Mobilization Order

Sub-body hero: Flame Commander (level 15 fire elemental body) Title: Destruction

Attack: 40

Defense: 50



Biological special skills: defense enhancement (damage reduced by 50%), flying, enemy morale -1, bursting flames

Hero Unit: Level 36

Attack: 125

Defense: 125

Intelligence: 114

Knowledge: 118

Hero Specialty: Fire Lord (fire magic increased by 25%, fire magic skill +1)

Hero Perks: Shared with Subject

Skill: Share with Subject

Equipment: shared with the subject

The plot settlement of the Wizards Guild and the plot settlement of Eternal Night City, after giving various rewards to Daliang, also gave a large amount of experience. After the Sad Monarch ascended the throne as the Pope, as the initiator and promoter of the ultimate faith plot, Daliang's role runs through this plot that can affect the kingdom of death and the pattern of the world.

Therefore, in the summary of the sad Pope’s enthronement plot in the super plot of Ultimate Faith, the rewards received by Daliang are almost comparable to the epic tasks of the three dragon clans.

Pushing his hero level to level 60 in one fell swoop.

At the same time, Daliang not only gained experience and the title of "Lord of Death" in this plot.

[Your reputation in the City of Sighs is Revered]

[As the Death Lord, you can own an undead main city, and the upper limit of your Blackfire Territory level is changed from level 12 to level 14. 】

[You have obtained the main architectural drawings of levels 9, 10, and 11 of the territory. 】

[You gain ownership of the Mist Area of ​​Sighing City, and the Mist Area is changed to Mist City. The original church in the Mist Area can be upgraded to the New Immaculate Holy See Cathedral, and the original Church Knights are reorganized into the Mist Holy See Knights (Note: As a city within a city, half of the tax revenue from the Mist City belongs to the City of Sighs)]

[You get: 100,000 skeleton soldiers, 50,000 walking zombies, 25,000 ghosts, 10,000 vampires, 5,000 corpse witches, 2,000 dark knights, 50 bone dragons, 10 ghost dragons]

[You get three resource collection areas]

[You obtain the Monarch-level Undead War Mobilization Order: Advanced Spiritualism (the dead creatures on the battlefield have a 30% chance of being transformed into your own skeleton soldiers), and you can recruit ownerless low-level undead (the creature level is no higher than 6th level) Undead creatures) as your own subordinates, increasing the chance of recruiting mid-level and high-level undead creatures without a master. The maintenance cost of low-level undead is reduced to 20%; the maintenance cost of mid-level undead (above level 6 and below 11) is reduced to 40%; the maintenance cost of high-level undead (level 11, 12) is reduced to 60%; the ultimate The maintenance cost of undead and undead heroes is reduced to 80%]

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