Start with an Archangel

Chapter 118 The ruling is established (please subscribe)

After the hazy period of first entering the game, players have entered a period of rapid development, and competition for resources has inevitably occurred. Efficient monster spawn points, discovered mineral deposits, recruiting buildings in the wild, and conflicts in commercial activities.

In order to expand or protect their own interests during the period of large-scale development, player alliances have inevitably emerged. At this point, the Shangjiang University Alliance is undoubtedly at the forefront. With up to 200,000 members, covering Shangjiang, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi, the alliance has become the largest player organization on the eastern coast, even in the entire China region. A federation of players.

But although there are many people in the university alliance, the organizational system is too loose. When it comes to making money, there is strength in numbers, and the merchant ships sailing on the sea are the envy of everyone. However, in some conflicts, the alliance obviously lacked force.

First of all, most students have no income, and there is no external funds to fill the consumption of their own weapons. In terms of military strength, they are not as good as those players who have cash injected into the game. Then, students need to attend classes during the day. If fighting breaks out during this period, if 1,000 people are called, less than 200 people may be able to come.

For various reasons, the College Alliance has lost many important areas. A militarized group that specializes in handling foreign operations is an urgent matter for the university alliance.

Daliang could tell that Xu Man wanted him to be the chief officer of this professional military group. However, he has a lot of mess, and managing a player organization will inevitably be a bit powerless, and the college alliance is also an even bigger mess.

"I think so. If the league asks me to provide money or help for anything, I will definitely support it. But as a manager... I'm really not that good at it."

Xu Man said: "Don't refuse in a hurry, wait until I finish speaking..."

This player's plan for military professionalization has not yet been submitted to the college alliance. It is actually a militarized group that Xu Manshang is preparing. After today, Raging Flames suffered a blow, Xu Man was confident that no one in the alliance would oppose her proposal.

This militarized group has an initial establishment of 1,000 people, all recruited from this year's graduates. The alliance will provide each member with a generous salary to turn them into professional game soldiers. At the same time, the alliance will also provide its own army with all support in terms of funds, troops, equipment, logistics, information technology, etc., and strive to create a full-time offensive army.

The duty of this unit is to fight, respond quickly 24 hours a day, and maintain an online rate of more than 700 people. All members are equipped with flying mounts, and all the soldiers carried in the soldier card are currently the best. The members are divided into long-range attack, melee combat, human shield, and output combination. Once encountering a battle, this force immediately reaches the battlefield through teleportation and flight. With this professional quick reaction force, after facing a sudden battle, the alliance can be the first to throw powerful forces onto the battlefield to stabilize the battle situation. If they can eliminate the opponent, they will attack with all their strength. If they cannot eliminate the opponent, they will wait for the alliance's support.

"This fully professional rapid response force will receive full support from the alliance in terms of funds and materials, and will be replenished according to the losses. In addition, we also have a professional information team that has begun trial operation, and its members are information from major universities. Top students majoring in chemistry ensure that data link support and software updates reach world-class standards. Therefore, most of the time, this unit does not need a commander to command it specifically. We just need a popular and prestigious star player to serve as a military officer. Chief Officer, to enhance the soldiers’ sense of honor, morale and centripetal force.”

"So you need a mascot." After hearing Xu Man's explanation, Daliang breathed a sigh of relief, but he was also attracted by the so-called data link, which was "high-end" and very cool at first sight. However, there was no rabbit in sight. Not being a hawk, Daliang still asked: "What good can I do?"

Looking at Daliang's look, Xu Man smiled and said: "Of course there are benefits. As the military chief, you have the highest rights to use the alliance's information resources. In addition, your monthly salary is 100,000 RMB. I know you already look down on this small amount of money. But just our information integration platform should be very useful to you, right?"

Daliang also smiled and said: "It's useful, of course it's useful."

Daliang was amazed by the version 1.02 of Ocean Monitoring. Looking at the merchant ships floating on the sea, Daliang couldn't help but think of his serious career. Every ship is under my nose. Isn’t it true that I will rob one by one when I rob at sea in the future? It seems that the ocean monitoring has been upgraded to version 2.12, and the maritime data is clearer and more accurate. Thinking about the exhilaration of those merchant ships racking their brains to change the channel in the future, but they can't escape their own claws, Da Liang couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Da Liang's cunning smile, Xu Man knew that he had succeeded: "Do you agree?"

"Agree, of course I agree." Daliang agreed hurriedly and asked: "What is the name of our high-energy rapid reaction force?"

"Judgment, I believe they will destroy all our enemies in the future. The personnel of the Judgment Force have begun to screen and select. I plan to divide this force into two parts: land warfare and naval warfare. Now the University Alliance has ten single-masted battleship drawings in hand , ten single-masted warships can be built through Shangjiang Shipyard, five of these warships will be delivered to the Judgment Force, and the other five will form an escort fleet to perform daily escort missions for the alliance’s merchant ships.”

Daliang was greatly surprised: "You even have a battleship?"

Xu Man said quite proudly: "We are on the Yangtze River and border the East China Sea. The way out for the future must be at sea. The earlier we build maritime armed forces, the earlier we will develop the ocean. These ten drawings are for our own people to do tasks as rewards, and some are from players. Collected from it. With these ten single-masted battleships, our university alliance is the first group of organizations to extend its tentacles into the ocean. However, it is still much worse than Feisha's hands. The photo he posted yesterday shows that he We already have three two-masted battleships, which are warships several times larger than a single-masted battleship and are suitable for ocean navigation. Unlike single-masted battleships, we can only move offshore without the support of large ships."

Shi Fei actually has three two-masted battleships. Two days ago, he probably only had two. His speed of getting out of the ships is a bit scary. However, I have a three-masted battleship that is still much higher than him, but I can't take it lightly. There are so many scary things hidden in this reborn person's mind. If he is not careful, he may be slapped in the face by Shi Fei.

There is pressure! Fortunately, Ge first defeated the stone cave entrance and destroyed the troop transport ship. It was a feat that turned the tide for Shangjiang City. The reward this time should be 10,000 griffons and 800 battleships.

By the way, Joyce asked him to go to the Admiral's Mansion to negotiate at night. It seemed to be dark outside.

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