Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1200 Flame Domain

When Daliang saw the Dragon of Darkness appearing here, he realized that things were still developing as expected. Ingram accepted the power given by the Dark Dragon. The eight spider legs on her back reminded Daliang of Abigail.

Abigail also gained power from the Dark Dragon and was promoted to level 16, but her method was so extreme that although she gained power, she lost her soul.

As for Ingram at this moment, her advancement is necessary for the plot. The black elves need a hero who can fight against the dungeon kings and lead them to rise.

In this world... a race without level 16 heroes is not qualified to become a mainstream race and has no right to speak.

On the battlefield in Obsidian City, the dwarves launched an attack on the black elves. Ingram became a level 16 hero, but the King of the Hill was trapped in Black Iron City and could not support him.

Daliang didn't know if the dwarves who attacked Obsidian City had the combat power to deal with Ingram, but if the dwarves sent too many level 15-like heroes to contain Ingram, it would probably lead to failure in the final capture of the city.

Then there would be no room for Da Liang to display his layout in the endless maze.

Because as long as Ingram thinks carefully after the war, he will know how the dwarves came, and he will classify Daliang as an enemy. At that time... even if Monica occupied Thorny River City, it would have no meaning. Ingram became the leader of the black elves, and the Songjiang black elves changed from conquerors to invaders, and would be ostracized by the entire black elf group in the lower caves of Obsidian City.

For the sake of victory, Daliang had to show his face in this war.

Da Liang flew out of the Obsidian City Torch Tower in the form of the leader of the blazing sun. He turned himself into a blazing fireball and used the momentum to hit Ingram.

After breaking through the defensive barrier set by Ingram, Da Liang swung the Dark Blazing Sword to activate the "Thunder Explosion" skill, and smashed the eight spider legs that were shining with magic.

There was an explosion and the ring of fire spread. Daliang held up the fire shield in front, pressed the hilt of the sword with both hands to hold Ingram up and rushed towards the City Lord's Mansion below.

There was another explosion, and Daliang pushed Ingram and crashed through the castle wall, hitting him from the top to the bottom.

Then the raging fire erupted from all the doors, windows and gaps in the entire castle, and then spread out. In a short time, a continuously burning fire field spread out in an area hundreds of meters around the city lord's palace.

The black elf warriors shrouded in the fire field were swallowed up by the flames amidst continuous screams; the black elf heroes also left the fire field as quickly as possible...

The fire head chased the flying black elf and steamed upward, burning, and finally gathered together to form a giant flame field a hundred meters away.

Flame Field: Create a flame environment. The power of fire magic in the field is increased by 5%-20%, and the cost of releasing fire magic is reduced by 5%-20%. Release water magic and earth magic in the field, the power is reduced by 5%-20%, and the consumption is increased by 5%-20%. The power of other types of magic is reduced by 3%-15%, and the power is reduced by 3%-15%. Enemies entering the area will suffer continuous fire damage. (The proportion of influence on spell effects, the continuous fire damage value and the distance from the center of the field are related to the enemy's spell level. The range of the fire field is related to the hero's knowledge.)

The flame field burning around the city lord's palace is released by Da Liang. The entire field is centered on him, which means that he can obtain all the bonus effects of the entire field.

At the same time, the flame domain's bonus to fire magic and weakening of other magics also make enemies who enter the flame domain tend to use fire magic.

The Flame Commander is extremely resistant to fire magic.

There are also continuous fire-attribute attacks within the domain, which can quickly clear out the small characters that are in the way.

The battle between Daliang and Ingram started in the castle of the city lord's palace. The stone wall turned bright red in the flames, and then was swept away by the residual power of the attack. It was as fragile as tofu and turned into pieces, and was burned on the ground. Became lava.

The flames and dark energy collided with each other, the poisonous mist overwhelmed the fire, and the fire pushed back. Da Liang relied on a dark blazing sword to fight Ingram, who had eight spider legs. He deployed multiple layers of defenses such as a fire shield and a force field shield. He relied on his strength to continuously oppress Ingram's space and let her Leave, and then the driver uses control magic, or directly releases thunder bombs for a strong bombardment.

Daliang's attack method in the flame command state has always been direct, explosive, and violent.

As a black elf mistress who has been in power for two hundred years, Ingram has extremely rich combat experience. From the first collision, she knew that she was no match for this... level 16 fire attribute hero in terms of strength. She used her spider legs to cling to the walls of the castle, walked three-dimensionally and tried her best to avoid the opponent's heavy blows, and then used curses, poison and spider silk to weaken the opponent's combat effectiveness. The eight spider legs' stabs were as dense as a shower.

At the same time, Ingram also asked Daliang: "Are you the guard of the Torch Tower? Why did you attack me!"

Ingram did not recognize Daliang in the Flame Commander state. When she saw the Flame Commander flying out of the Torch Tower, she raised questions.

Da Liang summoned a fire fist and hit Ingram. After destroying the entire wall, he replied in a world-destroying voice: "I saw you promoted to the 16th level hero in the Torch Tower... the 16th level hero. It was really hard to see, so I had the idea of ​​trying it out.

Now it seems that you are indeed a very competent opponent. "

Hearing Commander Lieyan's answer, Ingram cursed angrily in his heart.

When can you not compete? You have to appear at this most critical time! Now the dwarves are attacking my army outside. Every time I delay here, I don't know how many black elves are trampled to death by the dwarves' attack.

Moreover, the dwarves came well prepared, deployed their military strength, and had clear levels of coordination with melee combat, long-range attack, and support. On the other hand, the Black Elves...most of them are squeezed into the middle area of ​​the city, with elite sharp knives on the inside and auxiliary and support on the outside. The crowded formation makes it impossible for the Black Elves to quickly complete the transformation from the rear formation to the front formation. They can only use their own The weakest rear group resists the strongest front line of the dwarves.

At this time, the black elves urgently needed Ingram to command the battle and rely on the strength of the 16th level to slow down the dwarves' attack and buy time for the black elves to adjust their formation.

But...this damn Flame Commander actually came out to compete at this time.

Be sick!

"Your Excellency should have seen that my army is being attacked by the enemy. I hope to suspend this battle. After I finish dealing with the enemy, I am willing to have a good fight with you."

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