Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1203 Black Iron City Retreat

Daliang, who was guarding Obsidian City, said to Monica through the lord channel: "We have occupied Obsidian City. The defeated black elf army is returning to Thorny River City, preparing to fight...

In addition, Ingram received the blessing of the Dark Dragon and was promoted to a level 16 hero.

I can't support you at the moment, so you have to deal with it carefully. "

Monica stood on the city wall of Thorny River City. In the city behind her, she could see trucks gathered together. The barrels on the trucks were all opened, and there was nothing inside. The sound of fighting is spreading in the city. The Songjiang black elves hiding in wooden barrels and sneaking into the city are attacking the few defenders of Cihe City.

Julian and Juliet were flying in the air, and the few red dragons in the defenders soon died under their swords.

A large black elf army outside the city quickly marched towards Thorny River City. During the march, this army divided into more than a dozen groups and crossed Thorny River City into deeper darkness. There was only a small army walking towards the gate of Cihe City. This army was followed by a large number of vehicles, all of which were parts used to assemble war equipment and alchemy equipment.

Watching the sky above the city lord's castle change into the flag of the Songjiang Black Elf, Monica stepped on the body of a defender with one foot and replied to Daliang: "Sir, we have also occupied Thorny River City. Regardless of Ingram No matter what level of hero she becomes, I will give her a big surprise."

Now... Thorny River City is in hand, Monica blocks Ingram's retreat, and the battle of Obsidian City planned by Da Liang enters the final stage.

Although there were many black elves who escaped from Obsidian City, by the time they reached Thorny River City, they probably wouldn't have enough strength. With Monica's ability to defend the city, there should be no problem in blocking the attack of these tired troops.

As for Ingram... there are arbitration angels to deal with.

In order to prevent Ingram from killing a carbine and destroying the dwarf's plane teleportation array, Da Liang did not go to support the King of the Hill or assassinate River City, but stayed in Obsidian City to assist in the defense.

In this moment that decided the fate of the race, the dwarves showed strong cohesion.

Facing the strong attack of the elves, the dwarves in the mountainous area refused to retreat and made every effort to prevent the enemy from approaching the Black Iron City. The dwarves fought extremely hard in the defensive battle of Black Iron City. Behind them was their main city. The defenders could not use underground tunnels to deal with the elves, and could only fight for every inch of land.

The elves have Pegasus knights and dragons in the sky, and the magic blasts released from the sky make the dwarves miserable. Without enough air power, the dwarves can only use anti-aircraft firepower nets to block the approach of elven air units. In this way, the firepower becomes weaker against the elves attacking from the bottom of the mountain.

The dwarf warriors guarding Black Iron City tried their best to slow down the time for the elves to attack the city, while the dwarves in the city used maximum efficiency to transfer materials and personnel to Obsidian City.

After a certain amount of gold coins had been transported, the dwarves began to dump the remaining gold coins into the lava lake below the city. There were also other supplies that could not be taken away, and they were also thrown into the lava lake, leaving nothing for the elves.

With the explosions, some important facilities in the Black Iron City were also detonated and destroyed, especially the dwarf weapons factory built around the lava lake. They were all destroyed, and even the residue was pushed into the lava lake, leaving no space for the elves. The secret of making weapons by the dwarves of Lower Dark Iron City.

Shi Fei rode a golden dragon over the crater and saw the retreat of the Black Iron City dwarves. While dodging the lava shooting up from the fire, he said to Half-Moon Cat through the legion channel: "The dwarves in Black Iron City are retreating, and they should have captured Obsidian City. Were the black elves defeated a little too fast?

Are the intelligence personnel you sent in place? I want to see what happened in Obsidian City? "

The Half-Moon Cat quickly replied: "Our people have passed the legion assembly flag and returned to the cave where Obsidian City is located many times. But the place is full of fleeing black elves and chasing dwarves, and the intelligence officers have been unable to get close even after they died several times. Obsidian City only sent back one photo.

This is the photo he took when he was closest to Obsidian City... He has used up the number of legion rally flags he can use today, and there is no way to return to Obsidian City. "

Ban Yue Mao passed the photo to Shi Fei. In the dark cave, two light sources could be seen in the distance, and the outline of the Obsidian City below the light sources could be seen.

The dwarves really defeated the Obsidian City occupied by the black elves...

However, there should be only one torch tower in Obsidian City, and what is that luminous body directly above the city?

Shi Fei looked at the Black Iron City below and couldn't help but let out a long sigh...

Despite all the calculations, he didn't expect that Daliang would appear in Obsidian City at this time and help the dwarves capture the underground city and resurrect the dead. According to the current progress of the elves' attack, there is no way to stop the dwarves from transferring most of their wealth and strength to Obsidian City. The dwarves entered the endless maze and gained a main city that could be developed. This was definitely a serious problem for the elves in the magical realm.

No... the Five Color Flag Alliance is the most important enemy. Although they declare neutrality, they continue to make profits in every corner of the plane battlefield.

In particular, the war bonds issued by Shangjiang are moving the wealth of the entire overworld. Shi Fei knows what the issuance of war bonds means. He has a financial team to analyze for him how Shangjiang uses war bonds to snowball and control the entire overworld. .

The Five Color Flag Alliance will become the richest force.

If the development of the Five Color Flag Alliance cannot be stopped in time, this emerging force is likely to become the only winner of this plane war like the United States after World War II.

Still under the management of Da Liang...

Shi Fei knew what Daliang was capable of, especially in this life. He originally wanted to change his game path, but instead he allowed him to fully unleash his abilities. Through the conversation with Bavaria, Shi Fei could understand that Daliang had a very high status in the Five Color Flag Alliance, as well as the power he displayed in Shangjiang.

From a long-term perspective, the Five Color Flag Alliance actually poses a greater threat to the good camp than the evil camp.

It's just that the big guys in the good camp can't see it yet.

However... the Elf Kings in the Magic Realm secretly supported the independence of the dwarves through the Five-Color Flag Alliance. They should be able to see the ambition of the Five-Color Flag Alliance.

At the same time, Shangjiang's behavior of amassing wealth in the main world should have been noticed by the big guys in various planes. This is something that has caused public outrage.

Shi Fei felt that he needed to lobby in all the major planes and explain to the rulers of many planes what harm would be caused if the Five Color Flag Alliance was allowed to develop.

In the past, I didn't have enough status to meet the big guys who ruled the country, but after experiencing this... my status is enough!

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