Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1212 The Strongest Hero

Regarding the development and expansion route of Cihe City, Daliang was not in a hurry to deal with it. The morale of the Cihe tribe is still very low. The most important thing is to stabilize the internal situation first. According to the strength of Songjiang City and the supplement of the Judgment Territory, there is no problem in supporting the Cihe Black Elf tribe for a period of time.

After letting Monica gather the surrendering troops on her own, Da Liang withdrew from the game.

A series of events involving a level 50 main quest has kept Daliang running non-stop in the game, dealing with the main world, endless maze, hell, and the kingdom of death among several major forces. After experiencing the cyan coalition's change of flag, the decisive battle of Hell's Furnace City, and the Battle of Obsidian City, he sealed the three level 16 heroes of the Monarch of Lament, Satan, and Ingram; he obtained the title of Death Monarch, Hell Lord King, and Dwarf Side-by-side King, the highest of the three races. title.

Of course, the achievements are very significant, and the spirit is also extremely tired.

In the future, as the plots of each plane expand, there will only be more and more things that need to be dealt with. In front of you are the Drum City that replaces the King of the Hill to visit the Iron Heel Kingdom; pay attention to the battle between Gabriel in the Cloud City and the Desolate Lord of the Death Kingdom for the Cathedral of Eternal Night; the story of the Rise of the Dark Elf in the Endless Labyrinth; and the search for the Lord of Flames. secret; be wary of a magical realm where contradictions are getting deeper and deeper...

Daliang felt that he was busier than the busiest national leaders, so he took advantage of the gap between the entire plot to quit the game and give himself a day off.

Shu Xiao's game playing and Daliang's are two completely different realms. This careless girl has been playing the Hero World for so long and has such good resources, but she has never taken on a few decent plot missions. As for the connected plot missions, many of them were completed halfway due to her various mistakes.

Daliang’s evaluation of Shu Xiao is: “Rotten wood cannot be carved. It is only suitable for playing the ancient monster spawning game, and it must be a standing monster. If you had not met your master and me, you would still be hanging around in the woods south of Shangjiang City.” where."

Shu Xiao's level of playing games is just that, but his talent in fighting is very high. After getting the angel wings, he became a world-famous aerial ace.

After upgrading the training team with the Judgment Legion, Shu Xiao is usually either fighting in the game or on the way to fight with monsters and dungeons.

From time to time, he would do live broadcasts on the battlefield, and accidentally became a famous anchor again.

It just so happens that Boss Jin has been running the film and television entertainment industry in the game. After helping Shu Xiao set up a studio, Shu Xiao can be considered as having a career of his own in the game.

In addition to taking a break when Da Liangxuan was offline at this time, the other purpose was to accompany Shu Xiao to participate in the "Strongest Hero" competition.

"The Strongest Hero" is the official joint insight eye of the game. It has recently launched a competitive event in the hero world.

The World of Heroes has been running so far, and some players have begun to be exposed to level 50 personal main quests, and the strength between players has begun to greatly expand. The boundaries between physical professions and spellcasting professions are gradually blurring, professional restraint in different environments has weakened, and personal strength relies more on skill level and the rational use of skills.

Players who have made outstanding achievements in various fields are also eager to have a more authoritative ranking to determine their position in the world. The conditions for holding a player competition are ripe.

"The Strongest Hero" is divided into two categories: individual competition and team competition.

The individual competition is divided into the "Strongest Hero Ranking Competition", "Melee Combat Arena Competition", "Magician Leveling Competition", "Archery Master Competition", "Alchemist Leveling Competition", "Aerial Combat Ace Competition", "Long Distance Running", " "Mount Racing"...etc. 129 competition events.

The team competition is divided into "Indiscriminate Ten-man Combat Group Competition", "Team Infiltration Competition", "Team Occupation Battle", "Mage Group Competition", "Aerial Combat Team Reconnaissance Racing", "Aerial Combat Team Capture the Flag Battle"... 32 competition events.

The entire "Strongest Hero" competition period lasts for one year. As the most valuable "Strongest Hero Ranking Tournament Champion" and "Battle Team Competition Champion", they will be decided in the last two games.

"The Strongest Hero" immediately caused a sensation in the entire game as soon as it was launched. This is an official player ceremony. Players who get rankings in various competitions will become real stars. Various honors and benefits will follow, which can make players who are not yet famous become famous overnight, and make players who have been recorded by the "Eye of Insight" well-deserved.

As a world-class player guild, the China Gaming Zone Shangjiang University Alliance is also a very active participant in the first official "Strongest Player" event.

Being able to get more good rankings in the competition will help improve the reputation of the Shangjiang University League in the world and attract more powerful players to join.

Especially when the Chinese and American game zones are fighting in the Pacific, the competition in the "Strongest Heroes" competition is also a showdown between the top combat powers of the two super game zones of China and the United States.

The Yunxiao Legion and the Judgment Legion respectively sent their own fist battle groups to participate in the "Battle Group Competition" of the team competition, and also sent key players to participate in the "Strongest Hero Ranking Competition".

As the veteran of the Shangjiang University League and his outstanding performance in various wars, Daliang is undoubtedly the absolute trump card of the University League. Xu Man asked Daliang to lead the team to participate in the team competition and individual competition. In addition, the "Eye of Insight" also specially asked Daliang sent out an invitation to participate. Xu Man and "Eye of Insight" both believe that as long as Daliang leads the team to participate in the competition, he will definitely be a strong contender for championships in multiple events.

Especially the most important "Strongest Hero Ranking Tournament" and "Battle Team Competition", Daliang's participation will definitely make these two events more intense and beautiful.

But...they were all rejected by Daliang.

Now just chasing a few large-scale plot missions has already made Daliang very busy, and participating in "The Strongest Hero"... training and competition are very time-consuming. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Daliang, who has not learned the shadow clone technique, can only give up participating in the competition and concentrate on his own plot tasks.

Daliang abandoned the competition, and the task of leading the team fell to Shu Xiao's game ID Suiyue. Shu Xiao has been preparing for the competition these days. He participates in team training, improves his personal level, learns higher skills, buys equipment, and leads the team to fight aerial battles at sea from time to time. He is also very busy.

Tonight is the first day of the "Strongest Hero" competition. Daliang promised Shu Xiao that he would go to the competition venue to cheer her on. Fortunately, the battle in Thorny River City went very smoothly. Ingram's cooperation with the seal saved a lot of time, allowing Da Liang to not only exit the game in time, but also have time to take a shower, shave, and clean up his personal image.

Then go out.

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