Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1221 Mobilization

Daliang and Joyce established a commitment.

Plans to build an empire were launched.

This is not a matter of slogans, nor is it a goal that can be achieved in one or two wars. An empire not only needs a vast territory and strong military power, but also needs the recognition of the city-states of the main world.

There are many things that need to be done, but Shangjiang has not even taken the first step.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door from the palace attendant, and Daliang and Joyce took a step back from each other in shock.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Duke, the three clan leaders asked if they can continue the unfinished meeting."

Joyce arranged her hair and said loudly: "Go and tell the three clan leaders that Duke Daliang and I have finished talking and will go to the conference room soon."

The attendant agreed and left.

At this time, there was a little less grudge between the monarch and his ministers in the study, and a little more sweetness between hearts.

After a while, Joyce pulled his hair into a bun, and then said: "If we are going to war with the Magical Realm, and a full-scale war may break out, who do you think is qualified to be the commander-in-chief of the Five Color Flag Alliance Army?

There is no candidate in Shangjiang who has experience in commanding a war of this scale. The Purple Shirt Clan Chief, the Red Baker Clan Chief, and the Amber Clan Chief do not seem to have the ability to command, and they have to be stationed in their respective lairs to protect their obelisks, which cannot last long Stay on the battlefield in the main plane.

As you said, our Five-Color Flag Alliance lacks war experience, and now we can't even find a candidate to be the commander-in-chief.

If only King Howard were here...

What do you think about letting Duke Joshua lead the army? "

Howard is now running his Despair City in Hell. Under the pressure of Cloud City, he has no energy to take care of Shangjiang's affairs. Besides, if Howard came to Shangjiang, Joyce would probably abdicate immediately.

Who will lead the Five Color Flag Alliance's army to start a war with the Magical Realm has become a big problem.

Daliang put the crown back on Joyce, and then the two of them left the study together and headed to the conference room to discuss the candidates to lead the army.

Duke Joshua is undoubtedly a qualified commander that Shangjiang can provide besides Howard. But to fight a plane-level war, Duke Joshua will inevitably not make people feel at ease. He still needs to learn before he can lead the army alone.

Along the way, Daliang and Joyce discussed several more candidates, such as Marquis Stanley... I felt they were not as good as Joshua.

Back in the conference room, Joyce's agreement allowed the plan to expand the war against the Magic Realm to be adopted by the Five-Colored Flag Alliance. Next, the three dragon clan chiefs followed Daliang and Joyce, and they had a headache about who would lead the troops.

The Poison Dragon Clan is too young; the only big scene the Crystal Dragon has ever experienced was being driven out of the Crystal Mine by Yunzhong City; the Purple Dragon has experienced several plane wars, but they are a spell-casting race and cannot command troops to fight, especially in the face of With such a powerful enemy in the magical realm, the purple-shirted clan leader didn't feel confident at all.

Holy Bella?

She is a very pure battle angel. If her commanding ability was also very outstanding, she would never have achieved what she has achieved today.

Alas, it is true that an army of thousands is easy to obtain, but a general is difficult to find.

The five main allies of the Five Color Flag Alliance finally discovered their shortcomings, and at the same time they felt a deep sense of crisis.

However, Daliang suddenly had an idea and said with a smile: "I thought of a very suitable commander-in-chief..."

Joyce immediately asked, "Who is it?"

Daliang smiled and said: "The leader of the dwarves...the king of the hill."

After hearing Daliang say "King of the Hill", the three dragon clan leaders suddenly smiled, and Joyce also showed an intimate and appreciative smile to Daliang.

The King of the Hill was originally one of the seven 16th-level heroes of the Magical Realm, and he knew the Magical Realm very well. Recently, he commanded the dwarf independence movement in the Magical Realm. Although it was eventually suppressed by the elves, it was not a mistake in command, but simply because the difference in comprehensive strength between the dwarves and the elves was too great.

Even with such a comparison in strength, he still blocked the attacking elf army from the mountainous area where Black Iron City was located during the Black Iron City War. If it hadn't been for an elf army that ventured through the plane rift area and suddenly appeared near Black Iron City, it was still unknown when this war would end.

The King of the Mountain is a very powerful commander-in-chief hero. He has shown excellent commanding skills in all previous plane wars. There will be absolutely no problem with him commanding the troops of the Five Color Flag Alliance to attack the magical realm.

After Daliang's reminder, everyone finally remembered that the Five-Color Flag Alliance had added an ally, and everyone had no objections to the King of the Hill becoming the commander-in-chief of the Five-Color Flag Alliance's army.

After discussing several issues regarding the cooperation of all parties in this war, the main alliance meeting of the Five Color Flag Alliance convened by Daliang came to an end for the time being.

Next, the Five Color Flag Alliance began war mobilization.

As Shangjiang took the initiative to initiate the war, Joyce ordered the seven subordinate cities under his command to immediately gather their own troops and prepare to cooperate with the military operations of the Shangjiang human army.

At the same time, in the name of Shangjiang Sea King, Joyce issued ultimatums to other border cities in cities that avoided the control of the magical realm, requiring the city lords of these cities to go to the Shangjiang Palace within a time limit and pledge allegiance to King Joyce. King Joyce will retain the internal aristocracy of all surrendered cities, and the city lords will continue to manage their own cities.

Cities that do not surrender within the time limit will face the attack of Shangjiang's army. Once the city is broken, all the nobles will be demoted to civilians, and all the city's noble properties will be taken over by the Shangjiang royal family. King Joyce will entrust them to soldiers who have made military achievements.

Shangjiang entered a state of war, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Marquis Wilson, waved bundles of Shangjiang war bonds to purchase war supplies from all over the world. The massive demand for materials has greatly stimulated the weak main world trade market. Merchants drove merchant ships loaded with goods from various ports to Shangjiang Port.

Groups of troops from Shangjiang Vice City gathered along the newly repaired road and faced the wilderness on the outskirts of Shangjiang from all sides.

The Angel Legion and Griffins filled the sky. All kinds of battleships in the military port set sail under the leadership of the battleships. The Sovereign led the aerospace fleet into the land.

All the mage towers in the city are activated to provide defense for the city and interfere with the space energy in the entire Shangjiang area.

The three major dragon clans of the Five-Color Flag Alliance actively responded to the war horn sounded by Shangjiang. The portals opened frequently over Shangjiang City, transferring purple dragons, crystal dragons, and poisonous dragons to the army of the Five-Color Flag Alliance that was being established.

The appearance of Holy Bella pushed the morale of the Five Color Flag Alliance army to a peak.

Shangjiang showed off his muscles to the surrounding city-states, and at the same time exerted pressure on the surrounding Magic Realm armies.

At this time, Daliang has arrived in Obsidian City.

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