Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1232 Notification

Moore has always been immersed in the achievements he made in Obsidian City. The fact that a black elf tribe can be scared to move just by its name can be seen to what extent Moore's dominance within Obsidian City has reached.

Therefore, Moore was full of resentment towards the Black Elves for conquering his city. He did not want to believe the fact that he was defeated by a race that was like a grasshopper. He subconsciously found various excuses for himself, believing that the failure of Obsidian City was not his own. The fault was entirely due to the betrayal of the dwarves.

Because the dwarves did not warn themselves, the black elves raided Obsidian City and caused everything.

But this time Daliang gave Moore a heads-up, which made Moore suddenly realize: "Why are the dwarves who are focused on resisting the elves' attack in Black Iron City able to see that the black elves have the intention and ability to attack Obsidian City? As the city lord of Obsidian City, But you don’t know anything about it?”

It is impossible for the Black Elf army to gather and mobilize quietly... And just like a pride of lions seeing a flock of sheep gathering in the distance, lions who are used to hunting sheep are unaware of the purpose of the gathering of sheep. To kill himself.

It was entirely due to blind arrogance and confidence that Moore did not realize that there was a subversive deficit in the strength of Obsidian City and the Black Elves. At that time, he was still immersed in his achievements in expelling the black elves with his name. Even if someone told him that the black elves were coming to attack Obsidian City, he would probably regard it as a worrying joke.

The dwarves did nothing wrong in the Obsidian City War. They protected their race from being wiped out by the elves, and helped the Iron Heel Kingdom block the invasion of the black elves into the hinterland of the kingdom.

If there were no dwarves, then...

Moore knew that he must have died in Obsidian City. At that time, it was not just a matter of losing the city. Once a 16th-level black elf entered the Iron Heel Kingdom, the appeal she generated within the black elf race was enough to In a short time, an army was gathered that could threaten the rule of the Song King.

Without the dwarves, the Ironhoof Kingdom would now face dual attacks from the Black Elves and World Factory, and would have been overwhelmed by the flames of war.

After figuring out his obsession, Moore woke up from his thoughts with a burst of fear. Then he saw that he was the only one left under the tomahawk statue. Da Liang and his entourage had left without knowing when, and the entire square was still there. Guarded by guards, it was deserted.

Moore rearranged the smock that Daliang had given him, lowered his hood to completely cover his appearance, and then ordered the guards: "I have some matters that require me to go to Obsidian City alone, and you are not allowed to follow me..."

Because of Moore, Daliang suspended negotiations in Xianggu City. Anyway, the dwarves haven't even repaired Obsidian City, so they can't make use of so many torch towers for them.

In Shangjiang City, the troops of the Five Color Flag Alliance are still in the preparation stage. Waging war against a magical realm is not a small fight in the past. The army needs to be reorganized according to the functions of each department, and logistics needs to mobilize materials for overall management. The Alliance has formed a team of commanders in Shangjiang City. The King of the Hill officially took over the command of this army. Duke Joshua of Shangjiang was appointed as the deputy of the King of the Hill, mainly responsible for connecting Shangjiang and the Alliance. The connection between armies, management of logistics and scheduling, and learning how to fight plane wars.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance gathered troops in Shangjiang and shocked the whole world. As the ultimatum issued by Joyce spread in a radiating line to surrounding city-states, those who were either afraid of the strength of the Five-Color Flag Alliance or wanted to accept the protection of the Five-Color Flag Alliance The city-states surrendered to King Joyce one after another.

In a short period of time, more than ten city-states and more than a hundred cities were included in the territory of Shangjiang.

These city-states formed a counter-siege situation against the Magic Realm army that surrounded Shangjiang City.

The aggressive posture of the Five-Color Flag Alliance quickly stimulated the Magical Realm, but the Magical Realm did not expect the Five-Colored Flag Alliance's next move...even more shocking!

The Five-Color Flag Alliance announced to the world...that the dwarves are an independent race.

The Magic Realm had just ended the Black Iron City War, and the elves announced that they had put down the dwarf rebellion. The Five Color Flag Alliance's announcement of establishing diplomatic relations with the dwarves at this time is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the elves.

But this was not the end. After being the first to recognize the independence of the dwarves, the Five-Color Flag Alliance then released a blockbuster: Obsidian City, ruled by the dwarves, joined the Five-Color Flag Alliance as a secondary ally.

Then, before the world had time to consume the news, Five Color Flag announced several alliance resolutions one after another.

The Five-Colored Flag Alliance condemned the unreasonable act of the Magic Realm in imposing a blockade on Shangjiang City, the alliance's main ally, and publicly stated that it would launch a series of retaliatory actions against the Magic Realm.

The Five Color Flag Alliance's war against the Magical Realm was completely forced to counterattack, and had nothing to do with the camp's position. The Five-Color Flag Alliance still maintains its neutral position, but neutrality does not mean that the Five-Color Flag Alliance will not retaliate against violations.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance hopes that all parties will exercise restraint. This is a private enmity between the Five-Color Flag Alliance and the Magic Realm. They do not want unrelated planes to intervene in the war and aggravate the situation.

Under any circumstances, the Five Color Flag Alliance welcomes envoys from the Magic Realm to come to Shangjiang for peace talks. However, Magic Realm must publicly apologize to Shangjiang City to the entire world, and promise not to make such a visionless mistake again, and will actively make due compensation for Shangjiang City's losses.

The Five Color Flag Alliance hopes that the good camp and the evil camp will actively engage in dialogue. War will not help resolve conflicts.

The Five-Colored Flag Alliance appointed the King of the Hill as the commander-in-chief of the Shangjiang Alliance Army, with full authority to retaliate against the Magical Realm.

The Five Color Flag Alliance is going to blow up the whole world this time!

After the Five Color Flag Alliance appointed the King of the Hill as the commander-in-chief of the alliance army, everyone who heard the news felt a chill running down their backs.

The Magic Realm was in chaos after receiving these announcements.

What does the Five Color Flag Alliance want to do? Aren't they always watching the good camp and the evil camp fighting in order to profit from it? Why haven't the good camp and the evil camp really come to terms with each other? The Five-Colored Flag Alliance took off its clothes and prepared to go into battle shirtless... and appointed the King of the Hill as its commander, making it clear that it would fight the magical realm to the death.

What good does this do to the Five Color Flag Alliance!

The Magic Realm didn't know how a small move of its own around Shangjiang City would trigger a crazy counterattack from the Five Color Flag Alliance. But they knew that the magical realm, which had just experienced the Black Iron City War and had not yet fully recovered from the dwarf rebellion, would face greater difficulties.

The troops of the Five Color Flag Alliance are ready, and the Magical Realm is also hurriedly preparing to face the battle. A supreme angel came to Shangjiang City with the Yunzhong City envoy, trying to mediate the conflict between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Magical Realm.

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